Nathalie Mons
Caractéristiques des systèmes éducatifs et compétences des jeunes de 15 ans: l'éclairage des comparaisons entre pays
International audience
Inégalités sociales entre élèves et organisation des systèmes éducatifs. Quelques enseignements de l'enquête PISA
International audience
Doit-on sélectionner ou former les élites scolaires ? Une comparaison internationale des politiques éducatives
This article aims to provide a starting point for reflection about the conditions required for building up an academic elite in mandatory school systems, through international quantitative evaluation.The academic elite are defined, here, not in terms of the educational level they have reached, but through the skills levels attained: the proportion of students who have reached, in each country, the highest level of skill on the main section of the PISA 2000 test. After setting out the theoretical framework, it provides analysis showing that amongst the societal factors, once a certain level of economic development has been exceeded, the size of the academic elite population is much more a fu…
: National contexts, organisation of educational systems and inequalities between pupils : the PISA enquiry contribution
This paper, after having described both mean scores and dispersion of the different countries integrated in PISA last study, put together those "products" with economic and cultural characteristics of the countries considered. It explores also the relationship between the pupils'scores and some institutional characteristicis of the educational systems. Results show that pupils'scores follow some geographical patterns, and also that some relations exist between scores and some institutional or pedagogical practices such as repeating or tracking.