Gabriella Argento

I minori stranieri non accompagnati nei Centri di Istruzione per gli Adulti in Sicilia

Per i Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati (d'ora in avanti MSNA), l’apprendimento della lingua italiana diventa lo snodo attraverso cui accedere a tutela, diritti, partecipazione. I bisogni formativi dei MSNA sono stati oggetto di una ricerca che si è proposta di definirne i profili socio-linguistici, attraverso una ricognizione delle competenze linguistiche, delle condizioni familiari e sociali di partenza e delle condizioni di accoglienza in Italia, a partire dai quali tracciare percorsi possibili per massimizzare l’offerta formativa ad essi rivolta. Una particolare attenzione è stata data ai LESLLA (Low Educated Second Language and Literacy Acquisition), individui a bassa o bassissima scol…

research product

Unaccompanied minors in Sicily: promoting conceptualizations of child well-being through children’s own subjective realities

Understanding unaccompanied minors’ (UAMs’) individual migration journeys and aspirations and hopes helps make sense of the meaning they ascribe to their personal and social reality in their quest for integration and mobility. Although the well-being of children is considered to be of the utmost importance in contemporary times, we still lack good evidence of what children themselves regard as key facets of this, from their own life experiences. Identifying different domains and dimensions of children’s well-being and touching upon its multifaceted nature, this study presents an alternative framework, showing how the quality of the reception path is fundamental to having successful results …

research product

Los menores extranjeros no acompañados en Italia: puntos críticos en la integración entre políticas nacionales y intervenciones locales

Unaccompanied foreign minors (or UAM) constitute a specific subgroup, in terms of characteristics and legal conditions, of users of social services. The increase of their presence, beyond representing the obvious sign of a transformation of Italy into a country of immigration (at least from a "numerical" point of view), demands a global reflection and reorganization of the Welfare Systems. In response, in recent years Italy has implemented a reception system, developing at the same time a specific regulation on the protection of unaccompanied minors, which resembles its situation to that of other protected minors in the national territory. In past years, the services present in the territor…

research product

Educational requirements and skills for social inclusion: the CPIA 189 resources for unaccompanied migrant minors

The work hypothesis of the paper is a correlation between language proficiency and social inclusion. From the alphabetization to the Italian language and prospects of social inclusion, the survey conducted in Sicily in 2017, analyses educational needs by interviewing 503 unaccompanied migrant minors (UAM) attending the CPIA in the whole Sicily. By analysing linguistic skills, family, social conditions of departure and permanence in Italy, the research defines the main socio-linguistic profiles and possible paths for training offer and services addressed to UAMs, as key points to start a process of inclusion that transforms in resource what is instead is seen as a problem.

research product