Ivan Agullo

Revising the Predictions of Inflation for the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies

4 pages, 1 figure.-- PACS nrs.: 98.70.Vc; 11.10.Gh; 98.80.Cq.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0901.0439

research product

Inflation, renormalization, and CMB anisotropies

5 páginas.-- Trabajo presentado al Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE 2009).-- El PDF es la versión pre-print (arXiv:1002.3914v1).

research product

The combinatorics of the SU(2) black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity

We use the combinatorial and number-theoretical methods developed in previous work by the authors to study black hole entropy in the new proposal put forward by Engle, Noui and Perez. Specifically we give the generating functions relevant for the computation of the entropy and use them to derive its asymptotic behavior including the value of the Immirzi parameter and the coefficient of the logarithmic correction.

research product

Combinatorics of theSU(2)black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity

We use the combinatorial and number-theoretical methods developed in previous works by the authors to study black hole entropy in the new proposal put forth by Engle, Noui, and Perez. Specifically, we give the generating functions relevant for the computation of the entropy and use them to derive its asymptotic behavior, including the value of the Immirzi parameter and the coefficient of the logarithmic correction.

research product

Inflation, quantum fields, and CMB anisotropies

Revert field Inflationary cosmology has proved to be the most successful at predicting the properties of the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In this essay we show that quantum field renormalization significantly influences the generation of primordial perturbations and hence the expected measurable imprint of cosmological inflation on the CMB. However, the new predictions remain in agreement with observation, and in fact favor the simplest forms of inflation. In the near future, observations of the influence of gravitational waves from the early universe on the CMB will test our new predictions.

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Spontaneous creation of circularly polarized photons in chiral astrophysical systems

This work establishes a relation between chiral anomalies in curved spacetimes and the radiative content of the gravitational field. In particular, we show that a flux of circularly polarized gravitational waves triggers the spontaneous creation of photons with net circular polarization from the quantum vacuum. Using waveform catalogues we identify precessing binary black holes as astrophysical configurations that emit such gravitational radiation, and then solve the fully non-linear Einstein's equations with numerical relativity to evaluate the net effect. The quantum amplitude for a merger is comparable to the Hawking emission rate of the final black hole, and small to be directly observe…

research product

Insensitivity of Hawking radiation to an invariant Planck-scale cutoff

A disturbing aspect of Hawking's derivation of black hole radiance is the need to invoke extreme conditions for the quantum field that originates the emitted quanta. It is widely argued that the derivation requires the validity of the conventional relativistic field theory to arbitrarily high, trans-Planckian scales. We stress in this note that this is not necessarily the case if the question is presented in a covariant way. We point out that Hawking radiation is immediately robust against an invariant Planck-scale cutoff. This important feature of Hawking radiation is relevant for a quantum gravity theory that preserves, in some way, the Lorentz symmetry.

research product

Computing black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity from a conformal field theory perspective

Motivated by the analogy proposed by Witten between Chern-Simons and conformal field theories, we explore an alternative way of computing the entropy of a black hole starting from the isolated horizon framework in loop quantum gravity. The consistency of the result opens a window for the interplay between conformal field theory and the description of black holes in loop quantum gravity.

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