Analysis of eIF4E gene sconfering resistance to Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) and other potyviruses in pea
Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) belongs among the most frequent viral pathogens causing severe losses in field pea and other legumes. These losses might be prevented by growth of resistant varieties. Resistance to the common P1 strain of PSbMV isconferred by a single recessive gene (eIF4E), localized on LG VI (sbm-1 locus), while to lentil L1 strainis localized on LGII atsbm-2locus. Gene-specific single nucleotide polymorphism and co-dominant amplicon length polymorphism markers were developed. From the comparison of genotype verses phenotype for selection of resistance/susceptibility in F2 plants, there was a 26% discrepancy between the PCR and ELISA-based assays with potentially susce…