Abdelwahad Echairi

Effets du cuivre sur quelques indicateurs de la qualité biologique des sols viticoles. Etude à différentes échelles

Des produits à base de cuivre sont utilisés depuis plus d’un siècle en viticulture pour lutter contre le mildiou (et d’autres maladies). Cet élément s’accumule dans le sol, où il peut atteindre des concentrations importantes, susceptibles d’en altérer le fonctionnement biologique. Bien que potentiellement dangereux pour la biocénose des sols, le cuivre est toujours utilisé, notamment en Agriculture Biologique. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à préciser les impacts du cuivre sur quelques aspects de la qualité biologique des sols viticoles en conditions « réelles », à court, moyen et long terme. Les effets à long terme ont été appréciés à l’échelle d’une région viticole (la Champagne) à t…

research product

Antimicrobial Activity of Resveratrol Analogues

Stilbenes, especially resveratrol and its derivatives, have become famous for their positive effects on a wide range of medical disorders, as indicated by a huge number of published studies. A less investigated area of research is their antimicrobial properties. A series of 13 trans-resveratrol analogues was synthesized via Wittig or Heck reactions, and their antimicrobial activity assessed on two different grapevine pathogens responsible for severe diseases in the vineyard. The entire series, together with resveratrol, was first evaluated on the zoospore mobility and sporulation level of Plasmopara viticola (the oomycete responsible for downy mildew). Stilbenes displayed a spectrum of acti…

research product

Field and microcosm experiments to evaluate the effects of agricultural Cu treatment on the density and genetic structure of microbial communities in two different soils

The effects of Cu amendment on indigenous soil microorganisms were investigated in two soils, a calcareous silty clay (Ep) and a sandy soil (Au), by means of a 1-year field experiment and a two-month microcosm incubation. Cu was added as 'Bordeaux mixture' [CuSO(4), Ca(OH)(2)] at the standard rate used in viticulture (B1=16 kg Cu kg(-1) soil) and at a higher level of contamination (B3=48 kg Cu ha(-1) soil). More extractable Cu was observed in sandy soil (Au) than in silty soil (Ep). Furthermore, total Cu and Cu-EDTA declined with time in Au soil, whereas they remained stable in Ep soil. Quantitative modifications of the microflora were assessed by C-biomass measurements and qualitative modi…

research product

The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as soil quality indicator. Application to trace elements contaminated soil

research product

Contribution à la domestication de l'arganier pour la production de l'huile

A survey conducted in 5 sites in the argan tree forest showed that argan oil represents an important part of the users' incomes. Nut-breaking is the most time-consuming and tedious step for the women involved in oil production. In 3 sites, the women were capable of distinguishing between those trees that yield nuts easy to break and trees yielding nuts difficult to break. These trees were named F and D, respectively. In each site, fruits were harvested from trees identified as F or D by the users, or at random. Those fruits were characterized by a set of measurements, including the force needed to break the nuts. Our measurements pointed out that the nuts harvested from F trees require a lo…

research product

The dynamics of soil bacterial community structure in response to yearly repeated agricultural copper treatments

International audience; The annual dynamics of soil bacterial community structure, including early, dose-dependent and transient modifications, was observed consecutively at different levels of copper contamination (high: 48 kg Cu ha−1, low: 16 kg Cu ha−1) repeated yearly over a three-year field experiment. Repeated low-level Cu contamination led to an increase in community stability to metal stress without a long-term shift in the population structure, whereas repeated high-level Cu contamination induced a novel and stable bacterial community structure. Furthermore, field experimentation highlighted that episodic climatic stress can modulate copper impact by enhancing community stability.

research product

Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection

National audience; As most grown grapevine Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to diseases such as downy and powdery mildews, numerous treatments are required to ensure a satisfactory yield and harvest quality. However, the use of phytochemical fungicides has serious drawbacks: some of them are potentially harmful for the environment and human health and contribute to the selection of resistant pathogen strains. Nowadays, in an objective of sustainable viticulture, there is increasing societal request, political incitation and winegrower’s awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. For these reasons, alternative strategies of protection are under research. In our laboratory, we are stu…

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