Julio Calvete

Neoplasias de páncreas y periampulares: morbimortalidad, resultados funcionales y supervivencia a largo plazo

Resumen Objetivos Evaluar la morbimortalidad postoperatoria, el estado funcional y la supervivencia a largo plazo de pacientes con tumores de pancreas o periampulares a los que se intervino quirurgicamente. Pacientes y metodos Cohorte de 160 pacientes a los que se intervino consecutivamente: 80 duodenopancreatectomias cefalicas (DPC), 30 resecciones corporocaudales (RCC), 7 duodenopancreatectomias totales, 4 resecciones centrales y 3 ampulectomias; en 36 pacientes no se realizo reseccion. La funcion pancreatica se evaluo mediante test de sobrecarga oral a la glucosa, grasas en heces y elastasa fecal. Resultados La tasa de resecabilidad fue del 77,5%. En los pacientes resecados (n = 124) la …

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Arterial hypertension due to primary adrenal hydatid cyst.

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Effects of PEEP on Residual Vascularization in Oesophageal Substitution Gastroplasty by Surface Oximetry-Capnometry and Photoplethysmography

<i>Objective:</i> To evaluate the effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on residual vascularization in gastric tubes for oesophageal replacement. <i>Design:</i> Experimental open study. <i>Materials:</i> Eleven mongrel dogs. <i>Methods:</i> Intestinal parietal blood flow was evaluated by photoplethysmography (PPG) and measurement of surface oxygen (PsO<sub>2</sub>) and carbon dioxide (PsCO<sub>2</sub>) tensions under basal conditions. After Akiyama’s tubular gastroplasty, three levels of PEEP were administered. At each level, fluids were infused to counter the drop in cardiac output. PPG, surface gas tensio…

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Effect of simultaneous inhibition of TNF-α production and xanthine oxidase in experimental acute pancreatitis: The role of mitogen activated protein kinases

Javier Pereda et al.

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Pancreatic and periampullary tumours: morbidity, mortality, functional results, and long-term survival

Abstract Aims To evaluate postoperative morbidity and mortality, pancreatic function and long-term survival in patients with surgically treated pancreatic or periampullar tumours. Patients and methods Cohort study including 160 patients consecutively operated on: 80 pancreaticoduodenectomies (PD), 30 distal pancreatectomies (DP), 7 total pancreatectomies, 4 central pancreatic resections, and 3 ampullectomies. The tumour was not resected in 36 patients. Pancreatic function was evaluated by oral glucose tolerance test, faecal fat excretion, and elastase. Results Resectability rate was 77.5%. In resected patients (n = 124), 38.7% had complications with a pancreatic fistula rate of 6.4% and a m…

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Multiple intrahepatic pseudocysts in acute pancreatitis

Liver pseudocysts are a very rare complication in acute pancreatitis with only a few cases previously described. The lack of experience and literature on this condition leads to difficulties in the differential diagnosis and management. We report herein a case of acute pancreatitis who developed multiple intrahepatic pseudocysts. After complete imaging evaluation, the diagnosis was still unclear and the patient was operated on. The presence of liver lesions in patients with acute pancreatitis should raise the possibility of intrahepatic pseudocysts.

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