Carbonyl metallo immuno assay: a new application for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Abstract We describe here the development of a new, non-isotopic immunological assay termed CMIA (carbonyl metallo immunoassay) that uses metal carbonyl complexes as tracers and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) as the detection method. This assay is based on the particular spectral features of these complexes, which show very strong absorption bands in the 1800–2200 cm −1 spectral range where proteins and organic molecules do not absorb. In Section 1 , the optimisation of the quantitative detection of these tracers is detailed. In Section 2 , the implementation of mono-CMIA is described, including the CMIA assays of three antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phe…
Premier exemple de multi-immunodosage simultané de deux haptènes par la méthode CMIA (carbonyl metallo immunoassay)
Resume Nous avons recemment mis au point un nouvel immunodosage non isotopique, appele carbonyl metallo immunoassay (CMIA) qui utilise comme traceur des complexes organometalliques et comme methode de detection l'infrarouge a transformee de Fourier (IR-TF). Cet immunodosage a deja ete decrit pour un medicament antiepileptique, le phenobarbital et une hormone steroide endogene, le cortisol. Nous decrivons ici l'extension de ce dosage CMIA au cas de deux autres medicaments antiepileptiques, la diphenylhydantoine (DPH) et la carbamazepine (CBZ). Pour ces deux medicaments, nous avons tout d'abord synthetise des immunogenes specifiques qui nous ont permis d'obtenir des anticorps polyclonaux anti…
Production of specific antibodies and development of a non-isotopic immunoassay for carbamazepine by the carbonyl metallo-immunoassay (CMIA) method.
Abstract As part of our ongoing work to extend the range of applications of the non-isotopic carbonyl metalloimmunoassay (CMIA), previously developed in our laboratory, we describe here the first CMIA study of carbamazepine. The CMIA method uses a metal carbonyl complex as a non-isotopic tracer, and in this case we chose to employ the dicobalt hexacarbonyl moiety (Co2(CO)6) attached to an alkyne. Two organometallic tracers, 3 and 7 , were synthesized, differentiated by the nature and length of the spacer arm of the Co2(CO)6 moiety. Two different coupling methods were subsequently used to synthesize the immunogens 1 and 2, the first one used a carbodiimide, while the second, employed dimethy…
Quantitative analysis of mixtures of metal-carbonyl complexes by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: application to the simultaneous double immunoassay of antiepileptic drugs by the nonisotopic carbonyl metalloimmunoassay method.
Abstract The feasibility of a double immunoassay of haptens by the nonisotopic carbonyl metalloimmunoassay (CMIA) method is demonstrated. Three different pairings of antiepileptic medications from the groups carbamazepine, diphenylhydantoin, and phenobarbital (for each of which a mono-CMIA is already available) were assayed by double CMIA. The assay method employs as tracers metal–carbonyl complexes that give very strong signals in the range of 1850–2200 cm −1 in the infrared spectrum, permitting quantitative analysis by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The fact that the signals are individually assignable and of comparable intensity permits quantitative analysis of mixtures of two …