Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)
All authors: Andrea Cossarizza Hyun‐Dong Chang Andreas Radbruch Andreas Acs Dieter Adam Sabine Adam‐Klages William W. Agace Nima Aghaeepour Mübeccel Akdis Matthieu Allez Larissa Nogueira Almeida Giorgia Alvisi Graham Anderson Immanuel Andrä Francesco Annunziato Achille Anselmo Petra Bacher Cosima T. Baldari Sudipto Bari Vincenzo Barnaba Joana Barros‐Martins Luca Battistini Wolfgang Bauer Sabine Baumgart Nicole Baumgarth Dirk Baumjohann Bianka Baying Mary Bebawy Burkhard Becher Wolfgang Beisker Vladimir Benes Rudi Beyaert Alfonso Blanco Dominic A. Boardman Christian Bogdan Jessica G. Borger Giovanna Borsellino Philip E. Boulais Jolene A. Bradford Dirk Brenner Ryan R. Brinkman Anna E. S. Broo…
Changing the Mindset in Life Sciences Toward Translation: A Consensus
Participants at the recent Translate! 2014 meeting in Berlin, Germany, reached a consensus on the rate-limiting factor for advancing translational medicine.
Leukocyte Redistribution: Effects of Beta Blockers in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
BACKGROUND:Overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines is a well established factor in the progression of chronic heart failure (CHF). Changes in cellular immunity have not been widely studied, and the impact of standard medication is uncertain. Here we investigate whether a leukocyte redistribution occurs in CHF and whether this effect is influenced by beta-blocker therapy. METHODOLOGY:We prospectively studied 75 patients with systolic CHF (age: 68+/-11 years, left ventricular ejection fraction 32+/-11%, New York Heart Association class 2.5+/-0.7) and 20 age-matched healthy control subjects (age: 63+/-10 years). We measured the response of cells to endotoxin exposure in vitro, analysed su…
Cachexia: a therapeutic approach beyond cytokine antagonism
Cachexia is seen in a number of chronic diseases, and it is always associated with a poor prognosis. Irrespective of etiology, the development of cachexia appears to share a common pathophysiological pathway. This includes induction of proteasome-dependent myofibril-degradation, which is thought to be secondary to stimulation by enhanced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Elevation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and other plasma cytokines has been demonstrated in many conditions associated with cachexia. Despite improved pathophysiological understanding, a specific treatment for cachexia has not yet been established. Whilst direct TNFalpha antagonism has therapeutic appeal, th…
Heat shock protein 70 in patients with chronic heart failure: relation to disease severity and survival
Heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is essential for cellular recovery, survival and maintenance of cellular function. Research into the possible use of Hsp70 as a cytoprotective therapeutic agent is ongoing. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a state associated with systemic inflammation, particularly in patients with cardiac cachexia. We hypothesised that circulating Hsp70 levels are elevated in patients with CHF, more so in cachechtic patients, and that Hsp70 levels would relate to mortality.We studied 107 patients (28 female, age 67+/-1 years, NYHA class 2.6+/-0.6 and LVEF 29+/-1%, mean+/-SEM) and 21 controls. Cardiac cachexia was present in 32 patients. Hsp70 was detectable in 41% of CHF patient…
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies
The marriage between immunology and cytometry is one of the most stable and productive in the recent history of science. A rapid search in PubMed shows that, as of July 2017, using “flow cytometry immunology” as a search term yields more than 68 000 articles, the first of which, interestingly, is not about lymphocytes. It might be stated that, after a short engagement, the exchange of the wedding rings between immunology and cytometry officially occurred when the idea to link fluorochromes to monoclonal antibodies came about. After this, recognizing different types of cells became relatively easy and feasible not only by using a simple fluorescence microscope, but also by a complex and some…
The anti-CD14 antibody IC14 suppresses ex vivo endotoxin stimulated tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with chronic heart failure
Background: Activation of the endotoxin (LPS) receptor, CD14, leads to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) production. Plasma LPS activity is elevated in patients with severe chronic heart failure (CHF). An anti-CD14 antibody, IC14, blocks TNF production in healthy volunteers. It is not known whether IC14 prevents TNF production in CHF patients. Methods and results: Blood from 20 CHF patients (age 64±2.1 years, NYHA class 2.2±0.1, LVEF 27±3%, mean±SEM) was pre-incubated with 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10 and 50 μg/mL IC14 for 1 h followed by incubation with 1 or 10 ng/mL LPS for 6 h. Fourteen subjects served as controls (58±2.4 years). LPS-stimulated TNF release was 76% and 60% greater at 1 and 10 ng/mL …