Thomas Desplanches
Combined effects of increasing maternal age and nulliparity on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and small for gestational age
The mean age of women delivering for the first time is increasing, and this combination could lead to an increased risk of perinatal complications.The objective was to evaluate the potential combined effects of nulliparity and increasing maternal age on small for gestational age (SGA 10th percentile) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP).A population-based cohort study was conducted using data routinely collected on all births in 11 hospitals in the Burgundy perinatal network between 2007 and 2016. Pregnant women with singleton deliveries aged 20 years or older were included at delivery and divided into groups according to maternal age (20 to 24-year-old group as a reference). Mult…
Volume of Neonatal Care and Survival without Disability at 2 Years in Very Preterm Infants: Results of a French National Cohort Study
International audience; Objectives To investigate the relation between neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) volume and survival, and neuromotor and sensory disabilities at 2 years in very preterm infants. Study design The EPIPAGE-2 (Etude Epidémiologique sur les Petits Âges Gestationnels-2) national prospective population-based cohort study was used to include 2447 babies born alive in 66 level III hospitals between 24 and 30 completed weeks of gestation in 2011. The outcome was survival without disabilities (levels 2-5 of the Gross Motor Function Classification System for cerebral palsy with or without unilateral or bilateral blindness or deafness). Units were grouped in quartiles according…
Analyse coût-efficacité comparant sept stratégies diagnostiques chez les grossesses simples présentant une menace d’accouchement prématurée
Tuteur thematique : Pr Paul Sagot, service de gynecologie-obstetrique, medecine foetale et sterilite conjugale, CHU de Dijon, 21000 Dijon. Tuteur methodologique : Pr Catherine Quantin, CHRU, service de biostatistique et d’informatique medicale (DIM), Dijon 21000. Etat de la question L’objectif de notre etude etait de determiner la strategie diagnostique la plus efficiente pour predire une naissance prematuree chez les grossesses simples entre 24 et 34 semaines de gestation. Materiel et methodes Sept strategies diagnostiques utilisees chez les femmes enceintes presentant une menace d’accouchement prematuree ont ete comparees en termes de cout et d’efficacite, en utilisant un modele d’analyse…