H.j. Decker

Involvement of the chromosomal region 11q13 in renal oncocytoma: case report and literature review.

Renal oncocytomas comprise a cytogenetically heterogeneous group of tumors consisting potentially of cytogenetic distinguishable subgroups. Review of the literature revealed loss of chromosome 1 and Y as a possible anomaly for at least one subset of oncocytomas. The frequent finding of rearrangements involving chromosome 11 band q13 characterizes another subset of oncocytomas. We report the cytogenetic and pathological features of a renal oncocytoma diagnosed in a 72-year-old woman and found a t(9;11)(p23;q13) as a consistent abnormality. This supports the idea that translocations involving 11q13 define a further subset of oncocytoma. (C) Elsevier Science Inc., 1997.

research product

Detection of a novel germline mutation in the von Hippel-Lindau tumour-suppressor gene by fluorescence-labelled base excision sequence scanning (F-BESS)

The von Hippel Lindau (VHL) syndrome is an inherited multi-tumour disorder characterised by clinical heterogeneity and high penetrance. The VHL gene has been shown to be a tumour-suppressor gene. A carrier of a germline mutation will be predisposed to a high variety of benign and malign tumours affecting different organ systems. As treatment of VHL malformations in presymptomatic stages will improve significantly the clinical outcome and the patient's quality of life, early and unambiguous detection of a germline mutation is mandatory. Direct sequencing especially of large genes might be laborious and time consuming. Therefore, most laboratories apply single strand conformational polymorphi…

research product

Inverse regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and VHL tumor suppressor gene in sporadic renal cell carcinomas is correlated with vascular growth: an in vivo study on 29 tumors

Tumors associated with the VHL (von Hippel-Lindau) disease, such as hemangioblastomas and renal carcinomas and their sporadic counterparts, are cystic and well vascularized. Mutations of the VHL tumor-suppressor gene and elevated levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have been described in these tumors. The upregulation of VEGF has been shown in vitro as a consequence of alteration of the VHL gene. No comprehensive in vivo analysis has yet been carried out of the factors affecting tumor growth, vascularization, VEGF, and VHL expression. We performed immunohistochemistry and mRNA studies on primary sporadic renal carcinomas and matching normal renal tissue. We semiquantitativel…

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