Roberto Bruzzone
Antiviral Properties of Chemical Inhibitors of Cellular Anti-Apoptotic Bcl-2 Proteins
Viral diseases remain serious threats to public health because of the shortage of effective means of control. To combat the surge of viral diseases, new treatments are urgently needed. Here we show that small-molecules, which inhibit cellular anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins (Bcl-2i), induced the premature death of cells infected with different RNA or DNA viruses, whereas, at the same concentrations, no toxicity was observed in mock-infected cells. Moreover, these compounds limited viral replication and spread. Surprisingly, Bcl-2i also induced the premature apoptosis of cells transfected with viral RNA or plasmid DNA but not of mock-transfected cells. These results suggest that Bcl-2i sensiti…
Identification and functional expression of HCx31.9, a novel gap junction gene
By combining in silico and bench molecular biology methods we have identified a novel human gap junction gene that encodes a protein designated HCx31.9. We have determined its human chromosomal location and gene structure, and we have identified a putative mouse ortholog, mCx30.2. We have observed the presence of HCx31.9 in human cerebral cortex, liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney and the presence of mCx30.2 in mouse cerebral cortex, liver and lung. Moreover, preliminary data on the electrophysiological properties of HCx31.9 have been obtained by functional expression in paired Xenopus oocytes and in transfected N2A cells.