Armando Pérez De Prado

Estrategia invasiva frente a conservadora en pacientes frágiles con IAMSEST. Diseño del ensayo clínico MOSCA-FRAIL

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Aunque las guias de practica clinica recomiendan una estrategia invasiva para el infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevacion del segmento ST (IAMSEST), en la practica clinica esta estrategia se infrautiliza en ancianos fragiles. Ademas estos enfermos habitualmente quedan excluidos de los ensayos clinicos, por lo que la evidencia es escasa. Nuestra hipotesis es que una estrategia invasiva para el anciano con fragilidad y IAMSEST mejorara el pronostico. Metodos Se trata de un estudio prospectivo, multicentrico y aleatorizado que compara una estrategia invasiva frente a una conservadora en ancianos fragiles con IAMSEST. Los criterios de inclusion son: IAMSEST, eda…

research product

Effect of implantation technique on outcomes in patients receiving bioresorbable scaffolds in various clinical scenarios

ABSTRACT Introduction and objectives: The PSP (pre-dilation, sizing and post-dilation) score, derived from the GHOST-EU registry, has evaluated the relationship between the implantation technique of bioresorbable scaffolds and the clinical outcomes. The objective was to perform an external validation of the PSP technique and to determine its effect on adverse cardiac events in various clinical and anatomical scenarios. Methods: Data from the REPARA registry (2230 patients) were used for external validation, whereas a common database combining REPARA and GHOST-EU (3250 patients) data was used to evaluate the effect of PSP technique in various clinical and anatomical scenarios. PSP-1 and PSP-…

research product

Invasive Versus Conservative Strategy in Frail Patients With NSTEMI: The MOSCA-FRAIL Clinical Trial Study Design

Abstract Introduction and objectives Although clinical guidelines recommend invasive management in non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), this strategy is underused in frail elderly patients in the real world. Furthermore, these patients are underrepresented in clinical trials and therefore the evidence is scarce. Our hypothesis is that an invasive strategy will improve prognosis in elderly frail patients with NSTEMI . Methods This will be a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial, in which the conservative and invasive strategies will be compared in patients meeting all of the following inclusion criteria: NSTEMI diagnosis, age ≥ 70 years, and frailty defined by a cate…

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