Manuel Soriano
ComparaciÓn de dos procedimientos de instrucciÓn en comprensiÓn y aprendizaje de textos: instrucciÓn directa y enseñanza recíproca
ResumenEl presente trabajo compara dos procedimientos para ensenar estrategias de comprensiOn y aprendizaje de textos. Estos dos procedimientOs difieren en el grado de participaciOn que los estudiantes tienen en el proceso de ensenanza. Se seleccionaron 21 ninos de 5° de E.G.B. sin dificultades de acceso lexico pero con baja comprensiOn lectora, los cuales fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres grupos: instrucciOn directa, ensenanza reciproca y control. Se tomaron tres tipos de medidas para evaluar efectos directos e indirectos: median estrategias incluidas en ambos programas, en uno sOlo de ellos y no incluidas en ninguno de los dos con intenciOn de valorar el grado de generalizaciOn de lo…
Emotional and behavioral problems in children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Impact of age and learning disabilities
Comorbidity with other psychological problems (PP) complicates the course of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and makes treatment more difficult. The purpose of the present study was to (a) study the correspondence between the perceptions of parents and teachers about PP, (b) determine which PP predict the severity of the manifestations of ADHD, and (c) analyze the role of age and learning disabilities (LD) in the development of PP and ADHD. The participants were 72 children with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD. The PP were measured using rating scales filled out by parents and teachers. The results showed high correspondence between the two informant groups in rating the probl…
Effectiveness of a school-based multicomponent program for the treatment of children with ADHD
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a multicomponent program for treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) carried out by teachers in a classroom context. Dependent measures included neuropsychological tasks, behavioral rating scales for parents and teachers, direct observation of behavior in the classroom, and academic records of children with ADHD. Fifty children with ADHD participated in the study. The teachers of 29 of the 50 students were trained in the use of behavior modification techniques, cognitive behavior strategies, and instructional management strategies. The other 21 students formed the control group. Parents' and teachers'ratings detec…
Examining the Efficacy of an Intervention to Improve Fluency and Reading Comprehension in Spanish Children with Reading Disabilities
The main goal of the present study was to examine the efficacy of a multi‐component programme to improve reading fluency and text comprehension in Spanish children with reading disabilities (RD). Special needs teachers were trained in the application of the programme, which included repeated reading plus phonological awareness training and grapheme–phoneme decoding training. Instruction was delivered one to one. Participants were 22 students with RD, aged 10–13, distributed in two groups: one with 12 children who received the intervention (experimental group), and the other with 10 children who received no intervention (comparison group). The effects of the training programme were evaluated…
Instrucción en estrategias y entrenamiento atribucional: efectos sobre la resolución de problemas y el autoconcepto de los estudiantes con dificultades en el aprendizaje
ResumenEste estudio investigo la eficacia del entrenamiento atribucional asociado a un programa dirigido a ensenar estrategias de resolucion de problemas a estudiantes con dificultades en el aprendizaje (DA). El programa de instruccion de estrategias tuvo dos modalidades: (a) instruccion en estrategias mediante autoinstrucciones, y (b) instruccion en estrategias mediante autoinstrucciones mas reentrenamiento atribucional explicito. Cuarenta y un ninos de 5° de Primaria con DA se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos: dos grupos de tratamiento, un grupo control placebo y un grupo control sin tratamiento. Los efectos se evaluaron en tres momentos (pretest, posttratamiento y seguimient…