G. De Rijk
$$\bar K^{0*} (892)$$ andK 0*(892) production at lowp t and the quark parton model
Data on the production of the neutralK*(892) resonances at lowpt by 200 GeVK− and π− is compared with the predictions of various models based on the quark parton model of hadrons.
Lifetimes of charged and neutralD mesons
We have measured the lifetimes of hadronically produced charged and neutralD mesons using silicon microstrip detectors and an active silicon target in the NA32 spectrometer at the CERN SPS. We obtainτD± = (10.9±1.51.9)·10−13s andτD(−)10 = (4.2±0.5)·10−13s based on 59 and 90 fully reconstructed decays respectively, giving a ratioτD±/τD(−)10 of 2.6 ±0.5.
Inclusive $$\bar K^{0*} (892)$$ andK 0*(892) production on silicon by 200 GeVK − andπ −
The production of the neutralK− (892) resonances by 200 GeVK− andπ− has been studied over the kinematic range 0.0<xf<1.0 andpt2<5.0 GeV2. Longitudinal and transverse momentum distributions are presented. In addition the decay angular distributions inK− fragmentation to\(\bar K^{0*} \) have been investigated.
Production ofD, D * andD s mesons in 200 GeV/c ?? K ? andp-Si interactions
The NA 32 experiment at the CERN SPS has collected 38 million hadronic interactions with incident 200 GeV/c π−,K− andp beam. Using a segmented silicon active target and a telescope of high resolution silicon microstrip counters we have selected fully reconstructedD0→K−π+,D0→K−π+π+π−,D+→K−π+π+,Ds+→K−K+π+π+ and charge conjugate decays. The integrated cross-sections forDo,D+D*+ andDs+ meson production and the dependence of the cross-section on longitudinal and transverse momentum of theD are presented.