Antonio Vairo
Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities
A golden age for heavy quarkonium physics dawned a decade ago, initiated by the confluence of exciting advances in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and an explosion of related experimental activity. The early years of this period were chronicled in the Quarkonium Working Group (QWG) CERN Yellow Report (YR) in 2004, which presented a comprehensive review of the status of the field at that time and provided specific recommendations for further progress. However, the broad spectrum of subsequent breakthroughs, surprises, and continuing puzzles could only be partially anticipated. Since the release of the YR, the BESII program concluded only to give birth to BESIII; the $B$-factories and CLEO-c flo…
Transport coefficients from in medium quarkonium dynamics
The in medium dynamics of heavy particles are governed by transport coefficients. The heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient, $\kappa$, is an object of special interest in the literature, but one which has proven notoriously difficult to estimate, despite the fact that it has been computed by weak-coupling methods at next-to-leading order accuracy, and by lattice simulations of the pure SU(3) gauge theory. Another coefficient, $\gamma$, has been recently identified. It can be understood as the dispersive counterpart of $\kappa$. Little is known about $\gamma$. Both $\kappa$ and $\gamma$ are, however, of foremost importance in heavy quarkonium physics as they entirely determine the in an…
Momentum anisotropy effects for quarkonium in a weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma below the melting temperature
In the early stages of heavy-ion collisions, the hot QCD matter expands more longitudinally than transversely. This imbalance causes the system to become rapidly colder in the longitudinal direction and a local momentum anisotropy appears. In this paper, we study the heavy-quarkonium spectrum in the presence of a small plasma anisotropy. We work in the framework of pNRQCD at finite temperature. We inspect arrangements of non-relativistic and thermal scales complementary to those considered in the literature. In particular, we consider temperatures larger and Debye masses smaller than the binding energy, which is a temperature range relevant for presently running LHC experiments. In this set…
Quarkonium suppression in heavy-ion collisions: an open quantum system approach
We address the evolution of heavy-quarkonium states in an expanding quark-gluon plasma by implementing effective field theory techniques in the framework of open quantum systems. In this setting we compute the nuclear modification factors for quarkonia that are $S$-wave Coulombic bound states in a strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma. The calculation is performed at an accuracy that is leading-order in the heavy-quark density expansion and next-to-leading order in the multipole expansion. The quarkonium density-matrix evolution equations can be written in the Lindblad form, and, hence, they account for both dissociation and recombination. Thermal mass shifts, thermal widths and the Lindblad …
Implications of gradient flow on the static force
We use gradient flow to compute the static force based on a Wilson loop with a chromoelectric field insertion. The result can be compared on one hand to the static force from the numerical derivative of the lattice static energy, and on the other hand to the perturbative calculation, allowing a precise extraction of the $\Lambda_0$ parameter. This study may open the way to gradient flow calculations of correlators of chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields, which typically arise in the nonrelativistic effective field theory factorization.
Heavy quarkonium suppression in a fireball
We perform a comprehensive study of the time evolution of heavy-quarkonium states in an expanding hot QCD medium by implementing effective field theory techniques in the framework of open quantum systems. The formalism incorporates quarkonium production and its subsequent evolution in the fireball including quarkonium dissociation and recombination. We consider a fireball with a local temperature that is much smaller than the inverse size of the quarkonium and much larger than its binding energy. The calculation is performed at an accuracy that is leading-order in the heavy-quark density expansion and next-to-leading order in the multipole expansion. Within this accuracy, for a smooth varia…
The Belle II Physics Book
cd. autorów: L. Cao48,‡, G. Caria145,‡, G. Casarosa57,‡, C. Cecchi56,‡,D. Cˇ ervenkov10,‡,M.-C. Chang22,‡, P. Chang92,‡, R. Cheaib146,‡, V. Chekelian83,‡, Y. Chen154,‡, B. G. Cheon28,‡, K. Chilikin77,‡, K. Cho70,‡, J. Choi14,‡, S.-K. Choi27,‡, S. Choudhury35,‡, D. Cinabro170,‡, L. M. Cremaldi146,‡, D. Cuesta47,‡, S. Cunliffe16,‡, N. Dash33,‡, E. de la Cruz Burelo9,‡, E. de Lucia52,‡, G. De Nardo54,‡, †Editor. ‡Belle II Collaborator. §Theory or external contributing author. M. De Nuccio16,‡, G. De Pietro59,‡, A. De Yta Hernandez9,‡, B. Deschamps129,‡, M. Destefanis60,‡, S. Dey116,‡, F.Di Capua54,‡, S.Di Carlo75,‡, J. Dingfelder129,‡, Z. Doležal10,‡, I. Domínguez Jiménez125,‡, T.V. Dong30,26,…