Parrinello N
Biochemical genetic differentiation between Pomatoschistus marmoratus and P. tortonesei
Several diagnostic genetic markers were identified in Pomatoschistus marmoratus and P. tortonesei using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of allozymes. Twenty-one loci were resolved, including the electrophoretic pattern of muscle proteins. The MDH*, PGM1,2*, EST-1,2*, FUM* and PGI-2* loci exhibited different alleles which were fixed for the two species being analysed. Genetic distance, as calculated by Nei's index, showed a value of 0.413. Environmental hypersalinity, could have influenced the geographical distribution of P. tortonesei.
Protein differences among the Mediterranean species of the genus Spicara.
Protein electrophoresis (PAGE) was used to study the three morphologically different species of Spicara (S. flexuosa, S. maena, S. smaris). Of the 28 enzymatic and additional myogenic loci, five monomorphic loci (LDH-1*, G6PD-1*, PGI-1* and two PMMs*) were species-specific markers of S. smaris with respect to S. flexuosa and S. maena. Four of the 28 enzymatic loci were polymorphic (EST-1*, GLDH*, PEPD*, PGI-2*). Discriminating genetic markers were not identified between S. flexuosa and S. maena. Genetic distance (D) as calculated by Nei’s index (1978), between S. smaris v. S. maena and S. flexuosa showed a value, respectively of D=0·137 and 0·141. Between S. flexuosa and S. maena the value …