Effect of sperm concentration and storage temperature on goat spermatozoa during liquid storage
The use of cooled semen is relatively common in goats. There are a number of advantages of cooled semen doses, including easier handling of artificial insemination (AI) doses, transport, more AI doses per ejaculate, and higher fertility rates in comparison with frozen AI doses. However, cooled semen has a short shelf life. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of temperature and sperm concentration on the in vitro sperm quality during liquid storage for 48 h, including sperm motility and kinetics, response to oxidation, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and DNA fragmentation in goats. Three experiments were performed. In the first, the effects of liquid preservation of …
Effect of different oxidative stress degrees generated by hydrogen peroxide on motility and DNA fragmentation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) spermatozoa.
An increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) or decrease in antioxidant barriers can provoke lipid peroxidation of the membranes or DNA damage of the spermatozoa. The aim of this work is to study the effect of the different degrees of oxidative stress generated by H2 O2 incubation on total motility, kinetics, and DNA fragmentation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) spermatozoa. For this process, experimental groups were incubated in 50 µM (Low; L) and 200 µM (High; H) H2 O2 , respectively, for 20 min at 4oC. Sperm motility parameters were obtained with a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) system. Sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) was assessed using the sperm chromatin dispersion test. Both low and…
Effect of chamber characteristics, loading and analysis time on motility and kinetic variables analysed with the CASA-mot system in goat sperm.
Several factors unrelated to the semen samples could be influencing in the sperm motility analysis. The aim of the present research was to study the effect of four chambers with different characteristics, namely; slide-coverslip, Spermtrack, ISAS D4C10, and ISAS D4C20 on the sperm motility. The filling procedure (drop or capillarity) and analysis time (0, 120 and 240s), depth of chamber (10 or 20μm) and field on motility variables were analysed by use of the CASA-mot system in goat sperm. Use of the drop-filling chambers resulted in greater values than capillarity-filling chambers for all sperm motility and kinetic variables, except for LIN (64.5% compared with 56.3% of motility for drop- a…