Figen ÇOk
Identity and future concerns among adolescents from Italy, Turkey and Germany: intra and between-cultural comparisons
The present study investigated stress perception and coping styles in 3259 Turkish, Italian, and German adolescents with a mean age of 14.97 years (SD = 1.74). The adolescents filled in self-report measures assessing stress perception and coping styles in two problem domains: future and identity. In order to allow for analyses of intra-country and inter-country variation, two subsamples were assessed per country. Results revealed that adolescents from all countries experienced future concerns as most stressful. Identity-related stressors showed a greater inter-country variation. However, intra-country variation in stress perception was much lower than variation in stress perception between …
Stress With Parents and Peers: How Adolescents From Six Nations Cope With Relationship Stress
This study investigated how 2000 adolescents from middle-class families in six countries perceived and coped with parent-related and peer-related stress. Adolescents from Costa Rica, Korea, and Turkey perceived parent-related stress to be greater than peer-related stress, whereas stress levels in both relationship types were similar in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Pakistan. Female adolescents predominantly reported higher levels of peer-related stress than male adolescents. Adolescents in all countries used negotiating and support-seeking to cope with relationship stress more often than emotional outlet or withdrawal. Withdrawal occurred more often to deal with parent-related than with …
All they need is love? Placing romantic stress in the context of other stressors: A 17-nation study
The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and future-related stressors in 8,654 adolescents with a mean age of M = 15.3; SD = 1.84. The adolescents from 17 countries were grouped into seven regions, i.e., Mid-Europe, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, South Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Future-related stressors were perceived as being more stressful than romantic stressors by all adolescents, irrespective of the region in which they lived. Identity-related stressors were of greater concern to adolescents from South Africa, South America, and the Middle East. Romantic stress was much higher in adolescents from Mid-…
Emerging Adults’ Psychopathology in Seven Countries: The Impact of Identity-Related Risk Factors
The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adults (M = 22.0 years; 66% female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland. Identity stress, coping with identity stress, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, and anxious rearing), and psychopathology (internalizing, externalizing, and total symptomatology) were assessed. After partialing out the influence of stress, coping, and perceived maternal behavior, country did no longer exert a significant effect on symptom scores. The effect for gender remained, as did an interaction between country and gender. Rather unexpected, on average, males reported higher i…
Psychopathologie bei Jugendlichen aus sieben Ländern: Welche Bedeutung hat die Kontrolle von Identitätsentwicklung und Familienbeziehungen?
Zusammenfassung. In dieser kulturvergleichenden Studie wurde der Einfluss von Geschlecht und Land auf die Symptombelastung von Jugendlichen untersucht, nachdem identitätsbezogene Faktoren kontrolliert wurden. In einer Stichprobe von 2259 Jugendlichen (M = 15.3 Jahre; 54 % weiblich) aus Frankreich, Deutschland, der Türkei, Griechenland, Peru, Pakistan und Polen wurde die Identitätsentwicklung und der mütterliche Erziehungsstil (Unterstützung, psychologische Kontrolle und ängstliches Monitoring) sowie die internalisierende und externalisierende Symptombelastung ermittelt. In einer Kovarianzanalyse wurde die Variation durch Land, Geschlecht und Alter sowie die Interaktion Land x Geschlecht un…