Kirsten Isabel Zepf
Sterben in Rheinland-Pfalz: Gewünschter und tatsächlicher Sterbeort
In Deutschland existieren bisher keine offiziellen Statistiken, die Angaben zu den Sterbeorten enthalten. Das Ziel der Studie bestand darin, den tatsachlichen und den gewunschten Sterbeort von Menschen, die im Jahr 2008 in Rheinland-Pfalz gestorben waren, deskriptiv zu bestimmen. Daruber hinaus sollten Einflussfaktoren fur einen Tod zu Hause vs. Tod in einer Institution identifiziert werden. Die Querschnittstudie basierte auf einer Zufallsstichprobe von 5 000 Einwohnern in Rheinland-Pfalz, die zwischen Mai und August 2008 verstarben. Die Hinterbliebenen dieser Verstorbenen erhielten einen Fragebogen, der sowohl soziodemografische wie gesundheitsspezifische Aspekte behandelte. Nach Entfernun…
Preference for place of death in Germany.
Dying in the preferred place is considered a key requirement for a "good death." The aims of our study were to explore preferred places of death of deceased people and their bereaved relatives in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany). We further wanted to assess the congruence between preferred and actual place of death.The cross-sectional study was based on a random sample of 5000 inhabitants of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) who died between May 25 and August 24, 2008. Relatives of these deceased persons were interviewed by a written survey.After removing duplicates, 4967 questionnaires were sent out, 3832 delivered, and 1378 completed, yielding a response rate of 36.0%. Regarding the deceased, …
Commuting Accidents in the German Chemical Industry
Due to accident severity and the extent of claim payments commuting accidents are a significant expense factor in the German industry. Therefore the aim of the present study was the identification of risk factors for commuting accidents in a German chemical company. A retrospective analysis of commuting accidents recorded between 1990 and 2003 was conducted in a major chemical company in Germany. A logistic regression-model was calculated in order to determine factors influencing the duration of work inability as a result of commuting accidents. The analysed data included 5,484 employees with commuting accidents. Cars (33.1%) and bicycles (30.5%) were the most common types of vehicles used …
Dying in Germany--unfulfilled needs of relatives in different care settings.
Abstract Context The integration of family members in the dying process and the recognition of their special needs are important factors for the development of high-quality palliative care. Objectives This study aimed to explore important needs and personal experiences of relatives at the end of life, and to detect differences in these needs and experiences for various care settings. Methods Our cross-sectional survey was based on a random sampling of 5000 inhabitants of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) who died between May 25 and August 24, 2008. Relatives of these randomly drawn deceased persons were interviewed by a written survey. Results A total of 1378 questionnaires were completed (res…
Symptom prevalence in the last days of life in Germany: the role of place of death.
Investigations have shown that symptom prevalence varies according to the place of death. We sought to assess the symptom prevalence of chronically ill people in Germany and how this prevalence differs depending on the place of death. We sent questionnaires to 5000 bereaved people in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany), whose relatives died between May 25 and August 24, 2008. In all, 3832 questionnaires were delivered and 1378 completed (response 36.0%). Most decedents had moderate-to-severe weakness (94.5%), fatigue (93.5%), need for help in daily activities (87.9%), and appetite loss (87.4%). Pain and dyspnea were most severe in hospitals; fatigue, confusion/disorientation, and problems with w…
Comparisons of Musculoskeletal Complaints and Data Entry Between a Sitting and a Sit-Stand Workstation Paradigm
Background: Seated working positions are often regarded as a cause for discomfort in the musculoskeletal system. Performing work in different working positions—that is, alternating between sitting and standing (sit-stand workstation paradigm)—could help reduce physical complaints. Objective: The questions were whether performing office work partly in a standing position leads to reduced complaints and whether standing would change the efficiency of data entry office work. Method: We investigated the effect of a sit-stand workstation paradigmd during experimental data entry office work on physical and psychological complaints and data entry efficiency by conducting a randomized controlled t…
Dying With Dementia
Advanced dementia is increasingly being regarded as a terminal disease (1, 2). Studies in English-speaking countries have led to the conclusion that the palliative care of patients with dementia at the end of their lives is now inadequately adapted to their special needs, not only for those dying at home, but also for those dying in hospitals and nursing homes (3, 4). Insufficient symptom control, failure to recognize that the patient is dying, and unnecessary and stressful interventions such as artificial nutrition or physical restraints are common (5, 6). Most of the pertinent studies in Germany have looked only at the symptom burden of persons dying of cancer in palliative care facilitie…