J. Piquer
Differentiation between brain metastases and glioblastoma multiforme based on MRI, MRS and MRSI
Brain metastases and glioblastoma multiforme are the most aggressive and common brain tumours in adults and they require a different clinical management. Anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or clinical history, cannot always clearly distinguish between them. This study describes and verifies the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) in combination with MRI for differential diagnosis of glioblastomas and metastases. Feature selection methods are applied to the magnetic resonance (MR) spectra of 121 patients and relevant features are detected. Different classification methods are used to distinguish glioblastoma multiforme and…
Correlations of female steroid hormone receptors with histologic features in meningiomas.
A series of 39 samples were obtained from meningiomas in 28 patients in order to investigate the relationships of the oestrogen receptor (OER) and progesterone receptor (PR) with the tumoural subtype and some histological features. Twenty-one samples were positive (greater than 10 fmole/mg protein), 7 were OER-PR-negative, and 1 was positive in both receptors. Twenty-two samples were considered as syncitial, 7 transitional, 7 fibroblastic and 3 angioblastic. The histological subtype was not found to be significantly related to the presence or absence of PR. Relations were not observed between the progestin receptor and the following histological parameters: cellular pattern, cell density, n…
Fusingin vivoandex vivoNMR sources of information for brain tumor classification
In this study we classify short echo-time brain magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) data by applying a model-based canonical correlation analyses algorithm and by using, as prior knowledge, multimodal sources of information coming from high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS), MRSI and magnetic resonance imaging. The potential and limitations of fusing in vivo and ex vivo nuclear magnetic resonance sources to detect brain tumors is investigated. We present various modalities for multimodal data fusion, study the effect and the impact of using multimodal information for classifying MRSI brain glial tumors data and analyze which parameters influence the classification results…
MRS as Endogenous Molecular Imaging for Brain and Prostate Tumors: FP6 Project “eTUMOR“
Molecular imaging has become during the last years in an important tool for supporting cancer diagnosis and prognosis. PET and SPECT are the most common molecular imaging techniques, although very promising and specific biological molecular agent contrast for CT and MRI are being recently developed. However, the above imaging techniques require exogenous contrast agents and usually a sole molecular image can be obtained at once. On the contrary, in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), in particular 1H MRS can simultaneously provide several molecular images using endogenous metabolites. In addition to biochemical spatial information from molecular imaging spectroscopy, MRS can also pr…
1H and 13C HR-MAS spectroscopy of intact biopsy samples ex vivo and in vivo 1H MRS study of human high grade gliomas.
High-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been used to study intact glioblastoma (GBM) brain tumour tissue. The results were compared with in vitro chemical extract and in vivo spectra. The resolution of 1H one-dimensional, 1H TOCSY and 13C HSQC HR-MAS spectra is comparable to that obtained on perchloric extracts. 13C HSQC HR-MAS spectra have been particularly useful for the identification of 37 different metabolites in intact biopsy tumours, excluding water and DSS components. To our knowledge, this is the most detailed assignment of biochemical compounds obtained in intact human tissue, in particular…
Hematoma epidural cervical tras latigazo cervical
Se describe un hematoma epidural a nivel cervical en un varón de 43 años, tras un traumatismo menor tipo latigazo cervical. Su sintomatología inicial obligó a descartar patología cardiaca llegándose al diagnóstico tras estudio mediante resonancia nuclear magnética. El cuadro clínico parcial y no progresivo desaconsejó la cirugía, observándose su reabsorción con nuevo control de resonancia. Se realza una revisión de la bibliografía, señalándose las principales características de esta entidad poco frecuente. We repor a case of cervical epidural hematoma in a 43 year-old man, after soft-tissue cervical spine strain (known as a “whiplast”). At the beginnig, because previous presumptive cardiac …
Determination of metabolite concentrations in human brain tumour biopsy samples using HR-MAS and ERETIC measurements.
Accurate determination of the concentration of the metabolites contained in intact human biopsies of 10 glioblastoma multiforme samples was achieved using one-dimensional 1H high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR combined with ERETIC™ (electronic reference to in vivo concentrations) measurements. The amount of sample used ranged from 6.8 to 12.9 mg. Metabolite concentrations were measured in each sample using two methods: with DSS (2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate sodium salt) as an internal reference and with ERETIC™ as an external electronically generated reference. The ERETIC™ signal was shown to be highly reproducible and did not affect the spectral quality. The concent…