Laura A. Fast
Inhibition of tetraspanin functions impairs human papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus infections
Tetraspanins are suggested to regulate the composition of cell membrane components and control intracellular transport, which leaves them vulnerable to utilization by pathogens such as human papillomaviruses (HPV) and cytomegaloviruses (HCMV) to facilitate host cell entry and subsequent infection. In this study, by means of cellular depletion, the cluster of differentiation (CD) tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD151 were found to reduce HPV16 infection in HeLa cells by 50 to 80%. Moreover, we tested recombinant proteins or peptides of specific tetraspanin domains on their effect on the most oncogenic HPV type, HPV16, and HCMV. We found that the C-terminal tails of CD63 and CD151 significantly i…
Tetraspanins in infections by human cytomegalo- and papillomaviruses
Members of the tetraspanin family have been identified as essential cellular membrane proteins in infectious diseases by nearly all types of pathogens. The present review highlights recently published data on the role of tetraspanin CD151, CD81, and CD63 and their interaction partners in host cell entry by human cytomegalo- and human papillomaviruses. Moreover, we discuss a model for tetraspanin assembly into trafficking platforms at the plasma membrane. These platforms might persist during intracellular viral trafficking.