X. De Cabo
Experimental values of the UV index during 2000 at two locations in Mediterranean Spain
During the past 2 years automatic measurements of UVB solar irradiance have been made sstematically at ground level at a number of points in Spain. Values for both the ultraviolet erythemal radiation and the ultraviolet index (UVI) have been obtained from these measurements. In this paper we present a first analysis of these values for two locations on the Spanish Mediterranean coast—Valencia and Barcelona—an area where a large part of the summer tourism of the country is concentrated. During the summer the UVI only reached ten on three occasions, though a value of nine was reached repeatedly (both classified as extreme risk by the World Health Organization). It has been shown that, in 90% …
The UV Index on the Spanish Mediterranean Coast¶
An analysis is made of measured ultraviolet erythemal solar radiation (UVER) data recorded during the year 2003 by the networks of the Catalan Weather Service and the Environment Department of Valencia (both on the Spanish Mediterranean coast). Results show a latitudinal variation at sea level, of 3-4% per degree and an increase with altitude of 10% per km. Based on these data the UV Index has been evaluated for the measuring stations. The maximum experimental value of the UV Index was around 9 during the summer, although higher values were recorded at two stations, one at the highest elevation and the other at the lowest latitude. The annual accumulated doses of irradiation on a horizontal…
Determination of Minimal Erythema Dose and Anomalous Reactions to UVA Radiation by Skin Phototype
Background: Phototesting is a technique that assesses the skin’s sensitivity to UV radiation by determining the smallest dose of radiation capable of inducing erythema (minimal erythema dose [MED]) and anomalous responses to UV-A radiation. No phototesting protocol guidelines have been published to date. Methodology: This was a multicenter prospective cohort study in which 232 healthy volunteers were recruited at 9 hospitals. Phototests were carried out with solar simulators or fluorescent broadband UV-B lamps. Each individual received a total of 5 or 6 incremental doses of erythemal radiation and 4 doses of UV-A radiation. The results were read at 24 hours. Results: At hospitals where sola…
Determinación de la dosis eritemática mínima y reacciones anómalas a radiación ultravioleta A según fototipo
Resumen Antecedentes La tecnica del fototest evalua la sensibilidad de la piel a la radiacion ultravioleta (RUV) mediante la determinacion de la minima dosis de radiacion capaz de producir eritema (dosis minima eritematica [DEM]) y la respuesta anomala a UVA. No existen guias protocolizadas para la tecnica del fototest. Metodologia Estudio multicentrico de cohortes prospectivo. Un total de 232 voluntarios sanos fueron reclutados en 9 centros hospitalarios. El fototest se realizo con simuladores solares (SS) o lamparas fluorescentes de UVB de banda ancha (UVBBA). Cada sujeto recibio un total de 5 o 6 dosis progresivas de radiacion eritematica y 4 dosis de UVA. La lectura se realizo a las 24 …
Intercomparison of spectroradiometers and Sun photometers for the determination of the aerosol optical depth during the VELETA-2002 field campaign
In July 2002 the VELETA-2002 field campaign was held in Sierra Nevada (Granada) in the south of Spain. The main objectives of this field campaign were the study of the influence of elevation and atmospheric aerosols on measured UV radiation. In the first stage of the field campaign, a common calibration and intercomparison between Licor-1800 spectroradiometers and Cimel-318 Sun photometers was performed in order to assess the quality of the measurements from the whole campaign. The intercomparison of the Licor spectroradiometers showed, for both direct and global irradiances, that when the comparisons were restricted to the visible part of the spectrum the deviations were within the instrum…
Altitude effect in UV radiation during the Evaluation of the Effects of Elevation and Aerosols on the Ultraviolet Radiation 2002 (VELETA-2002) field campaign
[1] The Evaluation of the Effects of Elevation and Aerosols on the Ultraviolet Radiation 2002 (VELETA-2002) field campaign was designed to study the influence of aerosols and altitude on solar UV irradiance. The altitude effect (AE) was evaluated for UV irradiance under cloudless conditions by taking spectral and broadband measurements in SE Spain in the summer of 2002 at three nearby sites located at different heights (680 m, 2200 m, and 3398 m). A spectral radiative transfer model (Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART)) was also applied, mainly to evaluate the tropospheric ozone impact on AE. Results are related to the optical properties and air mass origin of the a…