Kerstin M. Galler
Inflammatory Response Mechanisms of the Dentine–Pulp Complex and the Periapical Tissues
The macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the oral cavity is complex and unique in the human body. Soft-tissue structures are in close interaction with mineralized bone, but also dentine, cementum and enamel of our teeth. These are exposed to intense mechanical and chemical stress as well as to dense microbiologic colonization. Teeth are susceptible to damage, most commonly to caries, where microorganisms from the oral cavity degrade the mineralized tissues of enamel and dentine and invade the soft connective tissue at the core, the dental pulp. However, the pulp is well-equipped to sense and fend off bacteria and their products and mounts various and intricate defense mechanisms. The fron…
The colocalizations of pulp neural stem cells markers with dentin matrix protein-1, dentin sialoprotein and dentin phosphoprotein in human denticle (pulp stone) lining cells
Abstract Background The primary dentin, secondary dentin, and reactive tertiary dentin are formed by terminal differentiated odontoblasts, whereas atubular reparative tertiary dentin is formed by odontoblast-like cells. Odontoblast-like cells differentiate from pulpal stem cells, which express the neural stem cell markers nestin, S100β, Sox10, and P0. The denticle (pulp stone) is an unique mineralized extracellular matrix that frequently occurs in association with the neurovascular structures in the dental pulp. However, to date, the cellular origin of denticles in human dental pulp is unclear. In addition, the non-collagenous extracellular dentin matrix proteins dentin matrix protein 1 (DM…
Inflammation in the Human Periodontium Induces Downregulation of the α1- and β1-Subunits of the sGC in Cementoclasts
Nitric oxide (NO) binds to soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), activates it in a reduced oxidized heme iron state, and generates cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (cGMP), which results in vasodilatation and inhibition of osteoclast activity. In inflammation, sGC is oxidized and becomes insensitive to NO. NO- and heme-independent activation of sGC requires protein expression of the &alpha