Ingrida Purina


Influence of dissolved organic matter from terrestrial origin on the changes of dinoflagellate species composition in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea

A mesocosm experiment was used to investigate the effect of terrestrial-origin dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the development of dinoflagellates in natural summer phytoplankton from the Gulf of Riga. Seawater was collected in the central part of the Gulf of Riga and at the entrance of the Gulf in June 1999. DOM was extracted from Parnu River water by use of tangential ultrafiltration. Experimental series were enriched with DOM, DOM in combination with nitrate and phosphate, and only with inorganic nutrients. Enrichments were added in ranges of their natural concentrations. Dinophysis acuminata, Protoperidinium brevipes and Gymnodinium spp. were dominant species in the initial dinoflagell…

research product

Bioaccumulation of hepatotoxins : A considerable risk in the Latvian environment

Abstract The Gulf of Riga, river Daugava and several interconnected lakes around the City of Riga, Latvia, form a dynamic brackish-freshwater system favouring occurrence of toxic cyanobacteria. We examined bioaccumulation of microcystins and nodularin-R in aquatic organisms in Latvian lakes, the Gulf of Riga and west coast of open Baltic Sea in 2002–2007. The freshwater unionids accumulated toxins efficiently, followed by snails. In contrast, Dreissena polymorpha and most lake fishes (except roach) accumulated much less hepatotoxins. Significant nodularin-R concentrations were detected also in marine clams and flounders. No transfer of nodularin-R and microcystins between lake and brackish …

research product

Sediment quality assessment using survival and embryo malformation tests in amphipod crustaceans: The Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea AS case study

Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the toxicity of bottom sediment and to estimate the potential effects of contaminated sediment on health of benthic organisms in the Gulf of Riga (eastern Baltic Sea). Two endpoints were used: survival rate (acute toxicity test) of five crustacean amphipod species and frequency of embryo malformation (samples were collected from the field) in the two species. Toxic resistance of living animals to sediment quality was measured as survival rate (%) at 25 study sites from 2010–2012. Significant differences in the toxic resistance between species were found: 80–100% for Monoporeia affinis, 70–95% for Corophium volutator, 38–88% for Pontogammarus robu…

research product

Effect ofMicrocystis aeruginosa andNodularia spumigena on survival ofEurytemora affinis and the embryonic and larval development of the Baltic herringClupea harengus membras

Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of two strains of Microcystis aeruginosa and a strain of Nodularia spumigena on the survival of Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda) and on the embryonic and larval development of the Baltic spring-spawning herring Clupea harengus membras. The trials were made in water taken from Parnu Bay, at a salinity of 3.7–5.1 psu, a constant temperature (15°C ± 1°C in trials with Eurytemora and herring embryos; 18°C ± 2°C with herring larvae), and an oxygen concentration of 8.8–10.4 ppm. The strains tested had a negative impact on the survival of Eurytemora, as well as on the embryonic development and hatching regime of the Baltic herring. In …

research product

Plankton community composition in relation to availability and uptake of oxidized and reduced nitrogen

Centre de Recherche en Ecologie Marine et Aquaculture de L'Houmeau (CNRS-IFREMER), BP 5, 17137 L'Houmeau, France ABSTRACT: Trends in nitrogen utilization, determined with 15 N-labeled substrates, were related to blooms of distinct phytoplankton groups in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea, during May, June and July 1999. The dominant phytoplankton groups included diatoms, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates, and fila- mentous cyanobacteria. As the water column became progressively more stratified over the growing season, diatoms comprised a smaller proportion of the total phytoplankton assemblage and almost disappeared by late summer. Their disappearance correlated with undetectable surface-water nitra…

research product

Seasonal dynamics of biomarkers in infaunal clam Macoma balthica from the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea)

Abstract Biomarkers are often regarded as “early warning” signals of environmental pollution; however seasonal changes are mentioned as one of the most important factor that influences the activity of biomarkers. The aim of our study was to assess the importance of seasonal variation of selected contaminant biomarkers in Macoma balthica to provide background information for further environmental surveys in the Gulf of Riga. Seasonal variation of biomarkers (acetylcholinesterase (AChE), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione- S -transferase (GST)) was measured in infaunal clam M . balthica from the southern part of the Gulf of Riga. The majority of biomarkers (GST, CAT an…

research product

The role of inorganic and organic nutrients on the development of phytoplankton along a transect from the Daugava River mouth to the Open Baltic, in spring and summer 1999

Abstract The importance of dissolved silicate (DSi), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), phosphate and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) on algal growth is analysed for the Gulf of Riga and the adjacent open Baltic Sea. The results of three cruises (May, June, and July, 1999) along a transect across the Gulf of Riga from the entrance to the Daugava River to the open Baltic are presented. Nutrient-limitation was identified on the basis of available nutrient concentrations and stoichiometric analysis. In spring, phosphate appeared to be the algal-growth-potential-limiting nutrient at the entrance of the Daugava River, DSi in the central Gulf, and DIN at the …

research product

Seasonality of coastal phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea: Influence of salinity and eutrophication

Abstract In this study long-term (1984–2001) phytoplankton and physico-chemical monitoring data representing different salinity regimes of the Baltic Sea were compiled from HELCOM, national and regional databases. The aim was to define seasonal succession patterns of phytoplankton in seven different areas of the Baltic sea, characterised by different salinity, climate, and trophic conditions and to delineate a set of phytoplankton community indicators that are independent of season and salinity, but indicative of trophic status of different coastal areas. The cluster analysis of the combined data set resulted in eight phytoplankton community types, common for all locations, and characterise…

research product

Variability in inorganic and organic nitrogen uptake associated with riverine nutrient input in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea

Concentrations and rates of uptake of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON, free amino acids, and urea) and inorganic nitrogen (DIN, nitrate, and ammonium) were measured along two transects in the Gulf of Riga, a sub-basin of the Baltic Sea, during May and July 1996. Concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) were 23±3 μg-at N 1−1 in the northern region (mouth) and 41±5 μg-at N 1−1 in the southern region (head) of the Gulf. Rates of nitrogen uptake, determined with15N-labeled substrates, reflected differences in TDN concentration between the regions. In May, uptake of DIN+DON measured 0.17 and 0.43 μg-at N 1−1 h−1 in the northern and southern parts of the Gulf, respectively. In July, DIN+D…

research product

Concentrations of metallothionein in the bivalve molluscsAnodonta spp.andUnio spp.from Latvian lakes with different anthropogenic pressure

Concentrations of metallothioneins (MT) were analysed in bivalve molluscs Anodonta spp. and Unio spp. from 6 lakes and watercourses of Latvia with different anthropogenic pressure. The aim of the study was to find the relationship between MT in molluscs and concentrations of heavy metals in sediments. Unio spp. and Anodonta spp. showed no significant differences in the concentrations of MT. High concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cu, Zn) were detected in the deepest parts of polluted water bodies, however their concentrations significantly decreased in near shore sediments inhabited by molluscs. Only Zn tends to accumulate in the molluscs, reaching 2-7 times higher concentrations i…

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