A. Knipper
Postersitzung 9: Therapeutische Alternativen beim Harnleiterstein
In der heutigen Therapie des Harnleitersteines dominiert eindeutig die ESWL. Bei erfolgloser ESWL oder bei speziellen Indikationen wie grose obere Harnleitersteine oder Steine in Projektion auf die Ileosacralfuge kommen die endourologischen Masnahmen zum Tragen. Die Indikationsbreite fur den Einsatz einer Schlinge ist insbesondere wegen der Gefahr der aufsteigenden Infekte nur noch sehr gering. Da selbst bei anatomischen Veranderungen diese haufig durch endourologische Masnahmen beseitigt werden konnen, steht die offene Schnittoperation im Rahmen der Therapie des Harnleitersteines an letzter Stelle.
Intruder features in the island of inversion: The case of33Mg
The Na-33 beta decay was studied online using mass separation techniques and a first description of the level structure of the neutron-rich isotope Mg-33, with N=21, has been obtained. The experiment involved the measurement of beta-gamma, beta-gamma-gamma, and beta -n-gamma coincidences as well as neutron spectra by time-of-flight technique. The first low energy level scheme for the daughter nucleus Mg-33 is given with five bound states. Spin and parity assignments are proposed according to beta feedings and gamma -ray multipolarities, beta -strength distribution is evaluated, taking into account 1n- and 2n-emission channels and it is compared with the calculated GT strength distribution. …
Beta decay of $^{61}$Ga
The β decay of 61Ga to its mirror nucleus 61Zn has been measured for the first time by using on-line mass separation and β-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy. The observed decay strength to the ground state implies superallowed character in accordance with the systematics of the mirror decays in the sd and fp shell. The β feedings observed to four excited states in 61Zn are consistent with earlier spin-parity assignments based on in-beam experiments. The ground-state spin and parity for 61Ga were determined to be 3/2−.
Spectroscopy of34,35Sibyβdecay:sd−fpshell gap and single-particle states
Beta-delayed neutron decay of 33Na
Abstract Beta-delayed neutron decay of 33 Na has been studied using the on-line mass separator ISOLDE. The delayed neutron spectra were measured by time-of-flight technique using fast scintillators. Two main neutron groups at 800(60) and 1020(80) keV were assigned to the 33 Na decay, showing evidence for strong feeding of states at about 4 MeV in 33 Mg. By simultaneous β–γ–n counting the delayed neutron emission probabilities P 1n =47(6)% and P 2n =13(3)% were determined. The half-life value for 33 Na, T 1/2 =8.0(3) ms , was measured by three different techniques, one employing identifying gamma transitions and two employing beta and neutron counting.
Intruder features in the island of inversion : The 33Mg case
The 33 Na β decay was studied online using mass separation techniques and a first description of the level structure of the neutron-rich isotope 33 Mg , with N = 21 , has been obtained. The experiment involved the measurement of β-γ, β-γ-γ, and β − n − γ coincidences as well as neutron spectra by time-of-flight technique. The first low energy level scheme for the daughter nucleus 33 Mg is given with five bound states. Spin and parity assignments are proposed according to β feedings and γ-ray multipolarities. β-strength distribution is evaluated, taking into account 1 n - and 2 n -emission channels and it is compared with the calculated GT strength distribution. In particular, the 1 p − 1 h …
A step further in the A = 33−35, N ≃ 21, island of inversion: the structure of 33Mg
Experimental indications have been found in the seventies for the deformation of neutron-rich A ≃ 32 nuclei [1]. This could be explained by Hartree-Fock calculations, predicting deformed configurations in the ground state of nuclei in the A = 33−35, N ≃ 21 mass region. This exotic region, called the island of inversion [2], knows a renewed interest since it can be now experimentally accessible for detailed studies.
Studying exotic nuclides close to the N = Z line at the HIGISOL facility
The ion guide [1, 2] for heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions (HIGISOL) which was developed by Beraud et al. [3] has been implemented at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla [4]. This system was modified over the past 5 years. Figure 1 shows the present set-up. The HIGISOL takes advantage of the different angular distributions of primary beam and reaction products: the primary beam is stopped in front of the stopping chamber and the reaction products enter the stopping chamber through a thin foil passing the beam stop. This so called “shadow” method removes the plasma effect since the primary beam is not ionising the stopping gas. In order to improve ion optical properties, mainly to reduce t…
Beta-decay half-lives of $^{70}$Kr and $^{74}$Rb
Abstract Beta-decay half-lives of two nuclei close to N = Z line, 70 Kr and 74 Rb, have been measured at the ISOLDE mass-separator facility at CERN. Importance of these half-lives on two ingredients explaining existence and development of the Universe, the astrophysical nucleosynthesis and the Standard Model, are discussed.
Single-Neutron States inS133n
The location of several single-neutron states in ${}^{133}\mathrm{Sn}$ has been identified. The ${p}_{3/2}$, ${h}_{9/2}$, and ${f}_{5/2}$ states were found at 853.7, 1560.9, and 2004.6 keV, respectively, by measuring $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays in coincidence with delayed neutrons following the decay of ${}^{134}\mathrm{In}$. Crucial for obtaining the new data were the improved yields at the mass-separator facility ISOLDE-PSB at CERN. A semiempirically adjusted Woods-Saxon calculation, based on parameters from the Pb region and normalized on the mass data at ${}^{132}\mathrm{Sn}$, reproduces the new single particle energies with good precision.
β-decay half-life of70Kr: A bridge nuclide for therpprocess beyondA=70
The -decay half-life of 70 Kr has been measured for the first time at the ISOLDE PSB Facility at CERN. Mass separated 70 Kr ions were produced by 1 GeV proton induced spallation reactions in a Nb foil. The measured half-life is 57(21) ms. This value is consistent with the half-life calculated assuming a pure Fermi decay, but is clearly lower than the value used in a recent rp-process reaction flow calculation. The result shows that the reaction flow via two-proton-capture of 68 Se is 2.5 times faster than previously calculated assuming an astrophysical temperature of 1.5 GK and a density of 10 6 g/cm 3 .
Beta-decay half-lives at the N = 28 shell closure
Abstract Measurements of the beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei (MgAr) in the vicinity of the N =28 shell closure are reported. Some 22 half-lives have been determined, 12 of which for the first time. Particular emphasis is placed on the results for the Si isotopes, the half-lives of which have been extended from N =25 to 28. Comparison with QRPA calculations suggests that 42 Si is strongly deformed. This is discussed in the light of a possible weakening of the spin–orbit potential.
Spectroscopy of 34,35Si by beta decay : sd-fp shell gap and single-particle states
The 34,35Al b decays have been studied at the CERN online mass separator ISOLDE by b-g, b-g-g, and b-n-g measurements in order to corroborate the low-level description of 34Si and to obtain the first information on the level structure of the N521 isotope 35Si. Earlier observed g lines in 34Al decay were confirmed and new g transitions following both b decay and b-delayed neutron emission have been established. The first level scheme of 35Si includes three excited states at 910, 974, and 2168 keV. Indication is found for Jp 5(3/2)2 and (3/2)1 for the first two excited states, respectively. Beta-decay half-life of T1/2538.6(4) ms and b-delayed neutron branching value Pn541(13)% were measured …
$\beta$ - decay of the M$_{T}$=-1 nucleus $^{58}$Zn studied by selective laser ionization
$\beta$ - decay of $^{58}$Zn has been studied for the first time. A new laser ion-source concept has been used to produce mass-separated sources for $\beta$ and $\gamma$ - spectroscopy. The half-life of $^{58}$Zn was determined to be 86(18) ms. Comparisons are made with previous data from charge-exchange reactions. Our Gamow-Teller strength to the 1$^{+}$ state at 1051 keV excitation in $^{58}$Cu agrees well with the value extracted from a recent ($^{3}$He, t) study. Extensive shell-model calculations are presented.
Laser — Klinische Anwendung
Der Neodym-YAG-Laser mit einer Emissionswellenlange von 1,06 μm besitzt eine hohe Penetrationstiefe ins Gewebe von ca. 5 mm mit einem homogenen Koagulationssaum. Bereits 1973 wurden von Mussiggang u. Mitarb. [3] Hautschnitte und Resektionen an Nieren, Leber und Milz im Tierversuch durchgefuhrt, die jedoch offensichtlich wegen der damals zur Verfugung stehenden Laserleistung von nur ca. 50 Watt nicht uberzeugend verliefen. Nach dem nunmehr der Neodym-YAG-Laser in der Urologie (insbesondere in der Behandlung des Blasentumorleidens und bei pathologischen Veranderungen am auseren Genitale) und anderen Fachdisziplinen nach Verbesserung des Instrumentariums und einer hoheren Leistung bei zahlreic…
Isomeric state of 80Y and its role in the rp-process
The HIGISOL facility has been used to investigate carefully the isomeric transition 228.5 keV in 80Y. We have measured the electron internal conversion coefficient for this transition αK = 0.50 ± 0.07 which gives the value for half-life of “bare” isomeric state T 1/2 = 6.8 ± 0.5 s. The isomeric state should play an important role in the rp-process calculations.
Study of the neutron-rich nuclei with $N$ = 21, $^{35}$Si and $^{33}$Mg, by beta decay of $^{35}$Al and $^{33}$Na
Abstract The first information on the level structure of the N =21 nuclei, 35 Si and 33 Mg, has been obtained by the beta decay study of 35 Al and 33 Na, produced by fragmentation of an UC target with 1.4 GeV protons at CERN/ISOLDE. The experimental technique involved β – γ , β – γ – γ , and β –n– γ coincidences, neutron spectra being obtained by time of flight measurements. Gamma detection was made either using large Ge counters or small BaF 2 scintillators (for lifetime measurements). In the case of the 35 Al decay, ( T 1/2 =41.6(2.2) ms), a simple structure has been found for the level scheme of 35 Si ( Z =14, N =21) which has been interpreted with the level sequence : 7/2 − , 3/2 − and …
Beta-decay of 56Cu
Beta-decay studies of proton-rich isotopes near the doubly closed-shell nucleus 56Ni are of interest as (i) nuclei with a few nucleons outside a doubly-magic core are expected to represent comparatively simple configurations and thus be useful for testing nuclear shell-model predictions, and (ii) the large decay-energy window guarantees that a sizeable fraction of the strength of the allowed β-decay can be reached by the experiment. Moreover, nuclear structure properties of proton-rich N ~ Z isotopes are of astrophysical interest, e.g., concerning the EC cooling of supernovae and the astrophysical rp-process.
Ground-state spin of 59Mn
Beta decay of $^{59}$Mn has been studied at PSB-ISOLDE, CERN. The intense and pure Mn beam was produced using the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS). Based on the measured $\beta$-decay rates the ground-state spin and parity are proposed to be $J^{\pi}$ = 5/2$^{-}$. This result is consistent with the systematic trend of the odd-A Mn nuclei and extends the systematics one step further towards the neutron drip line.
Non-analog β decay of 74Rb
The magnitude of the Coulomb mixing parameter δ 1 has been experimentally deduced, for the first time, for the β decay of 74 Rb. The estimated magnitude is derived from the feeding of the non-analog first excited 0 + state in 74 Kr. The inferred upper limit of 0.07% is small compared to theoretical predictions. The half-life was measured to be 64.90(9) ms. 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Isomeric state of $^{80}$Y and its role in the astrophysical rp-process
5 pages, 7 figures.-- PACS nrs: 21.10.Tg; 23.20.Nx; 27.50.+e.