Timo Mitze
The Covid-19 containment effects of public health measures - A spatial difference-in-differences approach
AbstractSince mid-March 2020 the Federal and state governments in Germany agreed on comprehensive public health measures to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections leading to the Covid-19 disease. We study the containment effects of these policy interventions on the progression of the pandemic in the first containment phase in spring 2020 before the easing of restrictions may become effective by the end of April. To exploit both the temporal and spatial dimension in the dissemination of the virus, we conduct a spatial panel data analysis for German NUTS-3 regions. Specifically, we employ a spatial difference-in-differences approach to identify the effects of six compound sets of public hea…
Face masks considerably reduce COVID-19 cases in Germany
Significance Mitigating the spread of COVID-19 is the objective of most governments. It is of utmost importance to understand how effective various public health measures are. We study the effectiveness of face masks. We employ public regional data about reported severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infections for Germany. As face masks became mandatory at different points in time across German regions, we can compare the rise in infections in regions with masks and regions without masks. Weighing various estimates, we conclude that 20 d after becoming mandatory face masks have reduced the number of new infections by around 45%. As economic costs are close to zero compared to oth…
The Covid-19 containment effects of public health measures:A spatial difference-in-differences approach
Abstract The paper studies the containment effects of public health measures to curb the spread of Covid‐19 during the first wave of the pandemic in spring 2020 in Germany. To identify the effects of six compound sets of public health measures, we employ a spatial difference‐in‐differences approach. We find that contact restrictions, mandatory wearing of face masks and closure of schools substantially contributed to flattening the infection curve. The significance of the impact of restaurant closure does not prove to be robust. No incremental effect is evidenced for closure of establishments and the shutdown of nonessential retail stores.
Is large-scale rapid CoV-2 testing a substitute for lockdowns?
Background Various forms of contact restrictions have been adopted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Around February 2021, rapid testing appeared as a new policy instrument. Some claim it may serve as a substitute for contact restrictions. We study the strength of this argument by evaluating the effects of a unique policy experiment: In March and April 2021, the city of Tübingen set up a testing scheme while relaxing contact restrictions. Methods We compare case rates in Tübingen county to an appropriately identified control unit. We employ the synthetic control method. We base interpretations of our findings on an extended SEIR model. Findings The experiment led to an increase in the …
Testing & Opening in Augustusburg A Success Story?
AbstractThe city of Augustusburg allowed for opening of, inter alia, restaurants and hotels joint with large-scale testing. We evaluate this testing & opening (T&O) experiment by comparing the evolution of case rates in Augustusburg with the evolution in other communities of Saxony. We have access to small-scale SARS-CoV-2 infection data at the community level (” Gemeinde”) instead of the county level (” Landkreis”) usually used for disease surveillance. Despite data challenges, we conclude that T&O did not lead to any increase in case rates in Augustusburg compared to its control county. When we measure the effect of T&O on cumulative cases, we find a small increase in Augu…