Kristine Saleniece

Betulin binds to melanocortin receptors and antagonizes alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone induced cAMP generation in mouse melanoma cells.

Betulin is a principal component of birch bark and is known to possess a broad range of biological activities, including antiinflammatory, antiviral and anticancer actions. The present study was carried out in vitro to clarify the influence of betulin on melanocortin (MC) receptor-ergic signalling by using COS-7 cells transfected with corresponding human MC receptor DNA. The results showed that betulin binds to the human melanocortin MC1, three to five receptors with selectivity to the MC1 subtype (K(i) value 1.022 +/- 0.115 microM). Betulin binds to the MC receptors with the following potency order-MC > MC3 > MC5 > MC4. Betulin itself does not stimulate cAMP generation, however, it slightl…

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Antioxidative, hypoglycaemic and hepatoprotective properties of five Vaccinium spp. berry pomace extracts

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Detection of the lunasin peptide in oats (Avena sativa L)

We report the first discovery of lunasin in oats (Avena sativa L). Lunasin is a novel cancer preventive, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-reducing peptide originally isolated from soy and later found in cereals (barley, rye, wheat, triticale). Lunasin was detected in oats using LC–MS/MS analysis. The chromatograms and mass spectra of lunasin isolated from five oat genotypes were compared with those of the synthetic lunasin peptide. We measured the lunasin content in harvests of two years and found that all tested oat genotypes contained the lunasin peptide. However, we observed genotype-related fluctuations in the lunasin content. Notably, the middle early oat variety ‘Ivory’ contained the…

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Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Juice Exerts an Anticonvulsant Effect in Mice through Binding to GABA Receptors

Naturally occurring benzodiazepines have been identified in regular food such as wheat and potato, but there is still no evidence that potato extracts can affect CNS responses in vivo. Here we found that undiluted potato juice and potato juice diluted with saline 1 : 2 administered 10 min intracisternally ( I. C.) and 30 min per os before bicuculline exerted significant anticonvulsant activity in the bicuculline-induced seizure threshold test in mice. In vitro, potato juice from different harvests at dilution series from 10 % to 0.000001 %, diluted 100,000-fold, displaced 50 % of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor ligand [ (3)H]GABA and diluted 40-fold displaced 50 % of [(3)H]flunitraz…

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Betulin binds to gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors and exerts anticonvulsant action in mice.

The lupane type pentacyclic triterpenes: lupeol, betulin, and betulinic acid are widely distributed natural compounds. Recently, pharmaceutical compositions from plant extracts (family Marcgraviaceae) containing betulinic acid, have been patented as anxiolytic remedies. To extend our knowledge of the CNS effects of the triterpenes, we suggest here that the chemically related lupeol, betulin and betulinic acid may interact with the brain neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in vitro and in vivo. Using radioligand receptor-binding assay, we showed that only betulin bound to the GABA(A)-receptor sites in mice brain in vitro and antagonised the GABA(A)-receptor antagonist b…

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