Walter Reinhard
Magnetic imaging of a late Bronze Age tumulus in France before and during excavation
Geophysical surveying is taking place in the Chatillon-sur-Seine area in France to examine and map prehistoric settlements and the structure of tumuli (grave-mounds which originally reached a height of up to 5 m but which are now almost level). The magnetic survey discussed here was conducted to detect archaeological structures within a late La Tene (100-50 bce) necropolis, in particular the preexcavation recording of a late Bronze Age round barrow. During the excavation, additional surveys were carried out to analyze the influence of immediate subsurface soil layers on the magnetic anomalies originating from the deeper archaeological features. Additional radar surveys made use of a 500 MHz…
Entre l’État et la chefferie simple : le complexe aristocratique de Vix/le mont Lassois
International audience
New archaeological discoveries through magnetic gradiometry: The early Celtic settlement on Mont Lassois, France
The burial complex of the “Lady of Vix” was discovered and excavated in the 1950s at the foot of Mont Lassois (Figure 1), a mountain situated close to the town of Chatillion-sur-Seine in the Bourgogne region of France. The assemblage of the burial goods was rather extraordinary, including such items as an artfully crafted golden necklace with winged horses and a voluminous wine-mixing vessel, probably made in a Greek workshop, capable of holding 1100 liters. According to archaeological research, this member of the aristocracy must have lived during the period between 550 and 500 BCE. Several large-scale geophysical research projects were undertaken in the vicinity of the burial complex duri…
La stratégie de recherche sur le complexe aristocratique de Vix/Le mont Lassois
National audience
Synthèse : interprétation architecturale du bâtiment à abside et fonctions
L'environnement du bâtiment : Un dépôt céramique du Bronze final IIIb (fait 11)
L'organisation spatiale du plateau Saint-Marcel: Un habitat urbanisé de la fin du premier âge du Fer
La partie médiane et la façade à antes du grand bâtiment absidial
Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von Vix
International audience; The Lead Weight from the Courtyard of the Lady of VixThe Mont Lassois near Vix, Dép. Côte d’Or, as well as the Heuneburg, counts as one of the best researched princelyseats in the early Celtic western Hallstatt zone. In 1953 the late Hallstatt grave of Vix was discovered. The old excavations(1930-1974) have been reactivated by the German-French research project »Celtic Princely Seats West of theRhine« (1991-1997) and the French PCR-project (Projet collectif de recherche) »Vix and its Environment« (since 2002)with the participation of the universities of Dijon, Kiel, Vienna and Zurich. During the investigation of the late Hallstattcourtyard of the Lady of Vix on the h…
Le bâtiment palatial du mont Saint-Marcel : the House of the rising sun
L’enclos aux grands bâtiments absidiaux : campagnes de fouilles de 2008 à 2012.
International audience
Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von Vix auf dem Hochplateau des Mont Lassois.
Das Bleigewicht aus dem Hofareal der Fürstin von VixDer Mont Lassois bei Vix, Dép. Côte d’Or, zählt neben der Heuneburg zu den am besten erforschten Fürstensitzen imfrühkeltischen Westhallstattkreis. 1953 wurde das späthallstattzeitliche Fürstinnengrab von Vix entdeckt. Im Rahmendes deutsch-französischen Forschungsprojektes »Keltische Fürstensitze westlich des Rheins« (1991-1997) und desfranzösischen PCR-Projektes (Projet collectif de recherche) »Vix et son environnement« (seit 2002) mit Beteiligungder Universitäten Dijon, Kiel, Wien und Zürich wurden die Altgrabungen (1930-1974) wieder aufgenommen. Bei derUntersuchung des späthallstattzeitlichen Hofareals der Fürstin von Vix auf dem Hochpl…
Les fouilles du site du Breuil : un habitat du hallstatt final en bordure de Seine à Vix
International audience