Jose Bernabeu

Genuine and Matter-induced Components of the CPV Asymmetry for Neutrino Oscillations

These results represent the solution for the historical problem of the contamination by matter effects on the CPV Asymmetry for neutrino oscillations. Vacuum is CPT-symmetric and matter is T-symmetric, the goal is accomplished by using this guiding principle. Independent of the theoretical framework for the dynamics of the active neutrino flavors, we prove the Disentanglement Theorem A(CP)=A(CP, T)+A(CP, CPT) for the experimental CPV Asymmetry, with A(CP, T) genuine T-odd and A(CP, CPT) fake CPT-odd. For the effective Hamiltonian written as the sum of free mass propagation plus the matter potential for electron-neutrinos, the two components have definite parities under the baseline L, the m…

research product

Muon capture in11B

In this paper the partial-capture rates of muons in11B going to11Be(g.s.) and11Be (320 keV), as well as the hyperfine effect in the transition to11Be*, are studied. Comparing these results with the beta-decay of11Be and the electromagnetic transition11Be* →11Be, we can derive some conclusions on the nuclear structure of the bound states of11Be. We also discuss some possible experiences which can give information on the pseudoscalar form factor in weak interactions.

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On the definition and observability of the neutrino charge radius

We present a brief summary of recent results concerning the unambiguous definition and experimental extraction of the gauge-invariant and process-independent neutrino charge radius.

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Observability of the Neutrino Charge Radius

It is shown that the probe-independent charge radius of the neutrino is a physical observable; as such, it may be extracted from experiment, at least in principle. This is accomplished by expressing a set of experimental ${\ensuremath{\nu}}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}\mathrm{\text{\ensuremath{-}}}e$ cross sections in terms of the finite charge radius and two additional gauge- and renormalization-group-invariant quantities, corresponding to the electroweak effective charge and mixing angle.

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CP phases in the charged current and Higgs sectors for Majorana neutrinos

8 páginas, 2 figuras.-- CERN-TH-4247-85.

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Neutrinoless double beta-decay in the su(4) symmetry scheme

TheSU(4) symmetry scheme, used in a previous paper for the study of the 2v double β decay, is applied to the study of the 0v double β decay. Differences and similarities between the 2 processes are emphasized. The sensitivity to short-range correlations is discussed.

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W polarisation beyond helicity fractions in top quark decays

30 páginas, 14 figuras, 1 tabla.-- arXiv:1005.5382v2

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ϵ′/ϵ effects from time integrated coherent decays of in a φ-factory

We study the ϵ′/ϵ-effects from time integrated coherent decays of the K0 − K0-system in a φ-factory. A complete set of observables is presented. We paid special attention to backgrounds effects coming from the C = + state, both for Re(ϵ′/ϵ) and Im(ϵ′/ϵ).

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Muo-production of neutrino pairs and the number of generations

6 páginas, 3 figuras.

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Spontaneous breakdown of CP in left right symmetric models

We show that it is possible to obtain spontaneous CP violation in the minimal SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B -L, i.e. in a left right symmetric model containing a bidoublet and two triplets in the scalar sector. For this to be a natural scenario, the non-diagonal quartic couplings between the two scalar triplets and the bidoublet play a fundamental role. We analyze the corresponding Higgs spectrum, the suppression of FCNC’s and the manifestation of the spontaneous CP phase in the electric dipole moment of the electron.

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The W and Z boson spin observables as messengers of New Physics at LHC

The successful LHC operation suggests going beyond the search of excess of events for the quest of new physics. We demonstrate that the eight multipole parameters describing the spin state of the W or Z bosons are able to disentangle their hidden production mechanism. They can be separately extracted from well defined angular asymmetries in the leptonic distribution of boson decays. The discriminating power of this analysis is well illustrated by: (i) polarised top quark decays, (ii) two body decay of heavy resonances, (iii) Drell-Yan production of Z plus jets, (iv) Z boson plus missing transverse energy.

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Lepton flavour violating decay of the Z0 in the scalar triplet model

Abstract The lepton flavour violating Z→μme, Z→μτ and Z→eτ decays are evaluated in the framework of the majoron triplet model of Gelmini and Roncadelli. The process is dominated by the diagrams with charged scalars in the loops, so the GIM cancellation is avoided. We obtain branching ratios for Z→μτ and Z→eτ which might be detectable at SLC and/or LEP.

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Tau anomalous magnetic moment form factor at Super B/Flavor factories

The proposed high-luminosity B/Flavor factories offer new opportunities for the improved determination of the fundamental physical parameters of standard heavy leptons. Compared to the electron or the muon case, the magnetic properties of the $\tau$ lepton are largely unexplored. We show that the electromagnetic properties of the $\tau$, and in particular its magnetic form factor, may be measured competitively in these facilities, using unpolarized or polarized electron beams. Various observables of the $\tau$'s produced on top of the $\Upsilon$ resonances, such as cross-section and normal polarization for unpolarized electrons or longitudinal and transverse asymmetries for polarized beams,…

research product

SU(4) breaking, allowed transitions and total muon capture rates in nuclei

The authors study muon capture rates in light nuclei and show that one can evaluate them in a model-independent way by correcting the Primakoff closure approximation to the first order in the neutrino energy dependence. In this framework the interplay between the existence of allowed transitions and SU(4) breaking is analyzed. In the correction to the first order in the neutrino energy dependence by a sum rule, Majorana and SU(4) breaking potentials are taken into account. The method is also applied to single multipolar transitions, in particular for the dipole transitions. General considerations are illustrated for /sup 6/Li and /sup 12/C by explicit calculations. The stability of the resu…

research product

Charge radius of the neutrino

Using the pinch technique we construct at one-loop order a neutrino charge radius, which is finite, depends neither on the gauge-fixing parameter nor on the gauge-fixing scheme employed, and is process independent. This definition stems solely from an effective proper photon-neutrino one-loop vertex, with no reference to box or self-energy contributions. The role of the $\mathrm{WW}$ box in this construction is critically examined. In particular it is shown that the exclusion of the effective $\mathrm{WW}$ box from the definition of the neutrino charge radius is not a matter of convention but is in fact dynamically realized when the target fermions are right-handedly polarized. In this way …

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Nuclear tests for the strange charge from factor of the nucleon

Abstract It is shown that the measurements of elastic and inelastic scattering of neutrinos and parity-violating asymmetry of longitudinally polarized electrons on spin-isospin zero nuclei would yield model independent information about the strangeness charge form factor. Nunerical estimates of the contribution of this form factor are presented for 4 He, 12 C and 16 O nuclei in impulse approximation using strangeness vector from factors of the nucleon recently suggested in the literature. A general relation between the P -odd asymmetry in electron scattering and the cross sections of neutrino and unpolarized electron scattering on spin zero nuclei is obtained.

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Tau-spin correlations at the z-peak: aplanarities of the decay products

8 páginas, 3 figuras, 1 tabla.-- CERN-TH-5932-90 ; FTUV-90-26.

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CP violation and electric-dipole-moment at low energy tau-pair production

CP violation at low energy is investigated at the tau electromagnetic vertex. High statistics at B factories, and on top of the Upsilon resonances, allows a detailed investigation of CP-odd observables related to the tau-pair production. The contribution of the tau electric dipole moment is considered in detail. We perform an analysis independent from the high energy data by means of correlation and linear spin observables at low energy. We show that different CP-odd asymmetries, associated to the normal-transverse and normal-longitudinal correlation terms can be measured at low energy accelerators, both at resonant and non resonant energies. These observables allow to put stringent and ind…

research product

Neutrinoless double electron capture as a tool to measure the electron neutrino mass

Abstract A nucleus (Z, A) may capture two atomic electrons to become (Z − 2, A). For Majorana neutrinos this may occur with no neutrino emission, the process is a virtual mixing of the parent atom and the daughter atom with two electron holes. The process becomes real as the daughter atom de-excites. In some cases where the daughter nucleus is excited, the neutrinoless decay may be enhanced by its proximity to a virtual resonance. We identify the 112 Sn → 112 Cd transition as a good case. The no-neutrino lifetime for mν = 30 eV ranges from 1022 to 1027 years as a function of the insufficiently well determined distance to resonance. The signatures of the two- or no-neutrino modes are very di…

research product

The Capabilities of monochromatic EC neutrino beams with the SPS upgrade

The goal for future neutrino facilities is the determination of the U(e3) mixing and CP violation in neutrino oscillations. This will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source and energy control. With this objective in mind, the creation of monochromatic neutrino beams from the electron capture decay of boosted ions by the SPS of CERN has been proposed. We discuss the capabilities of such a facility as a function of the energy of the boost and the baseline for the detector. We conclude that the SPS upgrade to 1000 GeV is crucial to reach a better sensitivity to CP violation iff it is accompanied by a longer baseline. We compare the physics potential for two different…

research product

Symmetries in the Standard Model

Symmetries in the Physical Laws of Nature lead to observable effects. Beyond the regularities and conserved magnitudes, the last decades in Particle Physics have seen the identification of symmetries, and their well-defined breaking, as the guiding principle for the elementary constituents of matter and their interactions. Flavour SU(3) symmetry of hadrons led to the Quark Model and the antisymmetry requirement under exchange of identical fermions led to the colour degree of freedom. Colour became the generating charge for flavour-independent strong interactions of quarks and gluons in the exact Colour SU(3) local gauge symmetry. Parity violation in weak interactions led to consider the chi…

research product

CP violation and the H-A lineshape

In two-Higgs doublet models (and particularly in the MSSM) the CP-even (H) and CP-odd (A) neutral scalars are nearly degenerate in mass, and their s-channel production would lead to nearly overlapping resonances. CP-violating effects may connect these two Higgs bosons, giving origin to one-loop particle mixing, which, due to their mass proximity, can be resonantly enhanced, altering their lineshape significantly. We show that, in general, the effect of such a CP-violating mixing cannot be mimicked by (or be re-absorbed into) a simple redefinition of the H and A masses in the context of a CP-conserving model. Specifically, the effects of the CP-mixing are such that, either the mass-splitting…

research product

Gamma(Z --> bb): A signature of hard mass terms for a heavy top

Abstract We calculate analytically the weak radiative corrections to the weak neutral current gauge boson-bottom fermion vertex, keeping the mass mt of the internal fermion line for the relevant diagrams. We find, to order α, a hard mass-term dependence m t 2 M W 2 of the amplitude, for large mt values. Its origin comes from the unphysical charged Higgs coupling to fermions in the renormalizable gauge or, equivalently, from the longitudinal charged gauge boson couplings. The diagonal Z0 decay width to b-quarks decreases, due to these weak radiative corrections, by 0.6%–2.5% when the top mass mt varies from 45 to 200 GeV.

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Discrete symmetries with neutral mesons

Symmetries, and Symmetry Breakings, in the Laws of Physics play a crucial role in Fundamental Science. Parity and Charge Conjugation Violations prompted the consideration of Chiral Fields in the construction of the Standard Model, whereas CP-Violation needed at least three families of Quarks leading to Flavour Physics. In this Lecture I discuss the Conceptual Basis and the present experimental results for a Direct Evidence of Separate Reversal-in-Time T, CP and CPT Genuine Asymmetries in Decaying Particles like Neutral Meson Transitions, using Quantum Entanglement and the Decay as a Filtering Measurement. The eight transitions associated to the Flavour-CP eigenstate decay products of entang…

research product

A combined beta-beam and electron capture neutrino experiment

The next generation of long baseline neutrino experiments will aim at determining the value of the unknown mixing angle, theta_{13}, the type of neutrino mass hierarchy and the presence of CP-violation in the lepton sector. Beta-beams and electron capture experiments have been studied as viable candidates for long baseline experiments. They use a very clean electron neutrino beam from the beta-decays or electron capture decays of boosted ions. In the present article we consider an hybrid setup which combines a beta-beam with an electron capture beam by using boosted Ytterbium ions. We study the sensitivity to the CP-violating phase delta and the theta_{13} angle, the CP-discovery potential …

research product

Atmospheric neutrino oscillations, theta (13) and neutrino mass hierarchy

We derive predictions for the Nadir angle (theta(n)) dependence of the ratio N(mu)/N(e) of the rates of the mu-like and e-like multi-GeV events measured in water-Cerenkov detectors in the case of 3-neutrino oscillations of the atmospheric nu(e) (antinu(e)) and nu(mu) (antinu(mu)), driven by one neutrino mass squared difference, |Delta m2(31)| ~ (2.5 - 3.0) x 10^(-3) eV^2 >> Delta m2(21). This ratio is particularly sensitive to the Earth matter effects in the atmospheric neutrino oscillations, and thus to the values of sin^2(theta(13)) and sin^2(theta(23)), theta(13) and theta(23) being the neutrino mixing angle limited by the CHOOZ and Palo Verde experiments and that responsible for t…

research product

The sigma --> gamma gamma Width from Nucleon Electromagnetic Polarizabilities

The lightest QCD resonance, the sigma, has been recently fixed in the pi-pi scattering amplitude. The nature of this state remains nowadays one of the most intriguing and difficult issues in particle physics. Its coupling to photons is crucial to discriminate its structure. We propose a new method that fixes this coupling using only available precise experimental data on the proton electromagnetic polarizabilities together with analyticity and unitarity. Taking into account the uncertainties in the analysis and in the parameter values, our result is Gamma_{pole}(sigma -> gamma gamma) = (1.2 +- 0.4) KeV.

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Neutrino masses, Majorons, and muon decay

5 páginas, 3 figuras.

research product

The earth Mantle-Core effect in charge-asymmetries for atmospheric neutrino oscillations

Earth medium effects in the three-neutrino oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos are observable under appropriate conditions. This paper generalizes the study of the medium effects and the possibility of their observation in the atmospheric neutrino oscillations from the case of neutrinos traversing only the Earth mantle, where the density is essentially constant, to the case of atmospheric neutrinos crossing also the Earth core. In the latter case new resonance-like effects become apparent. We calculate the CPT-odd asymmetry for the survival probability of muon neutrinos and the observable muon-charge asymmetry, taking into account the different atmospheric neutrino fluxes, and show the de…

research product

Consistent probabilistic description of the neutral Kaon system

The neutral Kaon system has both CF violation in the mass matrix and a non-vanishing lifetime difference in the width matrix. This leads to an effective Hamiltonian which is not a normal operator, with incompatible (non-commuting) masses and widths. In the Weisskopf-Wigner Approach (WWA), by diagonalizing the entire Hamiltonian, the unphysical non-orthogonal "stationary" states K-L,K-S are obtained. These states have complex eigenvalues whose real (imaginary) part does not coincide with the eigenvalues of the mass (width). matrix. In this work we describe the system as an open Lindblad-type quantum mechanical system due to Kaon decays. This approach, in terms of density matrices for initial…

research product

Physics Reach of Electron-Capture Neutrino Beams

To complete the picture of neutrino oscillations two fundamental parameters need to be measured, theta13 and delta. The next generation of long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments -superbeams, betabeams and neutrino factories- indeed take aim at measuring them. Here we explore the physics reach of a new candidate: an electron-capture neutrino beam. Emphasis is made on its feasibility thanks to the recent discovery of nuclei that decay fast through electron capture, and on the interplay with a betabeam (its closest relative).

research product

Charge and magnetic moment of the neutrino in the background field method and in the linear R-xi(L) gauge

We present a computation of the charge and the magnetic moment of the neutrino in the recently developed electro-weak Background Field Method and in the linear $R_{\xi}^L$ gauge. First, we deduce a formal Ward-Takahashi identity which implies the immediate cancellation of the neutrino electric charge. This Ward-Takahashi identity is as simple as that for QED. The computation of the (proper and improper) one loop vertex diagrams contributing to the neutrino electric charge is also presented in an arbitrary gauge, checking in this way the Ward-Takahashi identity previously obtained. Finally, the calculation of the magnetic moment of the neutrino, in the minimal extension of the Standard Model…

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Muon Capture At Large Energy Transfer

Abstract A novel and parameter free approach to μ capture is introduced. The inclusive capture rate at maximal energy transfer is connected with the off-mass shell s and p wave scattering lengths for pions. Inside PCAC a rigorous lower bound for the rate results. The vector current contributions are shown to be insignificant. In a numerical illustration it is shown that this picture qualitatively explains the high energy nucleons emitted in μ capture.

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P-odd observables at the upsilon peak

We study the $\gamma$-Z interference in the process $e^+ e^-\to \Upsilon \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ as a means to measure the neutral current coupling of the b-quark. The helicity amplitudes are calculated from resonant and background diagrams and the spin density matrix of the final state is discussed. The spin analyzer of the $\tau$'s is illustrated with the decays $\pi \nu$ and $\rho \nu \to (\pi \pi) \nu$. With $10^8 \Upsilon$ a sensitivity to $g_V^b$ of a few per cent could be reachable.

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Discrete Symmetries CP, T, CPT

The role of Symmetry Breaking mechanisms to search for New Physics is of highest importance. We discuss the status and prospects of the Discrete Symmetries CP, T, CPT looking for their separate Violation in LHC experiments and meson factories.

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Configuration mixing and total muon capture rates

Abstract We modify the Primakoff closure approximation to get independence on the mean neutrino energy and energy weighted sum rules are used for the corrective terms. A near model - independent discussion is then possible, and the total rates are shown to be a very sensitive tool to investigate configuration mixing of the target. Wild discrepancies with experiment would arise if the limit of pure jj or LS couplings are used for 12 C, whereas the Cohen-Kurath wave function gives a very good result.

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CP properties of the leptonic sector for majorana neutrinos

Abstract The leptonic sector of the electroweak theory is analyzed for massive Majorana neutrinos. For n generations, the Majorana mass lagrangian is diagonalized using the polar reduction to guarantee physical positive masses independently of the CP properties or the choice of the phases of the fields. When CP invariance holds, the CP eigenvalues of the definite mass neutrino fields are determined without commitment to a particular phase choice. For charged current interactions, we find that the observable CP violating phases can be parametrized a la Kobayashi-Maskawa for the vertec. Extra ( n − 1) relative phases of the massive neutrino fields are significant. The extra phases are observa…

research product

Electric polarizability of nuclei from a longitudinal sum rule

The nuclear electric polarizability is theoretically analyzed using a sum rule derived from the longitudinal part of the forward Compton amplitude. Beyond the leading dipole contribution, this approach leads to the presence of potential-dependent terms that do not show up in previous analyses. The significance of these new contributions is illustrated by performing an explicit calculation for a proton-neutron system interacting via a separable potential.

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CPasymmetries inBsdecays and spontaneousCPviolation

We study the possible effects of new physics in $\mathrm{CP}$ asymmetries in two-body ${B}_{s}$ decays in left-right models with spontaneous $\mathrm{CP}$ violation. Considering the contributions of new $\mathrm{CP}$ phases to the ${B}_{s}$ mixing as well as to the penguin-dominated decay amplitudes we show that, with the present constraints, large deviations from the standard model predictions in $\mathrm{CP}$ asymmetries are allowed in both cases. The detection of new physics can be achieved by measuring nonzero asymmetries which are predicted to vanish in the standard model or by comparing two measurements which are predicted to be equal in the standard model. In particular, we show that…

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The Demise of Flavour Tagging and its Delta-T Dependence

In this work we discuss how the loss of particle-antiparticle identity due to CPT violation affects the observables in the decay of two neutral EPR-correlated $B$-mesons. We study this possible new effect in the context of equal-sign flavour specific decays and we find a considerable modification in the $\Delta t$-dependence of the equal-sign dilepton charge asymmetry, $A_{sl}$. Although the more important changes occur right outside the $\Dt$ region that has been up-to-the-date effectively explored, we show that a deeper experimental research may be able to distinguish a possible existence of this new CPT violating parameter, $\w$. In any case, using the available data for $A_{sl}$, we put…

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Top quark mass from radiative corrections to the Z --> bb−− decay

19 páginas, 3 figuras, 4 tablas.-- CERN-TH-5931-90 ; FTUV-90-49 ; IFIC-90-45.

research product

Physics potential of beta/EC beams in regard to CP violation in neutrino oscillations

The goal for future neutrino facilities is the determination of the [Ue3] mixing and CP violation in neutrino oscillations. This will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source. With this objective the creation of neutrino beams from the radioactive decay of boosted ions by the SPS of CERN from either beta or electron capture transitions has been propossed. We discuss the capabilities of such facilities as a function of the energy of the boost and the baseline for the detector. We conclude that the SPS upgrade to 1000 GeV is crucial to have a better sensitivity to CP violation if it is accompanied by a longer baseline. We compare the physics potential for two differen…

research product

Medium effects for terrestrial and atmospheric neutrino oscillations

Matter effects in neutrino propagation translate into effective parameters for the oscillation and fake CP- and CPT-odd quantities, even in a scenario, such as $\Delta_{12}=0$, where no genuine CP violation is present. This fact seems to impose severe restrictions on the determination of intrinsic parameters of the system from long-baseline experiments. We show, however, that the resonance in the effective mixing $\tilde{\theta}_{13}$ can be observed for a certain range of baselines. This provides a way to measure the vacuum mixing angle $\theta_{13}$ and the sign of $\Delta m_{23}^2$ from atmospheric neutrinos, using a detector with energy resolution and charge discrimination.

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An Appearance-Like Reactor Experiment To Measure Ue3

Conventional reactor neutrino experiments are dissapearance experiments, and thus have less sensitivity to small mixing angles than appearance experiments do. It has been recently shown that future reactor neutrino experiments consisiting of a near and far detector are competitive with first-generation superbeams in order to determine sin^2{2 theta_{13}} down to 10^{-2}. We show that by using the antineutrino-electron elastic scattering at the near detector around the configuration where dsigma^{bar{\nu}_e}/dT presents a dynamical zero, an appearance-like experiment can be simulated, with a sensitivity comparable to the one achieved with the inverse beta-decay reaction in the far detector. …

research product

Signatures of the genuine and matter-induced components of the CP violation asymmetry in neutrino oscillations

CP asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in matter can be disentangled into the matter-induced CPT-odd (T-invariant) component and the genuine T-odd (CPT-invariant) component. For their understanding in terms of the relevant ingredients, we develop a new perturbative expansion in both $\Delta m^2_{21},\, |a| \ll |\Delta m^2_{31}|$ without any assumptions between $\Delta m^2_{21}$ and $a$, and study the subtleties of the vacuum limit in the two terms of the CP asymmetry, moving from the CPT-invariant vacuum limit $a \to 0$ to the T-invariant limit $\Delta m^2_{21} \to 0$. In the experimental region of terrestrial accelerator neutrinos, we calculate their approximate expressions from which we…

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Dynamical zeros in neutrino-electron elastic scattering at leading order

We show the existence of dynamical zeros in the helicity amplitudes for neutrino-electron elastic scattering at lowest order in the standard theory. In particular, the $\lambda=1/2$ non-flip electron helicity amplitude in the electron antineutrino process vanishes for an incident neutrino energy $E_{\nu}=m_{e}/(4sin^{2}\theta_{W})$ and forward electrons (maximum recoil energy). The rest of helicity amplitudes show kinematical zeros in this configuration and therefore the cross section vanishes. Prospects to search for neutrino magnetic moment are discussed.

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Left-handed neutrino disappearance probe of neutrino mass and character

We explore the sensitivity to a non vanishing neutrino mass offered by dynamical observables, i.e., branching ratios and polarizations. The longitudinal polarization in the C.M. frame decreases by a 4% for $D^+ \rightarrow \tau^+ \nu_\tau$ and $m_{\nu_\tau}=24$ MeV. Taking advantage of the fact that the polarization is a Lorentz variant quantity, we study the polarization effects in a boosted frame. By means of a neutrino beam, produced by a high velocity boosted parent able to flip the neutrino helicity, we find that an enhanced left-handed neutrino deficit, induced by a Wigner rotation, appears.

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Energy dependence of CP-violation reach for monochromatic neutrino beam

The ultimate goal for future neutrino facilities is the determination of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. Besides $| U(e3) | \ne 0$, this will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source and energy control. With this objective in mind, the creation of monochromatic neutrino beams from the electron capture decay of boosted ions by the SPS of CERN has been proposed. We discuss the capabilities of such a facility as a function of the energy of the boost and the baseline for the detector. We compare the physics potential for two different configurations: I) $\gamma=90$ and $\gamma=195$ (maximum achievable at present SPS) to Frejus; II) $\gamma=195$ and $\gamma=440$ (…

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Tau polarization at the Z peak from the acollinearity between both τ-decay products

21 páginas, 4 figuras, 6 tablas.

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Long-range parity violating interaction in muonic atoms

Abstract Long-range parity violating forces are induced in muonic atoms by virtual γ−Z 0 conversion between the muon and the nucleus. They are of order G F α with range (2 m e ) −1 . The relevant diagrams in unified electroweak interactions are calculated and the effects of the corresponding potential on parity admixtures in muonic levels are studied. It is proved that they are negligible for n = 3 orbits, but they have overwhelmed the conventional short-range contribution for n = 5.

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Effects of the axial isoscalar neutral current for solar neutrino detection

Abstract An essential assumption in the analysis of all the large solar neutrino experiments sensitive to neutral currents has been that the axial transitions are purely isovector. The recent results on the spin structure of the proton suggest the presence of an axial isoscalar neutral-current interaction. This would modify the assumed transition strengths for the neutral-current detection of solar neutrinos. We demonstrate that in the long wavelength limit a deuterium target is insensitive to such a mechanism. Our results for the situation of the planned BOREX experiment show that the suggested isoscalar strength would increase the observed rate by 30–40%, depending on the transition.

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CPAsymmetries inB0Decays in the Left-Right Model

We study time dependent CP asymmetries in B^0_{d,s} decays in the left-right model with spontaneous breakdown of CP. Due to the new contributions to B^0-\bar B^0 mixing the CP asymmetries can be substantially modified. Moreover, there can be significant new contributions to the $B$-meson decay amplitudes from the magnetic penguins. Most promising for detection of the new physics in the planned $B$ factories is that the CP asymmetries in the decays B--> J/\psi K_S and B--> \phi K_S which are supposed to be equal in the standard model can differ significantly in this class of models independently of the results in the measurements of B--> X_s \gamma.

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Relations among neutral current couplings to test su(2) by u(1) gauge group structure

We propose a test of the validity of SU(2) ⊗ U(1) as the gauge group of weak and electromagnetic interactions. We find that, among the seven empirical neutral current couplings, there are two restrictions which do not rely on a particular model. The relations are 2( G V + G A ) + ( α + β ) + 3( γ + δ ) = 0 and 2 k − ( α + β ) + 3( γ + δ ) = 0, where where α , β , γ , δ ( G V , G A ) are the couplings measured in neutrino-hadron (electron) scattering and κ is obtained from interference experiments. We also find several inequalities. Comparison with present data is given.

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Neutral currents in atomic and nuclear physics

Abstract The spin structure function of the proton measured by the EMC collaboration suggests an axial isoscalar neutral current for the nucleon. I study its implications for neutral current phenomena in atomic and nuclear physics. This includes parity-violating observables for transitions between hyperfine multiplets in light muonic atoms, selected inelastic neutrino nuclear reactions and the polarization asymmetry in electron scattering for isoscalar transitions. The neutrino-induced process 7 Li → 7 Li ∗ (0.478 MeV ) is particularly favourable for neutrino reactor experiments. I find that the axial isoscalar coupling extracted from the EMC measurement increases the neutrino cross section…

research product

Can future observation of the living partner post-tag the past decayed state in entangled neutral K mesons?

Entangled neutral K mesons allow for the study of their correlated dynamics at interference and decoherence times not accessible in any other system. We find novel quantum phenomena associated to a correlation in time between the two partners: The past state of the first decayed kaon, when it was entangled before its decay, is post-tagged by the result and the time of the future observation of the second decay channel. This surprising "from future to past"effect is fully observable and leads to the unique experimental tag of the KS state, an unsolved problem since the discovery of CP violation.

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Polarizability effects in electronic and muonic atoms

TheS state polarizability shifts are derived from the virtual forward Compton scattering in the unretarded dipole approximation. In the non-relativistic limit ω N /2m≪1, the shift is proportional to the photonuclear sum rule σ−3/2, while in the relativistic limit ω N /2m≫1 it is proportional to a logarithmically weighted σ−2 sum rule. In both cases, the characteristic momentum transfer is (2mω N )1/2. The non-locality from the intermediate lepton propagation removes the divergence typical of the static limit. Explicit formulas for the shifts are given for both the relativistic and non-relativistic limits.

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Novel T-Violation observable open to any pair of decay channels at meson factories

Quantum entanglement between the two neutral mesons produced in meson factories has allowed the first indisputable direct observation of Time Reversal Violation in the time evolution of the neutral meson between the two decays. The exceptional meson transitions are directly connected to semileptonic and CP eigenstate decay channels. The possibility of extending the observable asymmetries to more decay channels confronts the problem of the “orthogonality condition”, which can be stated with this tongue-twister: Given a decay channel f , which is the decay channel f′f′ such that the meson state not decaying to f′f′ is orthogonal to the meson state not decaying to f? In this Letter we propose …

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Total muon-capture rate. Application to11B

A study of the total muon-capture rate in nuclei is presented, with the aid of the impulse and closure approximations and under the assumption that the initial nucleus can be described by a mixing of states in theJ-scheme. The theory is applied to the process of muon capture in11B, with a discussion on the value of the average neutrino momentum.

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Search for magnetic monopoles with the MoEDAL forward trapping detector in 2.11 fb −1 of 13 TeV proton–proton collisions at the LHC

We update our previous search for trapped magnetic monopoles in LHC Run 2 using nearly six times more integrated luminosity and including additional models for the interpretation of the data. The MoEDAL forward trapping detector, comprising 222 kg of aluminium samples, was exposed to 2.11 fb−1 of 13 TeV proton–proton collisions near the LHCb interaction point and analysed by searching for induced persistent currents after passage through a superconducting magnetometer. Magnetic charges equal to the Dirac charge or above are excluded in all samples. The results are interpreted in Drell–Yan production models for monopoles with spins 0, 1/2 and 1: in addition to standard point-like couplings, …

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EDM observables for τ production with polarized beams

The Tau-lepton electric dipole moment (EDM) can be measured at Super B/Flavor factories operating with polarized electron beams at energies near and on top of the ¤ resonances. In particular, new CP-odd observables, independent from others already considered, will allow to put stringent bounds on the ? EDM.

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Spontaneous CP violation and the B0 system

We investigate effects of spontaneous breakdown of CP in $B^0_{d,s}-\overline{B^0}_{d,s}$ systems in left-right symmetric models. Assuming that the left-right contribution to the $B^0-\overline{B^0}$ matrix element $M_{12}$ can be at most equal to the standard model one we obtain a new lower bound, $M_H\gsim 12$ TeV, on the flavour changing Higgs boson mass. Most importantly, the convention independent parameter $Re(\overline{\epsilon}_B),$ which measures the amount of $\Delta B=2$ CP violation, can be enhanced by a factor of four or more for $B^0_d$ and almost by two orders of magnitude for $B^0_s$ systems when compared with the Standard Model predictions. Therefore, interesting possibilit…

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Intrinsic CPT violation and decoherence for entangled neutral mesons

We present a combined treatment of quantum-gravity-induced effects and intrinsic CPT violation in entangled neutral-Kaon states. Our analysis takes into consideration two types of effects: first, those associated with the loss of particle-antiparticle identity, as a result of the ill-defined nature of the CPT operator, and second, effects due to the non-unitary evolution of the Kaons in the space-time foam. By studying a variety of phi-factory observables, involving identical as well as general final states, we derive analytical expressions, to leading order in the associated CPT violating parameters, for double-decay rates and their time-integrated counterparts. Our analysis shows that the…

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Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAFNE

Investigation at a $\phi$--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta$^\prime$ mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We…

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Quasi-elastic neutrino reaction in deuterium

In this paper the processv+d→μ−+p+p is studied in the framework of the impulse approximation, with or without using closure approximation. Final-state interactions are considered.

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Some comments on the n + p --> d + 2 gamma anomaly

Abstract It is shown that the only theoretical contribution to the doubly radiative emission, not included in the two-step transition radiations, is given by charge-bremsstrahlung from the single-photon emission. Due to the pole structure of the amplitude, the experimental energy spectrum is reproduced, but the rate is short of the measured value by more than six orders of magnitude.

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A novel kind of neutrino oscillation experiment

A novel method to look for neutrino oscillations is proposed based on the elastic scattering process $\bar{\nu}_{i} e^{-}\rightarrow \bar{\nu}_{i} e^{-}$, taking advantage of the dynamical zero present in the differential cross section for $\bar{\nu}_{e} e^{-}\rightarrow \bar{\nu}_{e} e^{-}$. An effective tunable experiment between the "appearance" and "disappearance" limits is made possible. Prospects to exclude the allowed region for atmospheric neutrino oscillations are given.

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Novel T-violation observable open to any decay channel at meson factories

Two genuine Quantum phenomena: Entanglement and Filtering Measurement are at the origin of the first direct observation of Time-Reversal-Violation in the time evolution of the B neutral meson system by BaBar. The used meson transitions are directly connected to semileptonic and CP-eigenstate decay channels. We analyse the possibility of extending the observable asymmetries to more decay channels. We propose an alternative T-Violation Asymmetry in the meson factories which allows its opening to any pair of decay channels. The new asymmetry needs also the measurement of the time dependent total survival probability of the initial tagged states. By combining several asymmetries these total sur…

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The Weak-Magnetic Moment of Heavy Quarks

With initial and final particles on-shell, the anomalous weak-magnetic dipole moments of b and c quarks are electroweak gauge invariant quantities of the effective couplings Zb\bar{b} and Zc\bar{c}, respectively, and good candidates to test the Standard Model and/or new physics. Here we present a complete computation of these quantities within the Standard Model. We show that decoupling properties with respect to heavy particles do take place in the weak magnetic moment. The obtained values, a_b(M_Z^2)=(2.98-1.56i)x10^(-4) and a_c(M_Z^2)=(-2.80+1.09i)x10^(-5) are dominated by one-gluon exchange diagrams. The electroweak corrections are less than 1% of the total magnitude.

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Leptoproduction of neutrino pairs in the nuclear coulomb field

20 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas.-- PACS. 13.60. - Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons.

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Restrictions for asymmetry and polarizations of recoil in muon capture

Abstract Using the helicity formalism, we discuss muon capture by targets of spin-zero. Owing to the definite neutrino helicity, three independent observables define a complete experiment. The precise relation between asymmetry α and longitudinal polarization P L of recoil, α = 1 + 2 jP L , comes only from rotational invariance. When time-reversal invariance is inserted, there is an additional restriction between the average polarization P av and the longitudinal polarization P L . On the basis of the experimental result P av = 0.43 ± 0.10 for 12 C, we predict P L = −(0.99 +0.01 −0.04 .

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On total muon capture rates and the average neutrino energy

A method of avoiding the uncertainty associated with the average neutrino energy nu in the usual closure approach to muon capture rates is discussed. Instead of neglecting the kinematic dependence on each particular channel, the partial capture rate is approximated by a first-order expansion around nu . After the sum over the final states is performed, the result is quite independent of the specific value of nu . Application to /sup 3/He, /sup 6/Li and closed-shell nuclei is given, as an effective test of the nuclear models used. (17 refs).

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The Z boson spin observables as messengers of new physics

We demonstrate that the 8 multipole parameters describing the spin state of the $Z$ boson are able to disentangle known $Z$ production mechanisms and signals from new physics at the LHC. They can be extracted from appropriate asymmetries in the angular distribution of lepton pairs from the $Z$ boson decay. The power of this analysis is illustrated by (i) the production of $Z$ boson plus jets; (ii) $Z$ boson plus missing transverse energy; (iii) $W$ and $Z$ bosons originating from the two-body decay of a heavy resonance.

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The effective neutrino charge radius

It is shown that at one-loop order a neutrino charge radius (NCR) may be defined, which is ultraviolet finite, does not depend on the gauge-fixing parameter, nor on properties of the target other than its electric charge. This is accomplished through the systematic decomposition of physical amplitudes into effective self-energies, vertices, and boxes, which separately respect electroweak gauge invariance. In this way the NCR stems solely from an effective proper photon-neutrino one-loop vertex, which satisfies a naive, QED-like Ward identity. The NCR so defined may be extracted from experiment, at least in principle, by expressing a set of experimental electron-neutrino cross-sections in te…

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Is it possible to determine the S-factor of the hep process from a laboratory experiment?

We discuss the problem of solar hep neutrinos originating from the reaction p + 3He -> 4He + e+ + nu and obtain a relation between the astrophysical S-factor of the hep process and the cross section of the process e- + 4He -> 3H + n + nu near threshold. The relation is based on the isotopic invariance of strong interactions. The measurement of the latter cross section would allow to obtain experimental information on S(hep), the value of which, at the moment, is known only from theoretical calculations.

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The axial isoscalar neutral current from inelastic electron-nuclear scattering

Abstract Parity violating effects due to neutral currents in isoscalar 0+→1+ nuclear transitions induced by electron scattering are enhanced owing to the small isoscalar magnetic dipole strength. A polarization asymmetry of the order 10−4 is expected at q ∼ 100 MeV for the 12C transition to the 1+(T = 0) state at 12.71 MeV. It would allow to single out the (electron vector current) × (hardonic axial isoscalar current) quantum numbers and couplings of the neutral current interaction.

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T and CPT Symmetries in Entangled Neutral Meson Systems

Genuine tests of an asymmetry under T and/or CPT transformations imply the interchange between in-states and out-states. I explain a methodology to perform model-indepedent separate measurements of the three CP, T and CPT symmetry violations for transitions involving the decay of the neutral meson systems in B- and {\Phi}-factories. It makes use of the quantum-mechanical entanglement only, for which the individual state of each neutral meson is not defined before the decay of its orthogonal partner. The final proof of the independence of the three asymmetries is that no other theoretical ingredient is involved and that the event sample corresponding to each case is different from the other …

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Implications of parity violation in atoms for gauge theories

The knowledge to be gained on neutral currents from parity-violating observables in heavy atoms is studied. After isolating the relevant couplings, the major part of the analysis is done within the framework ofSU 2 ⊗U 1 unified gauge theories of weak and electromagnetic interactions. The leptonic and hadronic sectors of these models are studied separately, by means of the available information from neutrino physics, to impose restrictions on the mass of the neutral intermediate boson and on the unification angle. The observable in atoms, which provides a link between the two sectors, is found to be powerful in discriminating among models.

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CPT violation in entangled B0–B¯0 states and the demise of flavour tagging

Abstract We discuss the demise of flavour tagging due to the loss of the particle–antiparticle identity of neutral B -mesons in the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlated states. Such a situation occurs in cases where the CPT operator is ill-defined, as happens, for example, in quantum gravity models with induced decoherence in the matter sector. The time evolution of the perturbed B 0 – B ¯ 0 initial state, as produced in B -factories, is sufficient to generate new two-body states. For flavour specific decays at equal times, we discuss two definite tests of the two body entanglement: (i) search for the would-be forbidden B 0 B 0 and B ¯ 0 B ¯ 0 states; (ii) deviations from the indistinguishabl…

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Spontaneous CP violation in the left-right model and the kaon system

A left-right model with spontaneous $CP$ breakdown, consistent with the particle physics phenomenology, is presented. Constraints on free parameters of the model: mass of the new right handed gauge boson $M_2$ and ratio $r$ of the two vacuum expectation values of the bidoublet, are found from the measurement of $\epsilon$ in the kaon system. For most of the parameter space, $M_2$ is restricted to be below 10 TeV. Higher masses can be achieved only by fine tuning of Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements, quark masses, $r$ and the phase $\alpha$ which is the unique source of $CP$-violation in the model. Large number of combinations of signs of quark masses, which are observables of the model, are…

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Weak magnetic dipole moments in two-Higgs-doublet models

We investigate the effects of the new scalars in a two-Higgs-doublet model on the weak magnetic dipole moments of the fermions at the $Z$ peak. Proportionality of the Yukawa couplings to the fermion masses, and to $\tan{\beta}$, makes such effects more important for the third family, and potentially relevant. For the $\tau$ lepton, the new diagrams are suppressed by $v_\tau = 2 \sin^2 \theta_W - 1/2$, or by powers of $m_\tau/M_Z$, but may still be comparable to the SM electroweak contributions. In contrast, we find that the new contributions for the bottom quark may be much larger than the SM electroweak contributions. These new effects may even compete with the gluonic contribution, if the…

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On the quasi-elastic neutrino reaction in deuterium in the forward direction

Forward cross-section of the reaction nu +d to mu /sup -/+p+p is studied under different assumptions. It is shown that a value E/sup -2 / (d sigma /d Omega ) approximately=0.27*10/sup -38/ cm/sup 2//sr GeV /sup 2/ is expected independent of the incident neutrino spectrum shape. Relativistic effects and one-pion exchange contributions have been estimated. (10 refs).

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METing SUSY on the Z peak

Recently the ATLAS experiment announced a 3 $\sigma$ excess at the Z-peak consisting of 29 pairs of leptons together with two or more jets, $E_T^{\rm miss}> 225$ GeV and $H_T \geq 600$ GeV, to be compared with $10.6 \pm 3.2$ expected lepton pairs in the Standard Model. No excess outside the Z-peak was observed. By trying to explain this signal with SUSY we find that only relatively light gluinos, $m_{\tilde g} \lesssim 1.2$ TeV, together with a heavy neutralino NLSP of $m_{\tilde \chi} \gtrsim 400$ GeV decaying predominantly to Z-boson plus a light gravitino, such that nearly every gluino produces at least one Z-boson in its decay chain, could reproduce the excess. We construct an explicit …

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Constraints on theWRmass andCPviolation in left-right models

We update the constraints on the right-handed W{sub R} gauge boson mass, mixing angle {zeta} with the left-handed W{sub L} gauge boson, and other parameters in general left-right symmetric models with different mechanisms of CP violation. Constraints mostly independent of any assumption on the quark sector are obtained from a reanalysis of muon decay data. The best {chi}{sup 2} fit of the data gives g{sub R}/g{sub L}=0.94{plus_minus}0.09 for the ratio of right to left gauge couplings, with M{sub W{sub R}}{ge}485 GeV and {vert_bar}{zeta}{vert_bar}{le}0.0327. Fixing g{sub L}=g{sub R} (in particular for manifestly left-right symmetric models), we obtain M{sub W{sub R}}{approx_gt}549 GeV and {v…

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Absolute neutrino mass and the Dirac/Majorana distinction from the weak interaction of aggregate matter

The 2$\nu$-mediated force has a range of microns, well beyond the atomic scale. The effective potential is built from the t-channel absorptive part of the scattering amplitude and depends on neutrino properties on-shell. We demonstrate that neutral aggregate matter has a weak charge and calculate the matrix of six coherent charges for its interaction with definite-mass neutrinos. Near the range of the potential the neutrino pair is non-relativistic, leading to observable absolute mass and Dirac/Majorana distinction via different r-dependence and violation of the weak equivalence principle.

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New Physics in CP-violating observables for Beauty

After the present establishment of CP-Violation in $B_{d}$-physics, consistency tests of unitarity in the Standard Model and the search of new phenomena are compulsory. I illustrate the way to look for T-violation, without contamination of absorptive parts, in correlated decays in B-factories. $B_{s}$-mixing and penguin-mediated $B_{s}$-decays are of prime importance in hadronic machines to look for new physics.

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Polarizability contributions to the neutron-lepton amplitude at threshold

Abstract Motivated by recent interest in the neutron-electron scattering amplitude at threshold, a detailed investigation of the two-photon exchange contribution, commonly known as the polarizability correction, to this amplitude is made, for general lepton mass. The contributions is related to the amplitude describing forward virtual Compton scattering on neutrons. To calculate it, we write dispersion relations for the Compton amplitudes and make use of the present knowledge of the neutron structure functions as well as the scaling hypothesis. The correction is much larger for muons than for electrons. Further, we discuss the region of validity of the extreme relativistic and the classical…

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Two-photon exchange in muon-nuclear scattering

We obtain a low-momentum-transfer theorem for positive- and negative-muon--nuclear scattering, in terms of the charge and the electric and magnetic polarizabilities. The result opens the way to use muons as a tool to probe the electromagnetic structure of composite objects. Predictions of this two-photon effect for the asymmetry in the angular distribution of negative and positive muons scattered by /sup 4/He are given.

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Electroweak interaction in muonic atoms

The parity non-conserving effective neutral current interaction between charged leptons and nucleons is studied in its implications for atomic physics. Present results on heavy electronic atoms are discussed within the standard electroweak theory and beyond. The new features provided by muonic atoms open the way to the nuclear-spin-dependent parity non-conserving effects. Different observables proposed to study these effects in muonic atoms are reviewed.

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Decoherence induced CPT violation and entangled neutral mesons

We discuss two classes of semi-microscopic theoretical models of stochastic space-time foam in quantum gravity and the associated effects on entangled states of neutral mesons, signalling an intrinsic breakdown of CPT invariance. One class of models deals with a specific model of foam, initially constructed in the context of non-critical (Liouville) string theory, but viewed here in the more general context of effective quantum-gravity models. The relevant Hamiltonian perturbation, describing the interaction of the meson with the foam medium, consists of off-diagonal stochastic metric fluctuations, connecting distinct mass eigenstates (or the appropriate generalisation thereof in the case o…

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Normal and transverse single tau polarization at the Z-peak

Abstract We study normal (to the collision plane) and transverse (within the collision plane) single-τ polarization in τ pairs produced in e + e − unpolarized collisions at the Z -resonance. The transverse polarization component is sensitive to the anomalous weak-magnetic moment, whereas the normal polarization component is sensitive to a CP-violating weak-electric dipole moment. We show how these components of the single τ polarization are accessible from the angular distribution of its decay products. We define a CP violating asymmetry of the τ decay products which, with 10 7 Z ′s produced, provides a sensitivity of 2.3 × 10 −18 e ·cm for the weak-electric dipole moment.

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Novel type of CPT violation for correlated Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states of neutral mesons.

We discuss modifications to the concept of an "antiparticle," induced by a breakdown of the CPT symmetry at a fundamental level, realized within an extended class of quantum gravity models. The resulting loss of particle-antiparticle identity in the neutral-meson system induces a breaking of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation imposed by Bose statistics. This is parametrized by a complex parameter associated with the contamination by the "wrong symmetry" state. The physical consequences are studied, and novel observables of CPT violation in phi factories are proposed.

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Unsubtracted dispersion-relation for longitudinal compton amplitude

Abstract It is shown that there is a simple connection between the slope, at q2 = 0, of the longitudinal Compton amplitude and the electric polarizability of the nucleon. The longitudinal subtraction function is thus known to order q2. The assumption of an unsubtracted dispersion relation for the longitudinal amplitude leads to a sum rule for the electric polarizability. This is a model independent test of the high-energy behaviour of the forward virtual Compton amplitude.

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Neutrino properties

Neutrinos have reached the status of being probes to study the structure of other systems. We have not, however, definite answers to the questions associated with its intrinsic properties. The selected topics are organized according to a 'Decamerous', which covers both aspects of neutrino physics. One comes to the conclusion that we are entering an exciting period in this field, with experiments able to establish new phenomena and/or put better limits to some intrinsic properties.

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CP violation and electric-dipole moment at low energy tau production with polarized electrons

10 pages, 2 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000243912400014.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0610135

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An effective field theory approach to the electroweak corrections at LEP energies

In the framework of the effective field theory (EFT) we discuss the electroweak (EW) corrections at LEP energies. We obtain the effective Lagrangian in the large m_t limit, and reproduce analytically the dominant EW corrections to the LEP2 processes e+ e- --> gamma Z and e+ e- --> Z Z. To include effects of finite top-quark and Higgs masses, we use the effective Lagrangian at tree level and fit LEP1/SLD observables with four arbitrary parameters, plus alpha_s(m_Z). The EFT approach works remarkably well. Using the effective couplings determined from the fit, and tree-level EFT formulae, we predict the cross sections for e+ e- --> Z Z, gamma Z at a level better than 1%.

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Magnetic moments of heavy baryons

6 páginas, 2 figuras, 4 tablas.-- PACS number(s): 12.39.Fe, 12.39.Hg, 14.20.Lq, 14.20.Mr

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Abstract The Standard ideas about the breaking of symmetries, through the mechanism of generation mixing, are discussed. New results and proposals looking for discrete space-time symmetry violation as well as flavour-number violation are reported. The use of weak-interaction processes as a tool for both the study of the structure of the currents and for nuclear-structure problems is emphasized.

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CP violation in decay rates of charged bottom mesons

In the standard theory we discuss a mechanism of interference between two different tree-level charged current amplitudes to induce CP violation. The asymmetry between conjugate Cabibbo disfavoured modes of charged bottom meson decays is considered. Estimates for two-body decays ofB u andB c are presented. We find thatB u − →D −+D 0 * , for instance, can give a big CP asymmetry with values ≈1–50%, depending on the angle and phase parameters.

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Neutron polarizability and the n-e scattering length

Abstract It is shown that the neutron polarizability contribution to the n-e scattering length is within the present level of precision. The experimental result on this interaction is consistent with a value of the neutron polarizability similar to the proton one.

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Search for Magnetic Monopoles with the MoEDAL Forward Trapping Detector in 13 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions at the LHC

MoEDAL is designed to identify new physics in the form of long-lived highly-ionising particles produced in high-energy LHC collisions. Its arrays of plastic nuclear-track detectors and aluminium trapping volumes provide two independent passive detection techniques. We present here the results of a first search for magnetic monopole production in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions using the trapping technique, extending a previous publication with 8 TeV data during LHC run-1. A total of 222 kg of MoEDAL trapping detector samples was exposed in the forward region and analysed by searching for induced persistent currents after passage through a superconducting magnetometer. Magnetic charges excee…

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σ→γγWidth from Nucleon Electromagnetic Polarizabilities

The lightest QCD resonance, the $\ensuremath{\sigma}$, has been recently fixed in the $\ensuremath{\pi}\ensuremath{\pi}$ scattering amplitude. The nature of this state remains nowadays one of the most intriguing and difficult issues in particle physics. Its coupling to photons is crucial for discriminating its structure. We propose a new method that fixes this coupling using only available precise experimental data on the proton electromagnetic polarizabilities together with analyticity and unitarity. By taking into account the uncertainties in the analysis and in the parameter values, our result is ${\ensuremath{\Gamma}}_{\mathrm{pole}}(\ensuremath{\sigma}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremat…

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Gravitational waves in the presence of a cosmological constant

We derive the effects of a non-zero cosmological constant $\Lambda$ on gravitational wave propagation in the linearized approximation of general relativity. In this approximation we consider the situation where the metric can be written as $g_{\mu\nu}= \eta_{\mu\nu}+ h_{\mu\nu}^\Lambda + h_{\mu\nu}^W$, $h_{\mu\nu}^{\Lambda,W}<< 1$, where $h_{\mu\nu}^{\Lambda}$ is the background perturbation and $h_{\mu\nu}^{W}$ is a modification interpretable as a gravitational wave. For $\Lambda \neq 0$ this linearization of Einstein equations is self-consistent only in certain coordinate systems. The cosmological Friedmann-Robertson-Walker coordinates do not belong to this class and the derived linearized…

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Indirect CP violation in the B-system

We show that, contrary to the flavour mixing amplitude q/p, both Re(epsilon) and Im(epsilon) are observable quantities, where epsilon is the phase- convention-independent CP mixing. We consider semileptonic B_d decays from a CP tag and build appropriate time-dependent asymmetries to separate out Re(epsilon) and Im(epsilon). "Indirect" CP violation would have in Im(epsilon)/(1+|epsilon|^2) its most prominent manifestation in the B-system, with expected values in the standard model ranging from -0.37 to -0.18. This quantity is controlled by a new observable phase: the relative one between the CP-violating and CP-conserving parts of the effective hamiltonian. For time-integrated rates we point…

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Tau weak dipole moments from azumthal asymmetries

We show that transverse and normal single-$tau$ polarization of $tau$ pairs produced at $e^+$ $e^-$ unpolarized collisions, at the $Z$ peak, are sensitive to weak (magnetic and electric) dipole moments of the $tau$. We also show how these components of the $\tau$ polarization are accessible by measuring appropriate azimuthal asymmetries in the angular distribution of its decay products. Sensitivities of the order of $10^{-18}$ $e\cdot cm$, for the weak-electric dipole moment, and $10^{-4}$ ($10^{-3}$), for the real (imaginary) part of the weak-magnetic dipole moment of $\tau$, may be achieved. Compatible bounds are also presented from spin-spin correlated asymmetries.

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Primakoff scattering for polarized photons or polarized protons

Abstract We present a way to measure the axial coupling of the proton for the neutral strangeness current in coherent π0 production induced by photon-proton scattering. By means of the γ−Z−π0 triangle anomaly, the parity violating asymmetries for polarized photon or polarized proton Primakoff effect filter the couplings so as to leave the proton axial coupling only. We calculate the relevant observables induced by the electroweak interference and give results for regions of energy and Q2 of possible experimental interest. The polarized proton asymmetry is predicted to be 10−6-10−5 when Q2 ∼ 0.1−0.5 GeV2.

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Breaking down the entireWboson spin observables from its decay

We discuss the eight independent spin observables for the $W$ boson in terms of its vector and tensor polarizations and identify the angular distributions and asymmetries able to separate them in collider experiments. The results are applied to the study of polarized top quark decays and diboson resonances. These novel observables are of great value for disentangling new physics mechanisms in $W$ boson production.

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Charge and current distributions in elastic electron scattering by 1P shell nuclei

The authors study the charge and magnetic form factors appearing in elastic electron scattering by 1p shell nuclei. The question that the form factors may be obtained from simple nuclear models by simply introducing a scaling factor has been examined using the j-j coupling, the L-S coupling and the intermediate coupling of Cohen-Kurath (CK) resulting from effective interactions. Results for /sup 6/Li, /sup 7 /Li, /sup 9/Be and /sup 13/C are given and the q/sup 2/ dependences of their form factors are compared in the three models and with experiment. The CK scheme gives similar results to the L-S coupling for /sup 6/Li and /sup 7/Li in agreement with experiment, whereas it is intermediate be…

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Atmospheric neutrinos and nu mass hierarchy

We discuss the possibility for matter effects in the three-neutrino oscillations of the atmospheric nu_e (bar{nu}_e) and nu_mu (bar{nu}_mu), driven by one neutrino mass squared difference, |Delta m2_{31}| &gt;&gt; Delta m2_{21}, to be observable under appropriate conditions. We derive predictions for the Nadir angle (theta_n) dependence of the ratio N_mu/N_e of the rates of the mu-like and e-like multi-GeV events which is particularly sensitive to the Earth matter effects in the atmospheric neutrino oscillations, and thus to the values of sin2{theta_{13}} and sin2{theta_{23}}, and also to the type of neutrino mass spectrum.

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The effective neutrino charge radius in the presence of fermion masses

Abstract We show how the crucial gauge cancellations leading to a physical definition of an effective neutrino charge radius persist in the presence of non-vanishing fermion masses. An explicit one-loop calculation demonstrates that, as happens in the massless case, the pinch technique rearrangement of the Feynman amplitudes, together with the judicious exploitation of the fundamental current relation J α ( 3 ) = 2 ( J Z + sin θ w 2 J γ ) α , leads to a completely gauge independent definition of the effective neutrino charge radius. Using the formalism of the Nielsen identities it is further proved that the same cancellation mechanism operates unaltered to all orders in perturbation theory.

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Disentangling genuine from matter-induced CP violation in neutrino oscillations

We prove that, in any flavor transition, neutrino oscillation CP violating asymmetries in matter have two disentangled components: (a) a CPT-odd T-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there are interactions with matter; (b) a T-odd CPT-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there is genuine CP violation. As function of the baseline, these two terms are distinct L-even and L-odd observables, respectively. In the experimental region of terrestrial accelerator neutrinos, we calculate their approximate expressions from which we prove that, at medium baselines, the CPT-odd component is small and nearly $\delta$-independent, so it can be subtracted from the experimental CP asymmetry as a theoretical back…

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Neutral current couplings of higher generations

Abstract We show that longitudinal polarization of the outgoing lepton in e + e − →μ + (τ + )μ − (τ − ) is expected at the energies of a vector meson resonance (Ψ, ϒ, T, …). On the basis of the standard SU(2) × U(1) theory, this parity violating observable is already appreciable (∼3%) for the ϒ, and it becomes ∼9% for a T at 30 GeV.

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Stimulated transitions in resonant atom Majorana mixing

Massive neutrinos demand to ask whether they are Dirac or Majorana particles. Majorana neutrinos are an irrefutable proof of physics beyond the Standard Model. Neutrinoless double electron capture is not a process but a virtual $\Delta L = 2$ mixing between a parent $^AZ$ atom and a daughter $^A(Z-2)$ excited atom with two electron holes. As a mixing between two neutral atoms and the observable signal in terms of emitted two-hole X-rays, the strategy, experimental signature and background are different from neutrinoless double beta decay. The mixing is resonantly enhanced for almost degeneracy and, under these conditions, there is no irreducible background from the standard two-neutrino cha…

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CP violation through particle mixing and theH-Alineshape

We consider the possibility of looking for CP-mixing effects in two-Higgs doublet models (and particularly in the MSSM) by studying the lineshape of the CP-even (H) and CP-odd (A) neutral scalars. In most cases H and A come quite degenerate in mass, and their s-channel production would lead to nearly overlapping resonances. CP-violating effects may connect these two Higgs bosons, giving origin to one-loop particle mixing, which, due to their mass proximity, can be resonantly enhanced. The corresponding transition amplitude contains then CP-even and CP-odd components; besides the signal of intereference between both amplitudes, leading to a CP-odd asymmetry, we propose to look for the mixing…

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The neutrino charge radius is a physical observable

We present a method which allows, at least in principle, the direct extraction of the gauge-invariant and process-independent neutrino charge radius (NCR) from experiments. Under special kinematic conditions, the judicious combination of neutrino and anti-neutrino forward differential cross-sections allows the exclusion of all target-dependent contributions, such as gauge-independent box-graphs, not related to the NCR. We show that the remaining contributions contain universal, renormalization group invariant combinations, such as the electroweak effective charge and the running mixing angle, which must be also separated out. By considering the appropriate number of independent experiments …

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Probing CPT in transitions with entangled neutral kaons

In this paper we present a novel CPT symmetry test in the neutral kaon system based, for the first time, on the direct comparison of the probabilities of a transition and its CPT reverse. The required interchange of in ↔ out states for a given process is obtained exploiting the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations of neutral kaon pairs produced at a ϕ-factory. The observable quantities have been constructed by selecting the two semileptonic decays for flavour tag, the ππ and 3π 0 decays for CP tag and the time orderings of the decay pairs. The interpretation in terms of the standard Weisskopf-Wigner approach to this system, directly connects CPT violation in these observables to the violati…

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τ EDM at low energies

Low energy tau pair production, at B factories and on top of the $\Upsilon$ resonances, allows for a detailed investigation on the CP violation at the electromagnetic tau pair production vertex. High statistic available at low energies offers the opportunity for an independent analysis of CP-violation in the $\tau$ lepton physics. We show that stringent and independent bounds on the $\tau$ electric dipole moment, competitive with the high energy measurements, can be established in low energies experiments.

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Rare decay modes of the neutral pion

3 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.

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First search for dyons with the full MoEDAL trapping detector in 13 TeV pp collisions

The MoEDAL trapping detector, consists of approximately 800 kg of aluminium volumes. It was exposed during Run-2 of the LHC program to 6.46 fb^-1 of 13 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHCb interaction point. Evidence for dyons (particles with electric and magnetic charge) captured in the trapping detector was sought by passing the aluminium volumes comprising the detector through a SQUID magnetometer. The presence of a trapped dyon would be signalled by a persistent current induced in the SQUID magnetometer. On the basis of a Drell-Yan production model, we exclude dyons with a magnetic charge ranging up to 5 Dirac charges, and an electric charge up to 200 times the fundamental electric …

research product

A Monochromatic Neutrino Beam to Obtain U(e3) and the CP Phase

The goal for future neutrino facilities is the determination of the [Ue3] mixing and CP violation in neutrino oscillations. This will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source. The future experiments such as T2K, NOVA and Double CHOOZ will measure the [Ue3] mixing. In order to explore CP violation, we present a novel method to create a monochromatic neutrino beam based on the recent discovery of nuclei that decay fast through electron capture in a superallowed Gamow-Teller transition. The boost of such radioactive ions will generate an intense monochromatic directional neutrino beam when decaying at high energy in a storage ring with long straight sections. We show t…

research product

Double beta-decay and su(4) symmetry

The amplitude for ββ decay with 2ν emission is shown to be related to (p,n) and (n,p) reactions on the initial and final states, respectively. The suppression of both ββ and (n,p) reaction is connected, and its origin is discussed by referring to theSU(4) symmetry. From present data on the first ones, we estimate the forward (n, p) strength of relevance for the ββ problem. The interest of the experimental determination of this strength is emphasized. Assuming a perturbative breaking of theSU(4) symmetry, results are given for76Ge,82Se,128Te and130Te.

research product

Dispersive approach to the nuclear compton amplitude and exchange effects

We discuss the limitation of the standard approach to exchange current effects from photonuclear sum rules. We propose to look for an energy-independent contribution to the real part of the forward Compton-scattering amplitude below pion threshold. Experimental data on photonuclear cross-sections are used to calculate the real part of the amplitude, by means of an once-subtracted dispersion relation. The analysis is made for2H,7Li and9Be at energies varying between 50 and 150 MeV. A remarkably stable value ofK=0.60 is extracted for deuterium. For 1p shell nuclei, the main uncertainty is due to the lack of data above 300 MeV.

research product

Cosmological Constant and Local Gravity

We discuss the linearization of Einstein equations in the presence of a cosmological constant, by expanding the solution for the metric around a flat Minkowski space-time. We demonstrate that one can find consistent solutions to the linearized set of equations for the metric perturbations, in the Lorentz gauge, which are not spherically symmetric, but they rather exhibit a cylindrical symmetry. We find that the components of the gravitational field satisfying the appropriate Poisson equations have the property of ensuring that a scalar potential can be constructed, in which both contributions, from ordinary matter and Lambda > 0, are attractive. In addition, there is a novel tensor potentia…

research product

CP, T and CPT versus temporal asymmetries for entangled states of the B-system

The observables used in the K-system to characterize T and CPT violation are no longer useful for the Bd-system, since the width difference between the physical states is vanishingly small. We show that only Im(epsilon) and Re(delta) can survive if Delta Gamma=0, and build alternative CP-odd, CPT-odd, T-odd and temporal asymmetries for the (B_CP -&gt; B0, B0bar) transitions. These quantities enable us to test T and CPT invariances of the effective Hamiltonian for the B-system. The method needs the CP eigenstates B_CP, which can be tagged unambiguously to order lambda^3 from the entangled states of a B-factory.

research product

Do T asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in uniform matter have a CP-even component?

Observables of neutrino oscillations in matter have, in general, contributions from the effective matter potential. It contaminates the CP violation asymmetry adding a fake effect that has been recently disentangled from the genuine one by their different behavior under T and CPT. Is the genuine T-odd CPT-invariant component of the CP asymmetry coincident with the T asymmetry? Contrary to CP, matter effects in uniform matter cannot induce by themselves a non-vanishing T asymmetry; however, the question of the title remained open. We demonstrate that, in the presence of genuine CP violation, there is a new non-vanishing CP-even, and so CPT-odd, component in the T asymmetry in matter, which i…

research product

Parity violation correlations in light muonic atoms

The 2 S -1 S transition in light muonic atoms is very sensitive to parity violation correlations induced via neutral currents. Observables depending on these transitions such as the photon polarization and the angular correlation between the emitted radiation and the atom polarization are a clear signal of weak neutral currents in atoms. We find the relation between the lepton and quark couplings and these observables emphasizing the effect of the nuclear spin. The results expected in muonic, atoms μ- 4 He and μ- 3 He are given.

research product

Correlated neutral B meson decays into CP eigenstates

In the two correlated $B$ meson decay experiment we propose to measure intensities relating CP eigenstate ($J/\psi K_{S,L}$) decays on $both$ sides, which will be measurable in future upgrades of KEK and PEP. As a CP-forbidden transition, we obtain $I(J/\psi K_S, J/\psi K_S, \Delta t) \sim \sin ^2 (2\beta)$. We calculate in a model independent way all the possible intensities relating final CP and flavour eigenstate decays. Under CPT-invariance, the asymmetries for processes related by CP$\Delta t$ vanish for $\Delta \Gamma =0$ and measure $\Delta \Gamma$ linearly. We notice the impossibility to isolate the sign of $\cos (2\bet a)$ without an independent knowledge of the sign of $\Delta \Ga…

research product

Direct test of time reversal symmetry in the entangled neutral kaon system at a phi-factory

We present a novel method to perform a direct T (time reversal) symmetry test in the neutral kaon system, independent of any CP and/or CPT symmetry tests. This is based on the comparison of suitable transition probabilities, where the required interchange of in out states for a given process is obtained exploiting the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen correlations of neutral kaon pairs produced at a phi-factory. In the time distribution between the two decays, we compare a reference transition like the one defined by the time-ordered decays (l(-), pi pi) with the T-conjugated one defined by (3 pi(0), l(+)). With the use of this and other T-conjugated comparisons, the KLOE-2 experiment at DA Phi NE co…

research product

Eta-eta' Photoproduction and the axial isoscalar neutral current coupling

We show that coherentη andη′ photoproduction by means of the Primakoff Effect on the proton depends on the strange component of the neutral axial current coupling. We construct polarization asymmetries that are sensitive to this coupling through theγ−Z interference. Theη′ is not a Goldstone boson of a spontaneously broken chiral symmetry, but a phenomenological analysis of theη andη′ production through chiral perturbation theory allows to calculate the observables of interest. The polarized proton or polarized photon asymmetries are predicted to be close to 10−4 for −q 2∼0.1−0.5 GeV2.

research product

Dynamical zero in ν¯e–e− scattering and the neutrino magnetic moment

Abstract The Standard Model differential cross section for ν ¯ e – e − elastic scattering vanishes exactly, at lowest order, for forward electrons and incident ν ¯ e energy close to the rest energy of the electron. This dynamical zero is not induced by a fundamental symmetry of the Lagrangian but by a destructive interference between the left- and right-handed chiral couplings of the electron in the charged and neutral current amplitudes. We show that lowest-order analyses based on this favorable kinematic configuration are only mildly affected by the inclusion of the O ( α ) radiative corrections in the ν ¯ e – e − differential cross section, thus providing an excellent opportunity for the…

research product

Monochromatic neutrino beams

In the last few years spectacular results have been achieved with the demonstration of non vanishing neutrino masses and flavour mixing. The ultimate goal is the understanding of the origin of these properties from new physics. In this road, the last unknown mixing [U-e3] must be determined. If it is proved to be non-zero, the possibility is open for Charge Conjugation-Parity (CP) violation in the lepton sector. This will require precision experiments with a very intense neutrino source. Here a novel method to create a monochromatic neutrino beam, an old dream for neutrino physics, is proposed based on the recent discovery of nuclei that decay fast through electron capture. Such nuclei will…

research product