Ugo Boscain

Introduction to the Pontryagin Maximum Principle for Quantum Optimal Control

Optimal Control Theory is a powerful mathematical tool, which has known a rapid development since the 1950s, mainly for engineering applications. More recently, it has become a widely used method to improve process performance in quantum technologies by means of highly efficient control of quantum dynamics. This tutorial aims at providing an introduction to key concepts of optimal control theory which is accessible to physicists and engineers working in quantum control or in related fields. The different mathematical results are introduced intuitively, before being rigorously stated. This tutorial describes modern aspects of optimal control theory, with a particular focus on the Pontryagin …

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Time-Optimal Synthesis for Three Relevant Problems: The Brockett Integrator, the Grushin Plane and the Martinet Distribution

We construct the time-optimal synthesis for 3 problems that are linear in the control and with polytopic constraints in the controls. Namely, the Brockett integrator, the Grushin plane, and the Martinet distribution. The main purpose is to illustrate the steps in solving an optimal control problem and in particular the use of second order conditions. The Grushin and the Martinet case are particularly important: the first is the prototype of a rank-varying distribution, the second of a non-equiregular structure.

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Training Schrödinger’s cat: quantum optimal control

It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering itprovides a systematic way for driving a dynamical system from a given initial state into a desired targetstate with minimized expenditure of energy and resources. As one of the cornerstones for enabling quantumtechnologies, optimal quantum control keeps evolving and expanding into areas as diverse as quantumenhancedsensing, manipulation of single spins, photons, or atoms, optical spectroscopy, photochemistry,magnetic resonance (spectroscopy as well as medical imaging), quantum information processing and quantumsimulation. In this communication, state-of-the-art quantum control techniques are r…

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Projective Reeds-Shepp car onS2with quadratic cost

Fix two points x, ¯ ∈ S 2 and two directions (without orientation) η,¯ η of the velocities in these points. In this paper we are interested to the problem of minimizing the cost

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Optimal control of the Schrödinger equation with two or three levels

In this paper, we present how techniques of “control theory”, “sub-Riemannian geometry” and “singular Riemannian geometry” can be applied to some classical problems of quantum mechanics and yield improvements to some previous results.

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Stability of switched systems: The single input case

We study the stability of the origin for the dynamical system x(t) = u(t)Ax(t) + (1 − u(t))Bx(t), where A and B are two 2×2 real matrices with eigenvalues having strictly negative real part, x ∊ R2 and u(.) : [0, ∞[→ [0,1] is a completely random measurable function. More precisely, we find a (coordinates invariant) necessary and sufficient condition on A and B for the origin to be asymptotically stable for each function u(.). This bidimensional problem assumes particular interest since linear systems of higher dimensions can be reduced to our situation.

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Time optimal control of a satellite with two rotors

International audience; The aim of this work is to investigate the structure of time-optimal trajectories for a control system modelizing a satellite with two rotors attached along its two fixed axes. Our results extend to the general case those obtained by Sussmann and Tang in an unpublished paper where they treat a particular case described below. We end up finding a sufficient family of four parameters trajectory types. The main tools used are the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, switching functions and envelope theory. © 2001 EUCA.

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Training Schr\"odinger's cat: quantum optimal control

It is control that turns scientific knowledge into useful technology: in physics and engineering it provides a systematic way for driving a system from a given initial state into a desired target state with minimized expenditure of energy and resources -- as famously applied in the Apollo programme. As one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies, optimal quantum control keeps evolving and expanding into areas as diverse as quantum-enhanced sensing, manipulation of single spins, photons, or atoms, optical spectroscopy, photochemistry, magnetic resonance (spectroscopy as well as medical imaging), quantum information processing and quantum simulation. --- Here state-of-the-art qu…

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On Automaton Recognizability of Abnormal Extremals

For a generic single-input planar control system $\dot x=F(x)+ u G(x),$ $x\in\mathbb{R}^2,$ $u\in [-1,1]$, $F(0)=0$, we analyze the properties of abnormal extremals for the minimum time stabilization to the origin. We prove that abnormal extremals are finite concatenations of bang arcs with switchings occurring on the set in which the vector fields F and G are collinear. Moreover, all the generic singularities of one parametric family of extremal trajectories near to abnormal extremals are studied. In particular, we prove that all possible sequences of these singularities, and hence all generic abnormal extremals, can be classified by a set of words recognizable by an automaton.

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Resonance of minimizers forn-level quantum systems with an arbitrary cost

We consider an optimal control problem describing a laser-induced population transfer on a n-level quantum system. For a convex cost depending only on the moduli of controls ( i.e. the lasers intensities), we prove that there always exists a minimizer in resonance. This permits to justify some strategies used in experimental physics. It is also quite important because it permits to reduce remarkably the complexity of the problem (and extend some of our previous results for n=2 and n=3): instead of looking for minimizers on the sphere one is reduced to look just for minimizers on the sphere . Moreover, for the reduced problem, we investigate on the question of existence of strict abnormal mi…

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