Patricia Roux
Procesos sociocognitivos de la influencia minoritaria
ResumenSe presenta un experimento (plan 2x2x2; N = 180) en el que se estudia la influencia directa e indirecta de una minoria en funcion: a) del grado de conflicto inducido por la retorica minoritaria; b) de si los jucicios mayoritarios son independientes o interdependientes; c) de las implicaciones altas o bajas del cambio de actitudes. Los resultados muestran que, como previsto por el modelo de la disociacion de la comparacion y de la validacion, cuando los juicios son efectuados de modo independiente, la influencia aumenta en funcion directa del conflicto inducido por la retorica minoritaria.Esta influencia se inhibe a nivel directo y se desplaza hacia un nivel indirecto en la condicione…
Independence and interdependence of group judgments: Xenophobia and minority influence
A first experiment examined the effects of two methods of dividing resources between Swiss nationals and foreign residents in a study involving 118 subjects. Subjects gave judgments involving either interdependent allocation (resources allocated to the outgroup cannot be allocated to the ingroup) or independent allocation. The results indicated that the socio-cognitive functioning preferred by subjects varies as a function of their view of outsiders. Interdependence of judgments was more characteristic of the most xenophobic subjects, whereas the least xenophobic were more likely to reason in terms of independence. On the other hand, intermediate subjects (those who were clearly neither for…