Gianluca Gambarini
Differences in cyclic fatigue lifespan between two different heat treated NiTi endodontic rotary instruments: WaveOne Gold vs EdgeOne Fire
Background Aim of this study is to investigate the cyclic fatigue resistance of the Gold treated WaveOne Gold and the Firewire treated EdgeOne Fire instruments. The null hypotesis was that there were no differences between the lifespan of Gold treated and FireWire treated instruments when subjected to cyclic fatigue tests. Material and Methods 40 new NiTi instruments with a length of 25 mm were tested: 20 Wave One Gold Medium (WOG), tip size 35 and variable taper (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and 20 Edge One Fire (EOF) (EdgeEndo, Albuquerque, New Mexico) tip size 35 and the same variable taper. A mobile support for the electric handpiece and a stainless-steel block containin…
Symmetry of root and root canal morphology of mandibular incisors: A cone-beam computed tomography study
Background Aim of this study was to analyze the root canal configuration in mandibular central and lateral incisors in vivo using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging. Material and methods A total of 487 mandibular central incisors and 491 mandibular lateral incisors from 250 patients were examined using CBCT imaging, previously taken for diagnosis and treatment. The number of roots, root canal system configuration, presence of apical confluences, distance between confluences and radiographic root end, symmetry between left and right elements were recorded and statistically analyzed. Results All the examined teeth presented only one root. No significant differences were found betwee…
A comparative study of mechanical resistance of two reciprocating files
Background To evaluate the cyclic fatigue resistance of two different Nickel-Titanium instruments, Reziflow (Komet, Brasseler GmbH & Co., Lemgo, Germany) and WaveOne Gold (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). Material and Methods Two groups of 20 different NiTi endodontic instruments of identical tip size of 0.25 mm were tested; Reziflow and Wave-One Gold primary. Cyclic fatigue testing was performed in a stainless steel simulated root canal manufactured by reproducing the instrument’s size and taper. A simulated root canal with a 90 degrees angle of curvature and 5 mm radius of curvature was constructed for the instruments tested. The centre of the curvature was 5 mm from the tip …
Modulo sperimentale di registrazione delle procedure diagnostiche e terapeutiche in ambito odontostomatologico
Riassunto Obiettivi Scopo del lavoro e presentare un repository (Italian Recording for the Appropriate Management of Odontoiatric Patient, IRAMOP) per la registrazione delle prestazioni odontoiatriche effettuate sui pazienti afferenti a cinque sedi universitarie italiane relativamente alle specialita ortodontiche, chirurgiche, implantologiche, parodontali ed endodontiche. Materiali e metodi Si descrivono i singoli percorsi clinici programmati indicando nel dettaglio procedure, strumenti e farmacoterapia associata. I vari operatori nelle proprie sedi, attenendosi alle recenti raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia pubblicate dal Ministero della Salute, avranno la possibilita di regis…