Klaus M. Keller
Aussagefähigkeit der Abdomenübersichtsaufnahme in der Differenzierung der Rotavirus-negativen und Rotavirus-positiven nekrotisierenden Enterokolitis
Clinical data and radiographic findings of 32 newborn suffering from necrotising enterocolitis were analysed [12 patients with rotavirus-positive necrotising enterocolitis (RV + NEC), 20 patients with rotavirus-negative necrotising enterocolitis (RV-NEC)]. The presence and degree of pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas and pneumoperitoneum on abdominal radiographs were graded after Kosloske et al. according to "mild, moderate, and severe". Pneumatosis intestinalis occurred twice as often in the ascending colon in RV-NEC compared to RV + NEC, whereas the transverse colon was involved nearly as frequently as the descending colon in both groups. Portal venous gas was present in 10% of t…
Differences in the clinical and radiologic patterns of rotavirus and non-rotavirus necrotizing enterocolitis
We analyzed retrospectively 32 successive infants who developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), 13 with rotavirus (RV) infection (RV+) and 19 RV-negative (RV-). All patients showed at least pneumatosis intestinalis. All patients except one had risk factors for perinatal asphyxia. Our study demonstrated significant differences between RV+ NEC and RV- NEC cases: RV+ NEC infants had a higher birth weight and were born at a later gestational age. Oral feeding was started earlier and symptoms developed later and more insidiously in RV+ patients than in RV- NEC babies. Radiology revealed a less severe and more distal colon involvement in RV+ NEC infants, whereas the RV- NEC patients mostly had s…
Rotavirus and non-rotavirus necrotizing enterocolitis
IgG, IgA, and IgE Antibodies to Cow Milk Proteins in an Allergy Prevention Study
In the last few years, several trials have been carried out to determine if certain feeding regimens in neonates prevent atopic diseases1–13. In our country, there is a continuing debate about nutritional supplementation of breast milk with hydrolysate formulas: in the first days of life should only newborns at allergy risk8,9,11,14, or should all newborns be fed only breast milk? This age is claimed to be an especially vulnerable period for a sensitization against foreign proteins because of intestinal immaturity and inexperienced gut-associated lymphoid tissue15. A prospective Danish study revealed cases of cow’s milk allergy only among those breastfed infants who had received cow’s milk …