Sergio Buenestado-serrano


Epidemiological, clinical and genomic snapshot of the first 100 B.1.1.7 SARS-CoV-2 cases in Madrid

A new SARS-CoV-2 variant, B.1.1.7, emerged in September in the UK, and is responsible for 76.6% of COVID-19 cases.1 This variant has also been reported in another 45 countries, 17 of them European.2,3 B.1.1.7 is considered to have higher transmissibility.4 It carries an unusually high number of specific mutations/deletions, 18, mostly non-synonymous and eight concentrate in the S gene,5 including several which might have relevant functional roles. The 69/70 deletion may be associated to immune response evasion6 and the N501Y substitution increases the affinity to the ACE2 receptor.7 These findings have raised the alarm of having to face a new variant with the potential to accelerate the spr…

research product

Proper assignation of reactivation in a COVID-19 recurrence initially interpreted as a reinfection

A 77-year-old-male (Case R) who had had a previous diagnosis of mild COVID-19 episode, was hospitalized 35 days later. On Day 23 post-admission, he developed a second COVID-19 episode, now severe, and finally died. Initially, Case R COVID-19 recurrence was interpreted as a reinfection due to the exposure to a SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR-positive room-mate. However, whole-genome-sequencing indicated that case R recurrence corresponded to a reactivation of the strain involved in his first episode. Case R reactivation had major consequences, leading to a more severe episode, and causing a subsequent transmission to another two hospitalized patients, one of them with fatal outcome.

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