Stefan Schaefer


Charm quark mass and D-meson decay constants from two-flavour lattice QCD

We present a computation of the charm quark's mass and the leptonic D-meson decay constants f_D and f_{D_s} in two-flavour lattice QCD with non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson quarks. Our analysis is based on the CLS configurations at two lattice spacings (a=0.065 and 0.048 fm, where the lattice scale is set by f_K) and pion masses ranging down to ~ 190 MeV at L*m_pi > 4, in order to perform controlled continuum and chiral extrapolations with small systematic uncertainties.

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Remarks on strange-quark simulations with Wilson fermions

Physical review / D 102(7), 074506 (1-10) (2020). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.102.074506

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Multi-boson block factorization of fermions

The numerical computations of many quantities of theoretical and phenomenological interest are plagued by statistical errors which increase exponentially with the distance of the sources in the relevant correlators. Notable examples are baryon masses and matrix elements, the hadronic vacuum polarization and the light-by-light scattering contributions to the muon g-2, and the form factors of semileptonic B decays. Reliable and precise determinations of these quantities are very difficult if not impractical with state-of-the-art standard Monte Carlo integration schemes. I will review a recent proposal for factorizing the fermion determinant in lattice QCD that leads to a local action in the g…

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Hadronic Contributions to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon from Lattice QCD

The Standard Model of Particle Physics describes three of the four known fundamental interactions: the strong interaction between quarks and gluons, the electromagnetic interaction, and the weak interaction. While the Standard Model is extremely successful, we know that it is not a complete description of nature. One way to search for physics beyond the Standard Model lies in the measurement of precision observables. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon \(a_\mu \equiv \frac{1}{2}(g-2)_\mu \), quantifying the deviation of the gyromagnetic ratio from the exact value of 2 predicted by the Dirac equation, is one such precision observable. It exhibits a persistent discrepancy of 3.5 standar…

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CLS 2+1 flavor simulations at physical light-and strange-quark masses

We report recent efforts by CLS to generate an ensemble with physical light- and strange-quark masses in a lattice volume of 192x96^3 at $\beta=3.55$ corresponding to a lattice spacing of 0.064 fm. This ensemble is being generated as part of the CLS 2+1 flavor effort with improved Wilson fermions. Our simulations currently cover 5 lattice spacings ranging from 0.039 fm to 0.086 fm at various pion masses along chiral trajectories with either the sum of the quark masses kept fixed, or with the strange-quark mass at the physical value. The current status of simulations is briefly reviewed, including a short discussion of measured autocorrelation times and of the main features of the simulation…

research product

Excited nucleons with chirally improved fermions

We study positive and negative parity nucleons on the lattice using the chirally improved lattice Dirac operator. Our analysis is based on a set of three operators chi_i with the nucleon quantum numbers but in different representations of the chiral group and with different diquark content. We use a variational method to separate ground state and excited states and determine the mixing coefficients for the optimal nucleon operators in terms of the chi_i. We clearly identify the negative parity resonances N(1535) and N(1650) and their masses agree well with experimental data. The mass of the observed excited positive parity state is too high to be interpreted as the Roper state. Our results …

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