Cato R. P. Bjørndal
Tablet as a digital tool in supervision of student teachers’ practical training
Published version. Source at http://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1891-943x-2016-04-02. License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. In the project “Tablets in Practicum Supervision”, the tablet has been tested as a tool for observation and supervision in Norwegian teacher education. The study incorporates 14 practicum supervision groups and focuses on how the use of tablets can influence the quality of the supervision and the coherence between teaching, observation and supervision. Throughout the supervision process, the groups have used tablets to produce and share texts, pictures and video recordings. The use of tablets has resulted in eight aspects of quality improvement: improved observations, stronger motivation…
Being a teacher and teacher educator : The antecedents of teacher educator identity among mentor teachers
Access and use by the CC-BY-NC-ND user license Although teachers’ professional identities have been the subject of extensive study, the field still lacks knowledge about the development of a professional identity for mentor teachers. These teachers take on multifaceted professional roles as teachers and teacher educators. In the present paper, we investigate the professional identity of mentor teachers partnered with two universities in Norway. The study adopts a quantitative approach and report on survey data from the mentor teachers. The results demonstrate that school climate, individual beliefs about the role, and university collaboration predict the development of a teacher educator id…
Lärarstudenter som aktörer i interaktiv observation och handledning: En studie om digitala redskap i VFU-handledning på övningsskolor
Source at https://doi.org/10.23865/hu.v8.1078. Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Syftet med denna artikel är att bidra med kunskap om hur digitala redskap kan påverka lärarstudenters deltagande i handledningsprocessen. Trots att lärarstudenter och handledare ofta befinner sig i digitala klassrumsmiljöer används digitala redskap endast i begränsad omfattning under handledningsprocessen. Med utgångspunkt i Wengers teori om lärande i en praktikgemenskap har lärarstudenter och handledare arbetat med stöd av digitala observationsunderlag. Processen har studerats på fyra övningsskolor. Information om studenternas erfarenheter av handledningen har samlats in via enkäter och fokusgruppsamtal. Resultatet vi…