Sergio Rodríguez


Descripción de los conodontos del Givetiense y Frasniense inferior (Devónico) de Renanué (Pirineos Aragoneses)

Se estudia el contenido en conodontos del Givetiense y Frasniense inferior en la sección Renanué (Pirineos Aragoneses). Como resultado se describen 28 taxones de Polygnathus, Icriodus, Skeletognathus y Klapperina. De éstos, 21 se describen e ilustran por primera vez en la sección Renanué. Esta sucesión de conodontos permitirá una subdivisión bioestratigráfica detallada del intervalo estudiado. A Givetian and Early Frasnian conodont sequence from Renanué section is presented. As a result, 28 taxa belonging to Polygnathus, Icriodus, Skeletognathus and Klapperina are described. 21 taxa are described and illustrated for the first time from Renanué section. This conodont succession will allow a …

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Chemical composition and complex refractive index of Saharan Mineral Dust at Izaña, Tenerife (Spain) derived by electron microscopy

Abstract Samples from two strong homogeneous dust plumes from the Saharan desert reaching Izana (Tenerife, Spain) in July and August 2005 were taken with a miniature impactor system and filter samplers. Size, aspect ratio and chemical composition of more than 22,000 individual particles were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The mineralogical phase composition of about 200 particles was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. In addition, the aerosol size distribution was measured with an optical particle spectrometer. In all samples, the aerosol was dominated by mineral dust with an average composition (by volume) of 64% silicates, 6% quartz, 5% calcium-rich particles, 14%…

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Resultados inmediatos e impacto funcional y pronóstico tras la recanalización de oclusiones coronarias crónicas. Resultados del Registro Ibérico

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos El impacto de la intervencion coronaria percutanea (ICP) sobre oclusiones coronarias cronicas totales (OCT) presenta controversias. Se analizan los resultados agudos y al seguimiento en nuestro entorno. Metodos Registro prospectivo de ICP sobre OCT en 24 centros durante 2 anos. Resultados Se realizaron 1.000 ICP sobre OCT en 952 pacientes. La mayoria tenia sintomas (81,5%) y cardiopatia isquemica previa (59,2%), y hubo intentos de desobstruccion previos en un 15%. El SYNTAX anatomico fue 19,5 ± 10,6 y tenia J-score > 2 el 17,3%. El procedimiento fue retrogrado en 92 pacientes (9,2%). La tasa de exito fue del 74,9%, mayor en aquellos sin ICP previa (el 82,2 f…

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EP-1613: Depth determination of skin cancers treated with superficial barchytherapy: ultrasound vs. histopathology

research product

Comparative Study of Ambient Air Particles in Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndrome

Introduction and objectives: Currently air pollution is considered as an emerging risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Our objective was to study the concentrations of particulate matter in ambient air and analyze their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors in patients admitted to a cardiology department of a tertiary hospital with the diagnosis of heart failure or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods: We analyzed 3950 consecutive patients admitted with the diagnosis of heart failure or ACS. We determined the average concentrations of different sizes of particulate matter (<10, <2.5, and <1 mm and ultrafine particles) from 1 day or up to 7 days prior to admission (1 to 7 days l…

research product

Anthropogenic Perturbations to the Atmospheric Molybdenum Cycle

Molybdenum (Mo) is a key cofactor in enzymes used for nitrogen (N) fixation and nitrate reduction, and the low availability of Mo can constrain N inputs, affecting ecosystem productivity. Natural atmospheric Mo aerosolization and deposition from sources such as desert dust, sea‐salt spray, and volcanoes can affect ecosystem function across long timescales, but anthropogenic activities such as combustion, motor vehicles, and agricultural dust have accelerated the natural Mo cycle. Here we combined a synthesis of global atmospheric concentration observations and modeling to identify and estimate anthropogenic sources of atmospheric Mo. To project the impact of atmospheric Mo on terrestrial ec…

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Estudio comparativo de las partículas en aire ambiente en pacientes ingresados por insuficiencia cardiaca y síndrome coronario agudo

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Actualmente se considera la contaminacion atmosferica como un factor de riesgo emergente de enfermedades cardiovasculares. Nuestro objetivo fue comparar las concentraciones de particulas atmosfericas en aire ambiente y analizar su relacion con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes que ingresan en un servicio de cardiologia de un hospital terciario con el diagnostico de insuficiencia cardiaca y sindrome coronario agudo (SCA). Metodos Analizamos a un total de 3.950 pacientes ingresados de forma consecutiva con el diagnostico de insuficiencia cardiaca y SCA. Se determinaron las concentraciones medias de material particulado con tamano Resultados No…

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Procedural, Functional and Prognostic Outcomes Following Recanalization of Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions. Results of the Iberian Registry.

Introduction and objectives: There is current controversy regarding the benefits of percutaneous recanalization (PCI) of chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO). Our aim was to determine acute and follow-up outcomes in our setting. Methods: Two-year prospective registry of consecutive patients undergoing PCI of CTO in 24 centers. Results: A total of 1000 PCIs of CTO were performed in 952 patients. Most were symptomatic (81.5%), with chronic ischemic heart disease (59.2%). Previous recanalization attempts had been made in 15%. The mean SYNTAX score was 19.5 +/- 10.6 and J-score was > 2 in 17.3%. A retrograde procedure was performed in 92 patients (9.2%). The success rate was 74.9% and was hi…

research product

Relación entre exposición a corto plazo a dióxido de azufre atmosférico y lesiones obstructivas en el síndrome coronario agudo

Resumen Fundamentos y objetivo Los contaminantes del aire urbano estan constituidos por una mezcla heterogenea de sustancias presentes en estado gaseoso y aerosoles. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos causados por la exposicion a contaminantes en fase gas y particulas atmosfericas en aire ambiente en pacientes que ingresan por un sindrome coronario agudo (SCA), en relacion con la presencia o no de lesiones obstructivas significativas (LOS) en arterias coronarias epicardicas. Pacientes y metodo Analizamos de forma prospectiva a un total de 2.110 pacientes con el diagnostico de SCA. Se determinaron las concentraciones medias de contaminantes en fase gas y particulas atm…

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New species of the rugose coral genus Lithostrotion Fleming in the upper Viséan from the Azrou-Khenifra Basin (Morocco)

The new species Lithostrotion termieri Rodríguez & Somerville is described. It shows very large corallites of the rugose genus Lithostrotion Fleming. It has been recorded up to now only in upper Viséan rocks from the type locality, the Akrab ridge, Morocco also called Tizi Ben Zizouit by Termier & Termier (1950), who identified it as Lonsdaleia floriformis, and south-east from Tabainout, also from the Azrou-Khenifra Basin.

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