Innovation in collaborative design: an exploratory study in hackathon
International audience; Collaborative design is the use of design practices which tend to favor the integration of different experts, and to support creativity and innovation. Therefore, in this study, we were particularly interested in the collaborative design tools used in the specific context of a pedagogical hackathon. During this event, 1310 engineering students mentored by professors and industrial experts worked on around 131 industrial projects. In this article, we will present our study of the tools put in place by the participants of these innovative projects according to their training. Our study is based on a collection of project data. We will show that storyboards are often us…
Les nouvelles technologies au service de l’ergonomie de conception : facteurs de sécurité, de santé et d’efficacité
L’usine du futur presente un fort niveau d’automatisation et neglige souvent l’operateur, la conception de ces systemes de production reste centree sur la technique et ignore souvent les besoins et attentes de ceux qui devront y travailler. Il devient urgent de definir par la demarche ergonomique, une conception centree sur l’homme integrant des connaissances sur le fonctionnement de l’operateur dans les phases d’evaluation du systeme en developpement. S’inspirant des modeles « analyse ergonomique-developpement de produits » suggere par Duchamp (1999) et de conception anthropocentree defini par Sagot et al. (2003), les auteurs proposent une methodologie de conception centree sur le facteur …
Proposal of a Modelling of the Innovation Process in an International Manufacturing Company
Nowadays, to cope with the competition, and to ensure the durability of their activities, companies have to be able to innovate. Manufacturing companies operating in a B2B market often perceive innovation as a technological result. However, innovation is often more characterized as a process. The needs of the users, and not only the technology, can achieve innovation. In this context, our paper intends to determine how to involve better the users in the innovation process of an international manufacturing company, which is, according to us, representative of the current manufacturing companies. The aim of our research paper is to help manufacturing companies to manage innovation led by user…
Proposal of an innovation framework in an international manufacturing company
Nowadays, companies have to innovate to cope with competition. Several types of innovation exist and have been studied for decades by many authors. However, not many types of innovation are really set up in manufacturing companies operating in a B2B market, and even less the innovation led by users. As far as we know, the specific features of innovation in companies operating in a B2B market have not been greatly studied. Thus, managing innovation in these companies becomes a challenge. The aim of our paper is to analyze the types of innovation which are really set up in a manufacturing company. We also propose an innovation framework. An exploratory experimental study in an international m…