Paolo Galasso

Monitoraggio della popolazione nidificante di fratino in Sicilia nel periodo 2011-2019

Il fratino (Charadrius alexandrinus), è una specie in diminuzione nella maggior parte del suo areale europeo (BirdLife International, 2019). In Italia, è considerata specie “in pericolo” (EN) per via della forte riduzione della popolazione nidificante, presumibilmente del 50%, nel periodo 2000-2010. La regione Sicilia, risulta ad oggi, dopo Sardegna e Veneto, la regione italiana più importante per la nidificazione e lo svernamento del fratino; purtroppo anche la popolazione regionale mostra una diminuzione in linea con quella nazionale, evidenziata da vari autori dalla fine degli anni ’70, poi ulteriormente accentuata nel 2000-2010. Successivamente abbiamo solo lavori a livello locale sullo…

research product

Status, distribution and conservation of Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Sicily

The Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a sen sitive species whose national breeding population has been undergo ing a sharp decrease, up to 50%, in 2010 compared to the previous decade. Due to the lack of updated data and fragmented knowledge about its current status and distribution in Sicily, a specific and accu rate monitoring of this species was carried out during the years 2018 and 2019. About 230 km of coastline and 64 UTM squares 10x10 km were investigated during the breeding seasons, and a total of 205-287 pairs have been estimated for the whole region, distributed in 41 UTM squares (including the island of Favignana). Pairs are mainly concen trated in the complex of “Saline …

research product

Status, distribution and conservation of Kentish plover <em>Charadrius alexandrinus</em> (Aves, Charadriiformes) in Sicily

The Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a sensitive species whose national breeding population has been undergoing a sharp decrease, up to 50%, in 2010 compared to the previous decade. Due to the lack of updated data and fragmented knowledge about its current status and distribution in Sicily, a specific and accurate monitoring of this species was carried out during the years 2018 and 2019. About 230 km of coastline and 64 UTM squares 10x10 km were investigated during the breeding seasons, and a total of 205-287 pairs have been estimated for the whole region, distributed in 41 UTM squares (including the island of Favignana). Pairs are mainly concentrated in the complex of “Saline di T…

research product

Citizen science project to monitor wildlife: a first census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily

Citizen science can represent an effective tool for large- scale data collection and can be used to improve scientific knowledge and define species distribution ranges before proper planning of related conservation strategies. A regional census of wintering Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus in Sicily, never achieved before, was organized by GAM (Gruppo Aquila Minore - Booted Eagle Group) on 12 Janu- ary 2020, involving 90 people from several organizations. A total of 112 wintering individuals have been recorded for the whole region, col- lecting related data about their colour morph, habitat preference and altitude. A regional estimate of 180-220 wintering individuals was cal- culated, also …

research product