A. Klein
Effects of nicotine receptor agonists on acetylcholine release from the isolated motor nerve, small intestine and trachea of rats and guinea-pigs
The effects of nicotine receptor agonists on the release of [3H]acetylcholine from the phrenic nerve, the small intestine and the trachea were investigated to characterize neuronal nicotine receptors within the peripheral nervous system. Contraction of the indirectly-stimulated hemidiaphragm was recorded to investigate desensitization of the postsynaptic muscular nicotine receptors. Nicotine, cytisine, 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium and 2-(4-aminophenyl)-ethyl-trimethyl-ammoniumiodide caused a concentration-dependent (0.1-30 microM) increase in evoked [3H]acetylcholine release from the phrenic nerve, whereby bell-shaped concentration-response curves were obtained. The rank order of decre…
ERA-experiment “space biochemistry”
Abstract The general goal of the experiment was to study the response of anhydrobiotic (metabolically dormant) microorganisms (spores of Bacillus subtilis, cells of Deinococcus radiodurans, conidia of Aspergillus species) and cellular constituents (plasmid DNA, proteins, purple membranes, amino acids, urea) to the extremely dehydrating conditions of open space, in some cases in combination with irradiation by solar UV-light. Methods of investigation included viability tests, analysis of DNA damages (strand breaks, DNA-protein cross-links) and analysis of chemical effects by spectroscopic, electrophoretic and chromatographic methods. The decrease in viability of the microorganisms was as exp…
Response ofBacillus subtilis spores to dehydration and UV irradiation at extremely low temperatures
Spores of Bacillus subtilis have been exposed to the conditions of extreme dehydration (argon/silica gel; simulated space vacuum) for up to 12 weeks at 298 K and 80 K in the dark. The inactivation has been correlated with the production of DNA-double strand-breaks. The temperature-dependence of the rate constants for inactivation or production of DNA-double strand-breaks is surprisingly low. Controls kept in the frozen state at 250 K for the same period of time showed no sign of deterioration. In another series of experiments the spores have been UV irradiated (253.7 nm) at 298 K, 200 K and 80 K after exposure to dehydrating conditions for 3 days. Fluence-effect relationships for inactivati…
Identification des déterminants génétiques impliqués dans les défenses du pois contre le puceron Acyrthosiphon pisum.
National audience; Le pois (Pisum sativum) constitue une culture d’importance majeure parmi les légumineuses pour ses qualités de plante protéagineuse, notamment en Europe en réduisant la part de protéines végétales importées ainsi que pour son rôle dans la rotation des cultures en fixant l’azote atmosphérique dans le sol. Cependant, ces dernières années, les rendements ont été rendus instables dus aux contraintes biotiques et abiotiques. Pour lutter contre certains ravageurs, les producteurs ont recours à de grandes quantités de pesticides qui sont coûteuses et dangereuses pour l’environnement et la santé humaine. Pour ces raisons, des alternatives sont mises en œuvre tels que le développe…
Prolonged anaesthesia with isoflurane and halothane. Effects on hepatic function.
Hepatic function was assessed pre-operatively and on the first and sixth postoperative days in 40 healthy patients who underwent prolonged maxillofacial surgery with isoflurane or halothane anaesthesia. No major changes were observed in hepatic enzymes or bilirubin. One-stage prothrombin time and Factor VII concentrations decreased on the first postoperative day and this change was more pronounced in the halothane group. The results support the use of isoflurane rather than halothane for prolonged anaesthesia in respect of the synthesising function of the liver.
''Plasma Phospholipid Transfer Protein (pltp) Is A Procoagulant Factor In Vivo''
International audience
Zusammenfassung der Diskussion: „Die Aufrechterhaltung der Narkose auf intravenösem Wege“
Final State Interaction Effects in 3He(e ,e'p)
Abstract Asymmetries in quasi-elastic 3 He ( e → , e ′ p ) have been measured at a momentum transfer of 0.67 (GeV/ c ) 2 and are compared to a calculation which takes into account relativistic kinematics in the final state and a relativistic one-body current operator. With an exact solution of the Faddeev equation for the 3 He -ground state and an approximate treatment of final state interactions in the continuum good agreement is found with the experimental data.
Rectal pH in children
In an attempt to establish normal values for rectal pH in children, we have measured pH in 100 paediatric patients. Measurement of rectal pH was performed in 25 infants and 75 children (27 girls and 73 boys) using a monocrystalline antimony electrode. Rectal pH was 9.6 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD, range 7.2 to 12.1) and was independent of sex, age and nutrition. This wide range of rectal pH values offers a possible explanation for the widely scattered bioavailability of drugs administered by the rectal route. Mean rectal pH was considerably higher than that reported for adults; this unexpected alkalinity should be taken into account, when drug formulations are considered for rectal administration …
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. T…