Silvia Sanz Blas
Key Drivers of Internet Banking Adoption
The objective of this chapter is to provide students and managers with a holistic view into the different factors that influence online banking adoption and to use the study’s findings to develop strategies for managers on how to maximize the rate of Internet banking adoption. Research done with a sample size of 450 Spanish Internet users, has highlighted that Internet banking adoption is more likely in young, highly educated and high-income consumers. Internet affinity, online use experience and some perceived benefits are also key drivers of online financial services pur chase decision-making. Perceived financial, social and psychological risk negatively influences the use of online-banki…
El Profesor universitario y su función docente
La labor del profesorado es clave para desarrollar el nuevo modelo educativo. Al profesor, le corresponde iniciar tanto la función educativa que introduzca y forme al alumno en la disciplina técnica objeto de estudio, como la función formativa, tendente a preparar al estudiante para desenvolverse debidamente tanto en el terreno profesional como humano. Así, el profesor debe potenciar la orientación al aprendizaje de sus alumnos, realizar un seguimiento cercano de la evolución de sus habilidades y conocimientos corrigiendo, en caso necesario, las posibles desviaciones. Debe desarrollar planes formativos para conseguir una profundización en el tratamiento de las competencias, en su evaluación…
The impact of television dependency on teleshopping adoption
PurposeTo analyse key drivers of television dependency and its impact on teleshopping adoption.Design/methodology/approachThe applicability of the media dependency scale is tested in the Spanish market. The impact of demographics, television exposure and television affinity on television dependency is analysed together with behavioural changes deriving from television dependency (willingness to teleshopping).FindingsData analysis shows that the media dependency scale needs to be adapted to the Spanish market and Spanish televiewers show intermediate levels of television dependency. Dependent televiewers are mainly mature, feel high‐television affinity and have high levels of exposure as tel…
Teleshopping adoption by Spanish consumers
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to analyse key drivers of teleshopping adoption.Design/methodology/approachThe impact of demographics, televiewing behaviour, non‐store shopping previous experience and attitude to teleshopping in present and future teleshopping decisions is analysed in the paper.FindingsData analysis shows that attitude towards teleshopping and teleshopping genre exposure are the main predictors of teleshopping behaviour, while consumer attitude towards teleshopping and previous experience as user of non‐store shopping channels (catalogue and television) are the most relevant factors influencing future teleshopping intention.Practical implicationsThis research enables co…
La venta por televisión : propuiesta de un modelo de relaciones con el medio televisivo
RESUMENEl objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los factores que influyen en el uso de buscadores y su incidencia en el comportamiento de compra en Internet. El análisis de resultados obtenidos a partir de una muestra representativa de 485 compradores por Internet españoles, pone de manifiesto que los consumidores que consideran la comodidad, reducciones de precio y amplitud de surtido como motivaciones relevantes para realizar compras online presentan una mayor predisposición al uso de buscadores en la realización de sus compras virtuales. La experiencia como internauta y como comprador en Internet son factores que influyen negativamente en el uso de buscadores para la realización de c…
Dependency in consumer media relations: an application to the case of teleshopping
This paper analyses the teleshopping issue in terms of the Media Dependency Theory. The objective is to verify whether dependency relations between television shoppers and the television medium and television shopping are key variables to explain watching and buying behaviour. A model is proposed that integrates the dependency-viewing-purchase relation, tested on a sample of Spanish television shoppers. The results of the study confirm the direct relationship between the antecedents of dependency, dependency and future intentions of behaviour. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Relationships among residents' image, evaluation of the stay and post-purchase behaviour
Scholars have approached the analysis of the host community from a supply perspective rather than a demand one. This paper focuses on the study of residents when acting as tourists in their own region. In this sense, the present work aims to fill the gap existing in the literature about residents' tourist behaviour, analysing the influence of the image of their province on their evaluation of their travel experience and their future behaviour intentions. To accomplish this objective, a path analysis is carried out to test jointly the set of relationships among image, perceived quality, satisfaction, intention to return and willingness to recommend.
Análisis comparativo del discurso sobre Innovación Disruptiva en los medios de comunicación y la literatura académica
[EN] This study aims to compare the media discourse on the disruptive innovation phenomenon with the academic literature published on that topic. For this purpose, 864 news articles referring to disruptive innovation were retrieved from the international news database Factiva. In addition, 161 academic papers including the term “disruptive innovation” were found on the Core collection of Web of Science published from 2004 until 2019. The automatic content analysis of the data will be carried out with the text-mining software Leximancer. The expected contribution of the study is related to uncovering how the media, in its role of agenda-setter and facilitator of the adoption of disruptive in…
Crowding y Overtourism en la literatura de turismo y cruceros
[EN] The purpose of this article is to make a small analysis of the situation of Crowding and Overtourism literature in the tourism sector. In addition, the paper makes a special review of this literature with emphasis on cruise ship literature. Using the Web of Science as a basis, the study makes a brief bibliometric analysis of this literature. The purpose is to know the state of the art and main trends in this literature. In addition, the work aims to lay the foundations for a subsequent in-depth analysis of this literature. The work has implications for researchers, as it analyses gaps in the literature and new future trends. In addition, the work can help professionals to observe new p…
Does social climate influence positive eWom? A study of heavy-users on online communities
This paper provides a deeper understanding of the role of social influences on positive eWOM behaviour (PeWOM) of heavy-users of online communities. Drawing on Social Interaction Utility Framework, Group Marketing and Social Learning Theories, we develop and test a research model integrating the interactions between the social climate of a website and Interpersonal Influences in PeWOM. 262 Spanish heavy-users of online communities were selected and the data analysed using partial least squares equation modelling. Overall, the model explains 59% of the variance of PeWOM on online communities. Findings reveal that interaction with other members of the online community (Social Presence) is the…
Aplicaciones publicitarias para móvil: conocimiento, actitudes, motivos de uso y valoración por parte de los adolescentes españoles
La publicidad móvil ha ido captando la atención de los anunciantes en los últimos años convirtiéndose en un sector emergente de la actividad publicitaria actual. Fruto de este interés, y del propio dinamismo del sector, los anunciantes han ido experimentando con numerosas estrategias y herramientas, desde los SMS y MMS hasta el bluetooth o los códigos QR, con el objetivo de ser más eficaces a la hora de desarrollar sus comunicaciones de marketing. Las aplicaciones publicitarias para móviles son la penúltima de las herramientas que el medio pone a disposición de los anunciantes. El exponencial crecimiento en el uso de aplicaciones para móviles por parte de los usuarios parece augurar un buen…
La influencia de la dependencia del medio en el comercio electrónico B2C. Propuesta de un modelo integrador aplicado a la intención de compra futura en Internet
ResumenEn el presente trabajo se evalúa la aplicabilidad del modelo de aceptación de la tecnología (TAM) para explicar la intención de compra de los internautas a través de la Red. Dicho modelo se completa con la introducción de una variable que ha recibido poca atención en el campo del B2C, la dependencia del internauta del medio Internet, dando lugar a un modelo integrador con mejor capacidad explicativa que el TAM clásico. Dado el carácter formativo del constructo «dependencia» el análisis se realiza mediante la técnica de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). Del análisis de los resultados obtenidos de una muestra de 465 internautas no compradores españoles, se comprueba que el modelo TAM …
Motivators and Inhibitors of Distance Learning Courses Adoption
The main aim of this chapter is to present an in-depth study of the factors influencing asynchronous distance learning courses purchase decision. We analyse the impact of relations with the Internet, distance course considerations, and perceived shopping risk on the decision to do an online training course. A convenience sample of 111 students attending classroom-taught postgraduate and management training programmes were used in March 2005 to obtain the information necessary to test in the Spanish market the conceptual model proposed by applying logistical regression. The results show that perceived course utility, lack of mistrust in the organising institution (service considerations), an…
Explaining Internet dependency
PurposeTo analyse key drivers of Internet dependency and its impact on willingness to purchase online.Design/methodology/approachThe applicability of the media dependency scale is tested in the Spanish market. The impact of demographics, Internet exposure, online experience and Internet affinity on Internet dependency is analysed together with behavioural changes deriving from Internet dependency (willingness to purchase online).FindingsData analysis shows that the media dependency scale needs to be adapted to the Spanish market and Spanish Internet users show intermediate levels of Internet dependency. Dependent users are mainly young, highly‐educated, feel Internet affinity and have high …
Comparison Shopping Behaviour in Online Environments
The aim of this chapter is to analyse antecedents of search engines use as prepurchase information tools. Firstly, there is a literature review of the factors influencing search engines use in online purchases. Then, there is an empirical analysis of a sample of 650 Spanish E-shoppers. Logistical regression is used to analyse the influence of demographics, surfing behaviour and purchase motivations on willingness to use search engines for E-shopping. Data analysis shows that experience as Internet user and as Internet shopper are negative key drivers of search engine use. Most of the utilitarian shopping motivations analyzed predict comparison shopping behaviour. Demographics are not determ…
Implicaciones del turismo masivo en un destino de cruceros
[EN] One of the types of tourism that can generate greater problems of overtourism is cruise ship tourism, given the large number of people who disembark at a port of call to visit the destination. For this reason, the present study aims to analyze the perception of massification among cruise ship tourists visiting an important Mediterranean port of call and how it influences their satisfaction with their visit. To this end, using structural equation models and from a sample of cruise ship passengers, the model proposed in this study is tested. The results indicate that of the two typologies of massification analysed, it is spatial massification that contributes most to the perception of to…
Análisis de los factores determinantes del uso de mensajes SMS para participar en programas de televisión
[ES] El envío de mensajes cortos a programas, anuncios o concursos de televisión se ha convertido hoy en día en una fuente importante de ingresos tanto para los operadores de telefonía móvil como para las cadenas y productoras televisivas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar cómo contribuye la actitud y la relación individuo-medio en que el telespectador utilice este servicio de mensajería para participar en los programas televisivos. Los resultados ponen de relieve que tanto la compatibilidad del individuo con el servicio como el entretenimiento percibido al participar en este tipo de programas y la actitud hacia el uso son factores determinantes de la utilización del servicio. [E…