E. Farina Lipari
Localisation immunohistochimique du facteur natriurique atriale du tissu muqueux mûr du Cordon Ombilical humain après naissance et dans la Pulpe Dentaire
Atrial natriuretic peptide secretion during development of the rat supraoptic nucleus
Since a relationship between atrial natriuretic peptide and oxytocin was recently demonstrated in the heart (Gutkowska et al., 1997), the aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship between the two peptides is present also in the rat hypothalamus. For this purpose, we measured ANP-ontogeny in the rat hypothalamus immunohistochemically and compared it with oxytocin-ontogeny which we previously studied. The results showed that the ANP-peptide and mRNA-ANP start at the 18th day of the fetal life. Our earlier data for oxytocin in the rat hypothalamus showed that only mRNA-oxytocin appeared the 18th day of foetal life (Farina Lipari et al., 2001); thus, at the 18th day of foetal li…