Luis Rubio
Molecular analysis suggests that recent Citrus tristeza virus outbreaks in Italy were originated by at least two independent introductions
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the causal agent of the most important virus disease of citrus. Numerous CTV isolates differing in biological and molecular characteristics have been reported worldwide. Recently, CTV was detected in Italy in several citrus crops from three separate areas: (1) Cassibile, province of Syracuse; (2) Massafra, province of Taranto; and (3) Belpasso, province of Catania. CTV isolates from Massafra and Cassibile were mild, whereas isolates from Belpasso induced severe symptoms. To study the genetic variation of CTV populations of these areas, 150 samples per area were examined by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and nucleotide sequence analysis of CTV g…
The complete genome sequence of Lamium mild mosaic virus, a member of the genus Fabavirus
Springer-Verlag Wien 2013 Abstract Lamium mild mosaic virus (LMMV) is the only one of the five members of the genus Fabavirus for which there are no nucleotide sequence data. In this study, the complete genome sequence of LMMV was determined and compared with the available complete genome sequences of other members of the genus Fabavirus. The genome was the largest of the genus but maintained the typical orga- nization, with RNA 1 of 6080 nucleotides (nt), RNA 2 of 4065 nt, and an unusually long 3 0 untranslated region in RNA 2 of 603 nt. Phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences of the protease-polymerase (Pro-Pol) region and the two coat proteins confirmed that LMMV belongs to a d…
Detection and identification Fabavirus species by one-step RT-PCR and multiplex RT-PCR
The genus Fabavirus of the family Secoviridae comprises a group of poorly characterized viruses. To date, only five species have been described: Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1), Broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV-2), Lamium mild mosaic virus (LMMV), Gentian mosaic virus (GeMV) and Cucurbit mild mosaic virus (CuMMV). The development is described of two RT-PCR procedures for the detection and identification of Fabavirus species: a one-step RT-PCR using a single pair of conserved primers for the detection of all fabaviruses, and a one-step multiplex RT-PCR using species-specific primers for the simultaneous detection and identification of the above-mentioned species of the genus Fabavirus. These m…
Incidence and control of black spot syndrome of tiger nut
Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentum) is a very profitable crop in Valencia, Spain, but in the last years, part of the harvested tubers presents black spots in the skin making them unmarketable. Surveys performed in two consecutive years showed that about 10% of the tubers were severely affected by the black spot syndrome whose aetiology is unknown. Disease control procedures based on selection of tubers used as seed (seed tubers) or treatment with hot-water and/or chemicals were assayed in greenhouse. These assays showed that that this syndrome had a negative impact on the germination rate, tuber size and yield. Selection of asymptomatic seed tubers reduced drastically the incidence of the black …
Optimizing the clinical utility of PCA3 to diagnose prostate cancer in initial prostate biopsy.
Background: PCA3 has been included in a nomogram outperforming previous clinical models for the prediction of any prostate cancer (PCa) and high grade PCa (HGPCa) at the initial prostate biopsy (IBx). Our objective is to validate such IBx-specific PCA3-based nomogram. We also aim to optimize the use of this nomogram in clinical practice through the definition of risk groups. Methods: Independent external validation. Clinical and biopsy data from a contemporary cohort of 401 men with the same inclusion criteria to those used to build up the reference’s nomogram in IBx. The predictive value of the nomogram was assessed by means of calibration curves and discrimination ability through the area…
Genetic variation and evolutionary analysis ofPepino mosaic virusin Sicily: insights into the dispersion and epidemiology
Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a highly infectious potexvirus that causes a severe disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops worldwide. In Sicily, the first outbreak was detected in a single greenhouse in 2005 and it was promptly eradicated. However, in 2008, a large number of greenhouses were simultaneously affected, and it was impossible to eradicate or control the virus. This study addressed the dispersion and the genetic diversity of PepMV isolates obtained from the outbreak in Sicily, in comparison with worldwide PepMV isolates, to gain insight into the factors determining the evolution and epidemiology of the virus. A total of 1800 samples from plants with and without symptoms we…
The haplotype distribution of two genes of citrus tristeza virus is altered after host change or aphid transmission.
Genetic variability of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was studied using the haplotypes detected by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of genes p18 and p20 in six virus populations of two origins. The Spanish group included a CTV isolate and subisolates obtained by graft-transmission to different host species. The other included two subisolates aphid-transmitted from a single Japanese isolate. The homozygosity observed for gene p20 was always significantly higher than that expected under neutral evolution, whereas only three populations showed high homozygosity for p18, suggesting stronger host constraints for p20 than for p18. Sequential transmissions of a Spanish isolate …
A sensitive real-time RT-PCR reveals a high incidence of Southern tomato virus (STV) in Spanish tomato crops
[EN] Southern tomato virus (STV) is a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus belonging to genus Amalgavirus (family Amalgamaviridae). STV has been detected in tomato plants showing different symptoms although it has not been demonstrated that STV is the causal agent. To study the STV incidence and its pathogenic role, a sensitive and quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-qPCR) was developed. The standard curve perfonned with viral RNA transcripts allowed a wide dynamic range for STV quantitation from 10(4) to 10(11) copies/ng of total RNA. STV detection by RT-qPCR was 10(2)-fold more sensitive than conventional RT-PCR or RT-LAMP and 10(4)-fold more sens…
Rapid detection and discrimination of fabaviruses by flow-through hybridisation with genus- and species-specific riboprobes
Viruses cause significant damage in agricultural crops worldwide. Disease management requires sensitive and specific tools for virus detection and identification. Also, detection techniques need to be rapid to keep pace with the continuous emergence of new viral diseases. The genus Fabavirus is composed of five viruses infecting many economically important crops worldwide. This research describes the development of a procedure based on flow-through hybridisation (FTH), which is faster than and as sensitive as conventional hybridisation for virus detection in tissue-prints from infected plants. Six digoxigenin-labelled RNA probes were synthesised with two levels of specificity: (a) five spec…
A comparative study of viral infectivity, accumulation and symptoms induced by broad bean wilt virus 1 isolates
Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1, genus Fabavirus, family Secoviridae) is a bipartite positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus distributed worldwide infecting many herbaceous species. Until now, scarce information regarding biological properties of BBWV-1 isolates is available. This work shows a comparative study on virus infectivity (proportion of infected plants over inoculated plants), virus accumulation and symptoms induced by four genetically different BBWV-1 isolates (Ben, B41/99, NSRV and PV0548) which were mechanically inoculated on several herbaceous hosts. The four BBWV-1 isolates infected broad bean, tomato, pepper and Nicotiana benthamiana plants, whereas none of them infected cu…
Evolutionary analysis of Citrus tristeza virus outbreaks in Calabria, Italy: two rapidly spreading and independent introductions of mild and severe isolates
The evolution of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) from outbreaks occurred in Calabria, Italy, was compared with that of CTV outbreaks reported previously in another two proximal Italian regions, Sicily and Apulia. Examination of four genomic regions (genes p20, p25 and p23, and one fragment of open reading frame 1) showed two recombination events, and phylogenetic analysis disclosed two divergent CTV groups in Calabria: one formed by severe and the other by mild isolates. This analysis, together with others involving population genetic parameters, revealed a low migration rate of CTV between the three Italian regions, as well as significant differences in selective pressures, epidemiology and de…
Detection of Southern tomato virus by molecular hybridisation
Rapid detection and discrimination of fabaviruses by flow-through hybridisation with genus- and species-specific riboprobes
Viruses cause significant damage in agricultural crops worldwide. Disease management requires sensitive and specific tools for virus detection and identification. Also, detection techniques need to be rapid to keep pace with the continuous emergence of new viral diseases. The genus Fabavirus is composed of five viruses infecting many economically important crops worldwide. This research describes the development of a procedure based on flow-through hybridisation (FTH), which is faster than and as sensitive as conventional hybridisation for virus detection in tissue-prints from infected plants. Six digoxigenin-labelled RNA probes were synthesised with two levels of specificity: (a) five spec…
Population genetics of cucumber mosaic virus infecting medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants from northern Italy
An epidemiological survey carried at the Herb Garden of Casola Valsenio (Emilia Romagna region; Northern Italy) from 2006 to 2009 resulted in finding Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) as the infectious agent of several ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants. All CMV-infected plant species showed leaf symptoms followed, in some cases, by flower colour-breaking and stunting. Genetic analysis consisted in the characterization of movement protein gene of each CMV-isolate by single strand polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Phylogenetic trees identified only two isolates as member of subgroup II, while all other isolates were part of subgroup IA. This survey confirms an unexpected increment of CM…
RNA2-encoded VP37 protein of Broad bean wilt virus 1 is a determinant of pathogenicity, host susceptibility, and a suppressor of post-transcriptional gene silencing
Abstract Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV‐1, genus Fabavirus, family Secoviridae) is a bipartite, single‐stranded positive‐sense RNA virus infecting many horticultural and ornamental crops worldwide. RNA1 encodes proteins involved in viral replication whereas RNA2 encodes two coat proteins (the large and small coat proteins) and two putative movement proteins (MPs) of different sizes with overlapping C‐terminal regions. In this work, we determined the role played by the small putative BBWV‐1 MP (VP37) on virus pathogenicity, host specificity, and suppression of post‐transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). We engineered a BBWV‐1 35S‐driven full‐length cDNA infectious clone corresponding to BBWV‐…
Identification of miR-187 and miR-182 as biomarkers of early diagnosis and prognosis in patients with prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy.
Purpose: miRNAs are noncoding RNAs that negatively regulate target mRNA gene expression. Aberrant miRNA expression is associated with prostate cancer pathogenesis. We identified miRNAs as potential biomarkers for prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Materials and Methods: Total RNA was obtained from 10 normal prostate and 50 prostate cancer samples, and analyzed using the GeneChip (R) miRNA 2.0 Array. At a median followup of 92 months (range 2 to 189) an independent cohort of 273 paraffin embedded prostate cancer samples was used for validation by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Another 92 urine samples from patients undergoing prostate biopsy were evaluate…
Broad bean wilt virus 1 encoded VP47 and SCP are suppressors of plant post-transcriptional gene silencing
Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1, genus Fabavirus, family Secoviridae) is a bipartite positive single-stranded RNA (+ssRNA) virus infecting important horticultural and ornamental crops worldwide. RNA1 encodes proteins involved in virus replication, whereas RNA2 encodes the large and small coat proteins (LCP, and SCP, respectively) and two putative movement proteins with overlapping C-terminal but different sizes: 47.2 kDa (VP47) and 37 kDa (VP37). Post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) is a mechanism of gene regulation and defense against pathogens such as viruses. However, most plant viruses encode proteins called viral suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs) which able to inhibit PTGS. Pre…
Optimización de un programa de cribado oportunista de cáncer de próstata; ensayo aleatorizado prospectivo del papel del PSA y del PCA3 en uso secuencial
Resumen Objetivos Reducir el numero de biopsias (Bx) innecesarias en un programa de cribado oportunista en cancer de prostata (CaP). Material y metodos Estudio prospectivo y aleatorizado evaluando el PCA3 como biomarcador de segunda linea. De septiembre de 2010 a septiembre de 2012 2.366 hombres con edad en rango 40-74 anos, y mas de 10 anos de expectativa de vida, fueron estudiados mediante PSA y tacto rectal (TR), excluyendo los biopsiados previamente o con infeccion urinaria reciente. Ante un TR sospechoso y/o PSA > 3 ng/ml se les realizo un PCA3. A todos aquellos con PCA3 ≥ 35 se les realizo una Bx inicial (IBx) —12 cilindros—. Con PCA3 0,5 ng/ml a 6 meses o PSAv > 0,75 ng/ml/ano. Res…
Recombination profiles between Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus in laboratory and field conditions: evolutionary and taxonomic implications
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have co-existed in Italian tomato crops since 2002 and have reached equilibrium, with plants hosting molecules of both species plus their recombinants being the most frequent case. Recombination events are studied in field samples, as well as in experimental co-infections, when recombinants were detected as early as 45 days following inoculation. In both conditions, recombination breakpoints were essentially absent in regions corresponding to ORFs V2, CP and C4, whereas density was highest in the 3′-terminal portion of ORF C3, next to the region where the two transcription units co-terminate. The vast majority of brea…
Optimizing prostate cancer screening; prospective randomized controlled study of the role of PSA and PCA3 testing in a sequential manner in an opportunistic screening program
Abstract Objectives To reduce unnecessary biopsies (Bx) in an opportunistic screening programme of prostate cancer. Material and methods We performed a prospective evaluation of PCA3 as a second-line biomarker in an opportunistic screening for prostate cancer (PCa). From September 2010 until September 2012, 2,366 men, aged 40–74 years and with >10 years life expectancy, were initially screened with PSA/digital rectal examination (DRE). Men with previous Bx or with recent urine infections were excluded. Men with abnormal DRE and/or PSA > 3 ng/ml were submitted for PCA3. All men with PCA3 ≥ 35 underwent an initial biopsy (IBx) —12cores—. Men with PCA3 .5 ng/ml at 4-6months or PSAv > .75 ng/…
Transmissibility of Broad bean wilt virus 1 by aphids: influence of virus accumulation in plants, virus genotype and aphid species
Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1) is transmitted by several aphid species in a non-persistent manner. Transmission efficiency by vectors is a key factor for understanding virus epidemiology and applying disease control measures based on limiting virus spread. We evaluated the transmission rates of two genetically divergent BBWV-1 isolates (PV-132 from USA and Ben from Spain) infecting broad bean (Vicia faba L.) by isofemale lines of nine aphid species from eight different genera collected in Spain. Our analyses showed that: (a) the virus concentration in the source plant was a key factor in BBWV-1 transmissibility; (b) The Spanish isolate Ben was transmitted more efficiently than the America…
Management and research on plastic debris in Uruguayan Aquatic Systems: update and perspectives
Synthetic plastics have become an indispensable component of modern life, and the amount of plastics disposal has increased dramatically as a result. With human population increasing, it is expected that the prevalence of plastic debris in the environment will also increase, unless sustainable daily habits are incorporated, waste management improved, and new alternative materials are discovered and popularized. To date, several reports show negative effects of plastic debris on marine and freshwater fauna (e.g. invertebrates, birds, turtles, marine mammals). Plastic are ubiquitous in the water column, deposited in fine sediments and enter the guts, respiratory structures and tissues of diff…
Molecular diagnosis of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: A comparison between reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization methodologies
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is characterized by the presence of the t(17;22)(q22;q13) that leads to the fusion of the COL1A1 and PDGFB genes. This translocation can be detected by multiplex reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. We have evaluated the usefulness of a dual color dual fusion FISH probe strategy for COL1A1/PDGFB detection in a series of 103 archival DFSPs and compared the obtained results with RT-PCR analyses. FISH and RT-PCR were carried out on paraffin embedded tissue samples. Regarding the RT-PCR approach, all COL1A1 exons and exon 2 of PDGFB were evaluated. Sensitivity, specificity, positi…
Fast detection of Southern tomato virus by one-step transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)
Southern tomato virus (STV) is a double stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus belonging to genus Amalgavirus (family Amalgamaviridae) which has been detected in tomato plants showing stunting, fruit discoloration and size reduction. A one-step reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay was developed for the detection of STV in total RNA or sap extracts (obtained just by grinding in buffer) from STV-infected tomato plants by using a set of three primers pairs which were designed to the sequence of the STV putative coat protein. Amplification products were visualized by gel electrophoresis or direct staining of DNA. The sensitivity of RT-LAMP was identical to that of th…
Heterogeneous Pattern of Differentiation With BCAS1/NABC1 Expression in a Case of Oligodendroglioma
Simultaneous detection of the seven main tomato-infecting RNA viruses by two multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions
Cucumber mosaic virus, Tomato spotted wilt virus, Tomato mosaic virus, Tomato chlorosis virus, Pepino mosaic virus, Torrado tomato virus and Tomato infectious chlorosis virus cause serious damage and significant economic losses in tomato crops worldwide. The early detection of these pathogens is essential for preventing the viruses from spreading and improving their control. In this study, a procedure based on two multiplex RT-PCRs was developed for the sensitive and reliable detection of these seven viruses. Serial dilutions of positive controls were analysed by this methodology, and the results were compared with those obtained by ELISA and singleplex versions of RT-PCR. The multiplex and…
Emergence and Phylodynamics of Citrus tristeza virus in Sicily, Italy
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) outbreaks were detected in Sicily island, Italy for the first time in 2002. To gain insight into the evolutionary forces driving the emergence and phylogeography of these CTV populations, we determined and analyzed the nucleotide sequences of the p20 gene from 108 CTV isolates collected from 2002 to 2009. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis revealed that mild and severe CTV isolates belonging to five different clades (lineages) were introduced in Sicily in 2002. Phylogeographic analysis showed that four lineages co-circulated in the main citrus growing area located in Eastern Sicily. However, only one lineage (composed of mild isolates) spread to distant areas of Sici…
Biphasic dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with a labyrinthine plexiform high‐grade fibrosarcomatous transformation
Several variants of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, a low-grade superficial sarcoma, are well recognized. The most prognostically important is the fibrosarcomatous variant. We report a case of biphasic dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in which the high-grade component exhibited a previously undescribed plexiform pattern. A clinicopathological study complemented with immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses of this unique case. Histopathologically, a conventional low-grade dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans was admixed with intratumoral high-grade areas showing a striking labyrinthine plexiform pattern …
Transmissibility ofBroad bean wilt virus 1by aphids: influence of virus accumulation in plants, virus genotype and aphid species
Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1) is transmitted by several aphid species in a non-persistent manner. Transmission efficiency by vectors is a key factor for understanding virus epidemiology and applying disease control measures based on limiting virus spread. We evaluated the transmission rates of two genetically divergent BBWV-1 isolates (PV-132 from USA and Ben from Spain) infecting broad bean (Vicia faba L.) by isofemale lines of nine aphid species from eight different genera collected in Spain. Our analyses showed that: (a) the virus concentration in the source plant was a key factor in BBWV-1 transmissibility; (b) The Spanish isolate Ben was transmitted more efficiently than the America…
Experimental virus evolution reveals a role of plant microtubule dynamics and TORTIFOLIA1/SPIRAL2 in RNA trafficking.
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Soft tissue myoepithelial carcinoma with rhabdoid-like features andEWSR1rearrangement: Fine needle aspiration cytology with histologic correlation
A new case of soft tissue myoepithelial carcinoma (MEC) with rhabdoid-like differentiation is presented including cytologic, histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular biologic features. A 45-year-old woman was admitted to the Hospital with nodular mass involving the lower part of the abdominal wall. Fine-needle aspiration cytology showed a round cell tumor with abundant cytoplasm in the myxoid background. The nuclei were uniform, round to ovoid, with finely distributed chromatin, nucleoli, and pale, vacuolated, or eosinophilic cytoplasm with rhabdoid-like appearance resembling a soft tissue malignant rhabdoid tumor. The surgically removed tumor was poorly demarcated, yellow, soft,…
Bayesian Survival Analysis to Model Plant Resistance and Tolerance to Virus Diseases
Viruses constitute a major threat to large-scale production of crops worldwide producing important economical losses and undermining sustainability. We evaluated a new plant variety for resistance and tolerance to a specific virus through a comparison with other well-known varieties. The study is based on two independent Bayesian accelerated failure time models which assess resistance and tolerance survival times. Information concerning plant genotype and virus biotype were considered as baseline covariates and error terms were assumed to follow a modified standard Gumbel distribution. Frequentist approach to these models was also considered in order to compare the results of the study from…