Brenda Randisi
Acute appendicitis in a patient with situs viscerum inversus totalis: Role of laparoscopic approach. A case report and brief literature review
Highlights • Abdominal pain due to acute appendicitis in one of the most causes of access to Emergency Room requiring surgical consult and treatment. • The occurrence of anatomical anomalies should be considered especially when clinical and imaging features are misleading. In these cases laparoscopic surgery can be a safe tool in order to confirm uncertain diagnosis. • We report a case of acute appendicitis in a 23-year-old Caucasian men with situs viscerum inversus detected on radiological investigation. • Laparoscopic approach was used to confirm the diagnosis and to perform appendectomy. Trocars placement was tailored for this peculiar case. • Situs viscerum inversus and midgut malrotati…
Dedifferentiated retroperitoneal large liposarcoma and laparoscopic treatment: Is it possible and safe? The first literature case report
Highlights • We describe a case report of large retroperitoneal dedifferentiated liposarcoma totally treated by laparoscopic surgery. • In literature we found few cases of laparoscopic treatment only for Well-Differentiated liposarcoma. • To our knowledge this is the first description of Dedifferentiated liposarcoma completely treated with laparoscopic technique. • Literature review was performed to identify outcomes and advantages of laparoscopic approach for.
Systemic schistosomiasis and large bowel perforation: An unexpected surgical urgency. Report of a case and literature review
Key Clinical Message In the presence of suggestive clinical picture (high eosinophil count and multiple CT scan granuloma‐like lesions), schistosomiasis should be taken into account in case of suspected bowel perforation even if common risk factors are not identified through anamnesis.
The colovescical fistula in diverticular disease: Laparoscopic approach in two different cases
Highlights • The colovescical fistula is one of the complications of diverticular disease. • It can cause typical symptoms like pneumaturia and fecaluria affecting the quality of life and sometimes leading to death, usually secondary to sepsis. • We studied two patients with clinical, radiological and endoscopic diagnosis of colovescical fistula as a consequence of diverticular disease. • We performed a totally laparoscopic treatment with colonic resection and closure of the fistula with intracorporeal sutures. • The presence of a colovescical fistula significantly increases the difficult of the laparoscopic colonic resection.
Uncommon localizations of hydatid cyst. Review of the literature
Introduction Hydatid disease is an endemic anthropozoonosis with usual localization in liver and lungs. Rarely it localizes in uncommon sites as spleen, skeleton, kidney, brain, cardiac muscle, peritoneum, sub cutis. Complications of uncommon localizations are the same that for usual ones. Material and methods Review of the literature on rare and atypical localization of hydatid cysts in soft tissues. Key-words used on Pub-Med [(echinococ OR hydatid) AND (soft tissue OR subcutaneous OR cutaneous)] without time limit. There were found 282 articles; 242 were excluded because of muscular or bone localizations. 40 were coherent. Results Different variables are taken into account: age, sex, geog…
Recurrent intussusception of small bowel in a young patient due to metastases from cardiac undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma: A first ever case report
Highlights • Metastatic undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma) is a rare entity in the visceral organs. • We report a case of a metastatic primary cardiac undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma which presented with a recurrent small bowel intussusception in a young man. • Laparotomy by a small midline incision performed on the same day identified an intussusception of a 15-cm section of small intestine caused by a 4-cm intraluminal metastasis from undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. • Metastasis intussusception in the small intestine is a very rare condition and they are part of differential diagnosis in patient with a history of tumor who present with intussu…
Breast cancer in previously thyroidectomized patients: which thyroid disorders are a risk factor?
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether there are thyroid diseases in which breast cancer will appear later as well as the role of autoimmunity. This was a retrospective observational study. A total of 410 females (thyroid surgery and later breast cancer) and 524 females (thyroid surgery only) were compared with regard to pathological thyroid findings, thyroid hormones, thyroid autoimmunity and type of breast cancer. Thyroid autoimmunity, especially antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, significantly increased the risk of breast cancer (p < 0.01); however, this was not true for other thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer. No variant of breast cancer was predominant, and only thyroid…