

Multi-boson block factorization of fermions

Marco CèStefan SchaeferLeonardo GiustiLeonardo GiustiLeonardo Giusti


High Energy Physics::Latticeaction: local01 natural sciencesHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)Vacuum polarizationcorrelation functionQuantum Chromodynamics Lattice gauge theory Computational PhysicsMonte CarloBosonPhysicsform factorPhysicsHigh Energy Physics - Lattice (hep-lat)lattice field theoryPropagatorpropagator [quark]hep-phParticle Physics - Latticestatistical [error]Lattice QCDFIS/02 - FISICA TEORICA MODELLI E METODI MATEMATICIHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenologyerror: statisticalquark: factorizationquark: propagatorMonte Carlo integrationQuarkParticle physicsQC1-999fermion: determinantdeterminant [fermion]FOS: Physical scienceshep-latbaryon: massHigh Energy Physics - LatticeFactorization0103 physical sciencesmagnetic moment [muon]hadronic [vacuum polarization]010306 general physicsnumerical calculationsParticle Physics - Phenomenologymuon: magnetic moment010308 nuclear & particles physicsvacuum polarization: hadronicHigh Energy Physics::Phenomenologyphoton photon: scatteringB: decaylocal [action]Fermiondecay [B]mass [baryon]scattering [photon photon]gauge field theoryHigh Energy Physics::Experimentfactorization [quark]


The numerical computations of many quantities of theoretical and phenomenological interest are plagued by statistical errors which increase exponentially with the distance of the sources in the relevant correlators. Notable examples are baryon masses and matrix elements, the hadronic vacuum polarization and the light-by-light scattering contributions to the muon g-2, and the form factors of semileptonic B decays. Reliable and precise determinations of these quantities are very difficult if not impractical with state-of-the-art standard Monte Carlo integration schemes. I will review a recent proposal for factorizing the fermion determinant in lattice QCD that leads to a local action in the gauge field and in the auxiliary boson fields. Once combined with the corresponding factorization of the quark propagator, it paves the way for multi-level Monte Carlo integration in the presence of fermions opening new perspectives in lattice QCD. Exploratory results on the impact on the above mentioned observables will be presented.
