A. Schwarting
Morbus Fabry, Glomerulonephritis mit Halbmondbildung und granulomat�se interstitielle Nephritis
Eine 26-jahrige Patientin wurde unter der Diagnose "Fieber unbekannter Ursache" und Nierenversagen aufgenommen. Mittels Nierenbiopsie, einschlieslich histologischer, immunhistochemischer und elektronenmikroskopischer Verfahren wurden neben einem Morbus Fabry, eine extrakapillar-proliferative Glomerulonephritis (mit Halbmondbildung) und granulomatose interstitielle Nephritis diagnostiziert. Der Bruder der Patientin hatte vor Jahren eine Nierenbiopsie mit der Diagnose einer metabolischen Storung. Die Nachbeurteilung dieser Nierenbiopsie zeigte auch hier Nierenveranderungen im Rahmen eines Morbus Fabry, wobei assoziiert eine tubulointerstitielle Nephritis vorlag. Nach unserer Kenntnis ist dies…
MALDI MS imaging as a powerful tool for investigating synovial tissue
To identify and image protein biomarker candidates in the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and patients with osteoarthritis (OA).A novel matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) technique was applied to the analysis of synovial tissue. Patients were classified according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for RA. Frozen sections were stained to obtain morphological data. Serial sections were desiccated, and spotted with matrix for MALDI analysis. Ions generated by laser irradiation of the tissue were separated in time, based on their m/z ratio, and were subsequently detected. IMS was used in a 'profiling…
Dynamic in vivo Imaging of Microvasculature and Perfusion by Miniaturized Confocal Laser Microscopy
<i>Introduction:</i> Microvasculature and associated pathologies mandate dynamic imaging. We evaluated a novel miniaturized confocal laser scanning probe for in vivo visualization of blood vessels, blood flow, cell tracking and perfusion in both healthy rodents and disease models.<i> Methods:</i> The hand-held confocal microscopy system allowed a 500- to 2,400-fold magnification at a dynamically variable imaging depth. Different intravital stains were used alone or in combination for tissue, nuclear, plasma and vascular endothelial cell staining and for blood flow visualization, and targeted staining for individual cell populations. <i>Results:</i> Precis…
Management and outcomes after multiple corneal and solid organ transplantations from a donor infected with rabies virus
BACKGROUND: This article describes multiple transmissions of rabies via transplanted solid organ from a single infected donor. The empirical Milwaukee treatment regimen was used in the recipients. METHODS: Symptomatic patients were treated by deep sedation (ketamine, midazolam, and phenobarbital), ribavirin, interferon, and active and passive vaccination. Viral loads and antibodies were continuously monitored. RESULTS: Recipients of both cornea and liver transplants developed no symptoms. The recipient of the liver transplant had been vaccinated approximately 20 years before transplantation. Two recipients of kidney and lung transplants developed rabies and died within days of symptomatic d…