Jörg Wicker
Data-Driven approach reveals universal patterns in colour-emotion associations across 30 nations
Description of the data set for the manuscript "A machine learning approach to quantifying the specificity of color-emotion associations and their cultural differences".
Description of the data set
Cinema Data Mining
While the physiological response of humans to emotional events or stimuli is well-investigated for many modalities (like EEG, skin resistance, ...), surprisingly little is known about the exhalation of so-called Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at quite low concentrations in response to such stimuli. VOCs are molecules of relatively small mass that quickly evaporate or sublimate and can be detected in the air that surrounds us. The paper introduces a new field of application for data mining, where trace gas responses of people reacting on-line to films shown in cinemas (or movie theaters) are related to the semantic content of the films themselves. To do so, we measured the VOCs from a mov…
Eawag-Soil in enviPath: a new resource for exploring regulatory pesticide soil biodegradation pathways and half-life data.
Developing models for the prediction of microbial biotransformation pathways and half-lives of trace organic contaminants in different environments requires as training data easily accessible and sufficiently large collections of respective biotransformation data that are annotated with metadata on study conditions. Here, we present the Eawag-Soil package, a public database that has been developed to contain all freely accessible regulatory data on pesticide degradation in laboratory soil simulation studies for pesticides registered in the EU (282 degradation pathways, 1535 reactions, 1619 compounds and 4716 biotransformation half-life values with corresponding metadata on study conditions)…
Scavenger – A Framework for Efficient Evaluation of Dynamic and Modular Algorithms
Machine Learning methods and algorithms are often highly modular in the sense that they rely on a large number of subalgorithms that are in principle interchangeable. For example, it is often possible to use various kinds of pre- and post-processing and various base classifiers or regressors as components of the same modular approach. We propose a framework, called Scavenger, that allows evaluating whole families of conceptually similar algorithms efficiently. The algorithms are represented as compositions, couplings and products of atomic subalgorithms. This allows partial results to be cached and shared between different instances of a modular algorithm, so that potentially expensive part…
BMaD – A Boolean Matrix Decomposition Framework
Boolean matrix decomposition is a method to obtain a compressed representation of a matrix with Boolean entries. We present a modular framework that unifies several Boolean matrix decomposition algorithms, and provide methods to evaluate their performance. The main advantages of the framework are its modular approach and hence the flexible combination of the steps of a Boolean matrix decomposition and the capability of handling missing values. The framework is licensed under the GPLv3 and can be downloaded freely at http://projects.informatik.uni-mainz.de/bmad.
A Hybrid Machine Learning and Knowledge Based Approach to Limit Combinatorial Explosion in Biodegradation Prediction
One of the main tasks in chemical industry regarding the sustainability of a product is the prediction of its environmental fate, i.e., its degradation products and pathways. Current methods for the prediction of biodegradation products and pathways of organic environmental pollutants either do not take into account domain knowledge or do not provide probability estimates. In this chapter, we propose a hybrid knowledge-based and machine learning-based approach to overcome these limitations in the context of the University of Minnesota Pathway Prediction System (UM-PPS). The proposed solution performs relative reasoning in a machine learning framework, and obtains one probability estimate fo…
enviPath - The environmental contaminant biotransformation pathway resource
The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database and Pathway Prediction System (UM-BBD/PPS) has been a unique resource covering microbial biotransformation pathways of primarily xenobiotic chemicals for over 15 years. This paper introduces the successor system, enviPath (The Environmental Contaminant Biotransformation Pathway Resource), which is a complete redesign and reimplementation of UM-BBD/PPS. enviPath uses the database from the UM-BBD/PPS as a basis, extends the use of this database, and allows users to include their own data to support multiple use cases. Relative reasoning is supported for the refinement of predictions and to allow its extensions in terms of previo…
A Nonlinear Label Compression and Transformation Method for Multi-label Classification Using Autoencoders
Multi-label classification targets the prediction of multiple interdependent and non-exclusive binary target variables. Transformation-based algorithms transform the data set such that regular single-label algorithms can be applied to the problem. A special type of transformation-based classifiers are label compression methods, which compress the labels and then mostly use single label classifiers to predict the compressed labels. So far, there are no compression-based algorithms that follow a problem transformation approach and address non-linear dependencies in the labels. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, called Maniac (Multi-lAbel classificatioN usIng AutoenCoders), which extra…
Multi-label classification using boolean matrix decomposition
This paper introduces a new multi-label classifier based on Boolean matrix decomposition. Boolean matrix decomposition is used to extract, from the full label matrix, latent labels representing useful Boolean combinations of the original labels. Base level models predict latent labels, which are subsequently transformed into the actual labels by Boolean matrix multiplication with the second matrix from the decomposition. The new method is tested on six publicly available datasets with varying numbers of labels. The experimental evaluation shows that the new method works particularly well on datasets with a large number of labels and strong dependencies among them.
Trading off accuracy for efficiency by randomized greedy warping
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is a widely used distance measure for time series data mining. Its quadratic complexity requires the application of various techniques (e.g. warping constraints, lower-bounds) for deployment in real-time scenarios. In this paper we propose a randomized greedy warping algorithm for finding similarity between time series instances. We show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the simple greedy approach and also provides very good time series similarity approximation consistently, as compared to DTW. We show that the Randomized Time Warping (RTW) can be used in place of DTW as a fast similarity approximation technique by trading some classification accuracy for ve…
Cinema audiences reproducibly vary the chemical composition of air during films, by broadcasting scene specific emissions on breath
AbstractHuman beings continuously emit chemicals into the air by breath and through the skin. In order to determine whether these emissions vary predictably in response to audiovisual stimuli, we have continuously monitored carbon dioxide and over one hundred volatile organic compounds in a cinema. It was found that many airborne chemicals in cinema air varied distinctively and reproducibly with time for a particular film, even in different screenings to different audiences. Application of scene labels and advanced data mining methods revealed that specific film events, namely “suspense” or “comedy” caused audiences to change their emission of specific chemicals. These event-type synchronou…
Data set for the manuscript "A machine learning approach to quantifying the specificity of color-emotion associations and their cultural differences"
Each row represents the ratings of the intensity of 20 emotions associated with the color term given by variable "color", by participant identified by variable "subject"
Data set for the manuscript "A machine learning approach to quantify the specificity of color-emotion associations and their cultural differences".
Each row represents the ratings of the intensity of 20 emotions associated with the color term given by variable "color", by participant identified by variable "subject"