Agile methodologies in times of pandemic: acquisition of employment skills in higher education
PurposeThis research aims to focus on analysing the opinion of university students on the effects that agile methodologies are having on their education during this time of pandemic that is affecting the normal functioning of on-site universities. Specifically, the authors intend to analyse the effect that different constructs have on the development of their skills for labour markets through the application of agile methodologies in blended learning. Thus, the authors will analyse the effects of intrinsic motivation, the interactivity of the system, the involvement of students, their engagement to these activities and their level of satisfaction with this training process.Design/methodolog…
Planificación de la visita de venta y rendimiento individual del vendedor
La relación entre las acciones llevadas a cabo por los vendedores y los resultados obtenidos por los mismos en el desarrollo de sus actividades es vital para las empresas. Por ello, el presente estudio analiza el efecto que sobre el rendimiento individual del vendedor tienen, en opinión de 107 jefes de equipos de venta, diferentes aspectos comportamentales que los vendedores pueden gestionar en el desarrollo de su trabajo. En concreto, se analiza el efecto del conocimiento técnico y de la planificación de las visitas. The relationship between the actions carried out by the salespersons and the outcome performance obtained by them in the development of their activities is vital for companies…
Rendimiento y control de la fuerza de ventas
Metodología flipped classroom en la enseñanza universitaria
Pese a los cambios acontecidos en los hábitos y comportamiento de los estudiantes del siglo XXI en términos de interactividad y flexibilidad, en el ámbito universitario sigue predominando la metodología tradicional de clase magistral, por lo que es necesario profundizar tanto en la aplicación de nuevas metodologías como en la valoración de los alumnos sobre la utilidad de las mismas. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en analizar la aplicación de la metodología flipped classroom. Para poder alcanzar el objetivo previsto, se ha trabajado con diferentes grupos de alumnos a través de dos experiencias, role playing y concurso. Los resultados obtenidos, a partir de …
Healthy Lifestyle and Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Having a healthy lifestyle is one of the main personal goals, and multiple behaviors can be used to achieve this goal. However, people do not always develop appropriate health behaviors. One of the consumption alternatives is the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), which has been increasing significantly in recent years, although not always adequately. This study aimed to determine whether CAM use is associated with a healthy lifestyle in Spanish adults. To achieve these objectives, 2486 adults were interviewed as part of the 2018 Barometer of the Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas about their lifestyle and CAM use. The findings show a relationship between healthy lifes…
Product Placement in Video Games
Organizations look for new ways of communication as traditional media is being saturated with advertising messages. One of the alternatives is product placement in video games. This chapter analyses this new communication alternative. Moreover, through an investigation the chapter shows the consequences of placing a brand in this form of electronic entertainment – in the sense of image transfer from the video game to the brand. Specifically, this chapter focuses on the emotions evoked by the video game. Therefore, the present study develops a scale of emotions adapted to the theme of this research. Additionally, this study analyses the differences between types of product placement and thei…