T. Steiner
Zeitbasiertes Management des akuten Schlaganfalls
Progression in medical research and economic needs require new planning and organization of treatment strategies. This does also apply for stroke treatment: New pathophysiological knowledge, positive results of thrombolytic therapy and the demostrated importance of early treatment at Stroke Units justify that stroke must be regarded as an emergency. Timing is of utmost importance. Time-based management serves as a planning model for a new stroke treatment strategy. The treatment process is divided into three phases: alarming, pre-hospital and in-hospital phase. The effectiveness of each of these phases is influenced by several variables (personnel, technical equipment, course of the disease…
Schlaganfallversorgung in der Prähospitalphase
In westlichen Industrienationen ist der Schlaganfall die dritthaufigste Todesursache und die haufigste Ursache fur erworbene Behinderungen uberhaupt. Optimale Behandlungsbedingungen bestehen nur dann, wenn die Fruhsymptome des Schlaganfalls rechtzeitig erkannt werden und die Behandlung innerhalb von 3 h nach Einsetzen der Erstsymptome eingeleitet wird. Eine „Rettungskette des Schlaganfalls” muss deshalb Konzepte zur Fruherkennung, eine rasche prahospitale Versorgung gefolgt von effizienter Diagnostik und eine unmittelbar einsetzende Akuttherapie sinnvoll integrieren. Der vorliegende Beitrag hat zum Ziel, diesen Ansatz unter besonderer Berurcksichtigung der prahospitalen Phase darzustellen. …
Der Schlaganfall als medizinischer Notfall
Studies into the pathophysiology of acute ischaemic stroke have indicated that treatment options are likely to be optimised when early signs of stroke are recognised and treatment is initiated within 3 hours from symptom onset. For most patients there is a long delay between the onset of symptoms and the start of therapy. Many factors are responsible for this time delay: signs and symptoms often go unrecognised by patients, relatives and bystanders and stroke is not given a high priority by medical staff. Although a small number of stroke patients is treated as emergency and attended to by the emergency medical services within this time window, this number could easily be increased by inten…
ABSTRACT Background Study results demonstrated that IFN augments BEV activity and improves median PFS in pts with mRCC. Thus, combination BEV + IFN is a standard first-line treatment option for mRCC. Combining BEV with the mTOR inhibitor EVE may be an efficacious and well-tolerated treatment option. The open-label, phase II RECORD-2 trial compared first-line EVE + BEV and IFN + BEV in mRCC. Patients and methods: Therapy-naive pts with clear cell mRCC and prior nephrectomy were randomized 1:1 to BEV 10 mg/kg IV every 2 weeks with either EVE 10 mg oral daily or IFN (9 MIU SC 3 times/week, if tolerated). Tumour assessments were every 12 weeks. Primary objective was treatment effect on progress…