Amadeo Fuenmayor
Quasi-markets Targets and the Evaluation of Nursing-home Funding in the Valencian Region
EnglishSpanish long term care is in danger, therefore we propose a change in the nursing home funding system. We use as an example the extremely complex nursing home financing system of Valencian Region. In this region, there are many funding mechanisms: two types of public subsidies, two different accessibility plans, a voucher scheme and a cash benefit approach related to residential service. We evaluate these methods through the quasi-market theory. We find that these approaches have negative impact on equity, efficiency and freedom of choice and we propose a new, homogeneous financing method for all nursing homes through voucher. EnglishLong term care, nursing homes, quasi-markets, vouc…
Impacto económico de las rentas mínimas: la Renta Valenciana de Inclusión
Las Comunidades Autónomas son las principales responsables de la política de asistencia social en España. Recientemente, la Comunidad Valenciana ha reformado su sistema de rentas mínimas, instaurando la denominada Renta Valenciana de Inclusión. En el presente trabajo se calcula el impacto económico de este programa partiendo de una estimación ex-ante del gasto público a realizar. La estimación cuantifica el número de beneficiarios y el coste presupuestario de la medida; y compara estos resultados con las restantes Comunidades Autónomas. La Comunidad Valenciana se situaría entre las regiones españolas con mayor tasa de cobertura y con mayor gasto por habitante en este tipo de políticas. En b…
Promoting sustainable environmental practices amongst automobile consumers: an evaluation of the impacts of pursuing innovations in tax regulations
The growing importance of environmental sustainability has resulted in governments pursuing innovative regulatory changes in order to achieve this goal. The aim of this paper is to evaluate critically whether pursuing innovative regulations in the realm of environmental taxation have elicited more sustainable practices amongst automobile consumers in Spain. The finding is that the tax innovations of the Spanish government that seek to internalise externalities, namely the registration tax and fuel tax, but not the annual circulation tax, are leading automobile consumers to pursue more environmentally sustainable practices, and are also resulting in the automotive sector itself pursuing inno…
Implementing a Negative Income Tax. Net Cost, Poverty and Inequality Effects
The main aim of this paper is to propose a financially viable alternative to the current Spanish system of social protection: A Negative Income Tax (NIT) unifying in a single mechanism the system of public benefits and income tax. We analyse the main characteristics of the NIT and simulate several NIT proposals for Spain, using the Living Conditions Survey. These proposals are distinct in that they do not suppose an additional cost in the tax-benefit system. The results of our simulations indicate a radical improvement in the indicators of poverty and inequality, especially extreme poverty, and also a redistribution of income from the elderly to families with children.
Caring for older people: an analysis of the small business sector
This study aims to analyse the small business sector in Spain for institutional care. In the Autonomous Region of Valencia, this sector is represented by non‐profit institutions. Our results show that non‐profit centres easily fulfil the legal requirements, especially with regard to personnel. They are generally of high quality and receive a large amount of volunteer work and funds from donators. Small business centres show an accurate daily cost per user of up to €56.48, a substantially lower rate than those offered by large centres.
Inequality Effects of Inflation: The 'Bracket Creep' Effect in the Spanish Income Tax System
The aim of this research is to analyse how inflation induced erosions of the nominally defined items of the tax rules of the Spanish income tax system may change distributional and revenue generating properties of income taxes. We further investigate the effects of the tax reform carried out in 2003. Although the Spanish government claimed that this reform would reduce tax liabilities, this is not so clear as many argue that this reform only offset the effects of inflation suffered by the population since 1999. Using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) data set we aim to shed some light on the above issues through microsimulation techniques. Furthermore, we will also measure the i…
Innovation and creativity in the automobile industry: environmental proposals and initiatives
Environmental issues are demanding deep changes, both by governments as well as by the private sector through strategic management, across all sectors. This is particularly the case in the automotive services sector, where the need to reduce CO2 emissions has become a central target. In this paper, the researchers seek to evaluate these innovative initiatives. For this purpose, the main tax measures are analysed as well as the strategies being developed by automobile companies in the context of the European Union in general and Spain in particular. It is found that different public policies and managerial initiatives are being used to achieve this goal.
Efectos de un programa de eliminación de sujeciones físicas sobre personas mayores con demencia en residencias
Resumen Objetivo Analizar los resultados de eliminar las sujeciones fisicas en mayores con demencia que viven en residencias. Este objetivo se enmarca en un proceso mas amplio de modificacion del modelo de atencion residencial. Metodo Estudio cuasi experimental en dos residencias desde mayo de 2010 hasta mayo de 2012. Se recoge informacion en 7 momentos temporales y se efectua un analisis longitudinal. Tras formar al personal se retiraron progresivamente las sujeciones fisicas en el centro El Puig, mientras que en el centro Conarda se mantuvieron las sujeciones. Las variables principales medidas fueron: caidas, psicofarmacos administrados, asi como diversos indicadores de estado mental y fu…